‘…”Someone else went on to say: “Please don’t turn this tragedy into a political debate. Show some respect.”…’ Link
Yeah, show some respect – ignore the role of politicians and bureaucrats and the media in this, and go and plant some pretty plastic flowers and teddy bears outside the Belgian embassy. That’ll do it.
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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What!?! There has been no political debate in Europe since the formation of the European Union.
Belgium should take a fleet of D10s and flatten that Brussels slum…Not the Muslin enclave, EU headquarters.
Better nuke it from orbit,it’s the only way to be sure.
How often to you read that these are “home grown”, that they are second or third generation migrants and that the latest bunch of “asylum seekers” are just a small number, etc? It is apparent to anybody except the ideologically blinded that there has been no, and never will be, integration by muslim communities, and that they hate Christians and Europeans. There is only one solution and that is to make their lives so uncomfortable that they will want to go back to the comfort of their Middle Eastern and North African hellholes.
The Muslims come to Europe, especially Western Europe, as invaders and occupiers, who keep their barbarian 7th century culture alive on the First World Welfare Dime, as they wait for the collapse of Western Civilization.
So not only is Europe raped, but they have to pay for the room.
Be sure that there is a shitload more guns and ammunition in their mosques than you have at home.
Mosques must burn or, if manpower allows, be looted first. Familiarise yourself with waterboarding. The weapons are probably well hidden so snatching up the local imam and giving him a Guantanamo beard-washing is the surest way of getting directions to the good stuff.
Waterboarding?Hell wood screws under the fingernails would be a tad more effective IMO.
Waterboarding with pig’s urine?
But if you waterboarding him you can leave him in tact and unconscious in front of the burning mosque with an AK in his lap.
How many times have I told you guys-Woodchipper,woodchipper,woodchipper.NEXT!
Woodchipper and pig farm.
Geert Wilders For Breitbart: ‘We Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet’
“Belgian Cabinet Minister Says Tomorrow’s Train Bombing Is All Our Fault”
At least we know what they’ll be singing as the sword goes through the larynx.
“Imagine there’s no urrrghhhh”