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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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America is becoming the Fourth Nazi Reich under Obama and the Democrats.
….but without the uniforms and singing.
The Democrat Party is Free America’s number one enemy.
The Republicans can no longer claim disinterested loser status.
They had the chance to change things and they sided with the Democrats. There is utterly no difference between the two now. They are part of the same apparatus.
Bo, the last seven years have a struggle by rank&file Republicans like myself to purge the leadership RINOs from our party. We are the majority. The Republican Party is our party. We will win.
What mechanisms do you have to get rid of the old guard?
It’s happening. The old bulls are going. Boehner is gone. Cantor is gone. McConnell is likely to get primaried out, having only just squeaked in against Matt Bevin, who is now the Governor of Kentucky. McCain is in the fight of his life against Kelli Ward.
The GOP – far more Conservative below the federal level – has taken over 1,000 state and local seats from Democrats the past 7 years. There’s far more anti-Washington sentiment now than there has been in decades (thanks to the Emperor Hussein and his henchmen in both parties).
The Convention of States project is underway, and more & more states are passing resolutions supporting a Convention.
The TEA Party election in 2010, then the Senate wave in 2014 elected any number of small-government Conservatives. Sure, a few of them proved weak-willed and immediately cozied up to the existing leadership (Mia Love). But the old bulls are dying. It was always going to take a number of cycles to get rid of them. Obtaining majorities first, then re-making the party in bold colours was the only way it was ever going to work. Those who proved weak-willed will either be culled in time, or they will cozy up to new leadership, which will hopefully be composed of people of principle who desire to restore the Constitution.
Even the Reagan Revolution didn’t kill them off completely.
I have days when I think the tipping point was reached and collapse is now inevitable. But – at least for today – I remain hopeful that it can be restored.
You’re a good man, Gantt. Faith is admirable as long as it’s not blind, and your’s is surely not.
As for a convention of the states, I hope that’s a bull they’re capable of keeping under control.
You’re right Bo, I do have faith. Maybe misplaced, but faith nonetheless. And due in no small part to the patriots I’ve met here at CR.
“There is utterly no difference between the two now. They are part of the same apparatus.”
Damn right they are.
I get the impression that it is much the same throughout the world. While one party may be more extreme than the other, all political parties seem to be batting for the same side. And most of them don’t seem to give a stuff that their membership numbers have hit rock bottom, as they can rely on being bankrolled by big business.
“And most of them don’t seem to give a stuff that their membership numbers have hit rock bottom, as they can rely on being bankrolled by big business.”
Which makes them automatically corrupt.