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I may be the son of a WW II veteran who hated the Japanese, Germans, Italians and Russians with equal vigor, but I have to say the modern day Japs have it right!
Damn RRRacistsss!
@Contempt: According the wizards of smart in the Leftard community (those with Forest Gump I.Q.s of 70 or less) if you are white – you are a racist.
Therefore, you must go thru life with the black man on your back – and take care of his every whim.
I love Japan – pretty much everything about it, even their crowded cities (126,323,715 people in a country ’bout the size of California).
I love their work ethic and their attitude toward life, their simplicity and how elegant and feminine the women can be. I respect the fact that they have always wanted to be left alone – Japan is for the Japanese – and despite the fact that the west has tried hard to destroy them, they have held on to their culture and traditions and have managed to stay one of the most homogeneous countries in the world (with the oldest ruling family in history of the world) – their attitude to foreigners does not surprise me… I can see them returning to isolationism again with out a problem – except for the small problem of food and fuel… they did bounce back after the war, despite the reparations and taxes they had to pay and became a rich country – just like Germany… but no, I don’t think the world will push refugees on the Japanese without a fight… and that has to be respected – any country that fights hard to just be left alone and hold onto their traditions and culture has my respect.
oh… some images of why I like Japan –
and –
I was amazed at certain facets of Japan as reported to me by an exchange student upon her return to OZ.
In particular I was struck by the utter lack of street crime. Apparently vendors routinely leave their displays in places they can’t see them directly with no fear whatsoever of pilferage.
Japan is a strange and beautiful country Bo – you could be there for twenty years and still not understand why they do the things they do… there is crime, just not how we see or understand crime as westerners… after all, there is the Yakuza there… and of course there are criminals, but the Japanese police will beat a confession out of you guilty or not… that could be one thing…
I had never seen it but I had been told that the Japanese hang lost wallet on the nearest fence for the owner to find – plus it is still a very formal culture… and I have always found the more formal the culture and the more polite it is – especially among their own – the more conservative, traditional and safer they are… but it could just be the way i see it.
Civilisation all but hinges on the willingness of a man to shave in the morning.
No individual raindrop considers itself responsible for the flood, just as no bogan wearing pyjama pants to the supermarket considers themselves responsible for the downfall of society.
I am a lover of Japanese Art.
Me too.
“any country that fights hard to just be left alone and hold onto their traditions and culture has my respect.”
If a people have a clear idea of their identity, it is much harder for the State to change the fabric of their society through immigration.
Oh yes. Which is why, of course, the “march through the institutions” started with the education systems.
If Japan can hold it together long enough for its elderly demographic “bulge” to pass on through, there will be more living space and opportunities for Japanese youth to have larger families 30 years from now.
Japan is in uncharted territory, but they are attempting to stabilize their population to a sustainable level (whatever that will be). It’s going to be painful, but at least the children of tomorrow will also be Japanese. The same may not apply to Albion.
“..but at least the children of tomorrow will also be Japanese. The same may not apply to Albion.”
The same almost certainly will not unless there’s a massive Europe-wide uprising.
Speaking of Japan being low crime – I understand in America – often called the “Wild West” because of our large gun owning population – if you subtract the black crime stats – and look at Euro crime rate only – you will discover in the white districts a low crime rate as well.
Yep. The FBI crime stats demonstrate that.
I love the predominant Japanese diet. I would eat fish all the time if it was readily available hence the Japanese diet is appealing. The preparation and presentation is generally delicate and sublime.
Good to see you, Cad.
Thanks been away in The Peoples Republic Of Western Australia where the spend until you die economics have ground to a halt. I’d like to visit Japan as soon as I get the opportunity.
For a while I lived on a diet heavy in sushi and I’d never been healthier.