Peak stupidity

(via Western Rifle Shooters)

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38 Responses to Peak stupidity

  1. Ronbo says:

    Dear Trudeau The Younger:

    Please do Canada and the world a favor…Stop trying to prove you’re intelligent…because you make Forest Gump look like a rocket scientist.

    Like Mama Gump always did say, “Stupid is as stupid does.”

  2. MikeH. says:

    Jeeze this pantywaist socialist prick must have huffed way too much Elmer’s Glue in his youth. If you kill your enemies, they can’t kill you. Ergo… YOU win!!!

  3. Brown says:

    The problem is the west hasn’t won a war since 1945. The elites have thrown lives away playing games and don’t know what winning looks like.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      • Ronbo says:

        “The elites have thrown lives away playing games and don’t know what winning looks like.”


        The French people had a small problem with their ruling class back in the late 18th century…

        The oligarchy was reactionary, stupid and wouldn’t let the little guy get ahead. The government was corrupt, bankrupt and losing war after war… Sound familiar?

        Then some wise guy called a parliament for the first time in many years…and…well, the rest the story is history that we in the Western countries are reliving in the 21st century.

        Excellent video on the French Revolution.

        • Ronbo says:

          KG said:

          “You believe that, Ronbo? I’m not buying it. Nossir.”

          You know me, KG – I’m not the original Doubting Thomas, but I am the original Doubting Ronbo.

          Like yourself, I need to see the elephant before I buy it.

    • Bo Chandler says:

      I suspect much of the elite’s rationale for perpetual war is to kill and cripple our warrior bloodlines.

  4. Alan says:

    Conservative Tree House has some interesting commentary on the Cruz involvement in the battle of the wives.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Trump shills and the site that coined the phrase ‘cuckservative’ has some “… interesting commentary …”?

  5. Bo Chandler says:

    I could have put this in open house, but it’s just as fitting here.

    If true (and not Russian propaganda) then may this soldier rest in peace, knowing he was defending not just the interests of his nation but civilisation at large.

    Via VladTepesBlog.

    edit: Also at VladTepesBlog:

    Or you could just head over to the blog itself. It’s pretty thick with reality over there at the moment.

    • KG says:

      Am I the only one who finds himself thinking that an attack on a nuclear power station might be a good thing? Given most people’s terror of radiation, it might just serve as the needed wake-up call.

      • Yokel says:

        No, I don’t think it will give the right wake up call. It will be hijacked by the Lefties’ “Nuclear is always bad, very bad” campaign, lots will get behind it. In the ensuing mayhem we will lose sight of the evil rhetoric that gave rise to the attack, and won’t know because we will have run out of electric power (and therefore be without communications) as a result of stupid knee-jerk reactions.

      • Bo Chandler says:

        There are two trains of thought in my opinion.

        One was that they were trying to get nuclear material to make a dirty bomb. Can’t see that as being possible. My understanding is that the accounting measures for such material are extremely robust. For hazardous mats to fall into their hands it would have to have help from very high places.

        The second theory is that they would attack the plant itself. Again, super high security and impossible to pull off (without the help mentioned above). In such a case the goons strapped to the bombs would be sent in with the expectation of great success while the handlers would know that they could cause no serious damage. The idea, however, would be to make the entire EU citizenry collectively crap its pants.

        Likely the latter I suspect. The muslims are after conquest. Irradiating Europe is not conducive to that end.

  6. Ronbo says:

    Hmmm? More than one source for the Cruz Bimbo Eruption:

    But Cruz supporters say, “Hey, at least there was not one Rent Boy in the crowd.”

  7. mara says:

    If it’s not true, Cruz will have to sue the tabloid, and start proceedings quickly. Btw, as Kissinger once said of his success with women “Power is the greatest aphrodisiac of all.”

  8. Gregoryno6 says:

    Justin says that if we kill our enemies, they win. Presumably he also believes that if we allow our enemies to kill us, WE win.
    Sounds like he once got an A- minus on an essay in Philosophy and let it go to his head. ‘Would you be willing to live forever in order to become immortal?’

  9. mara says:

    In my experience, deeply devout men often have an unnatural interest in the sexual habits of others and a habit of hiding the truth of their own. Cruz is said to be an evangelical Mormon, this being a sect that has advocated polygamy. Exactly what is “holy” about men who get to screw multiple wives? Maybe, just maybe, Cruz was just doing this less formally and more sequentially.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      And maybe, just maybe, the National Enquirer is going all-out to protect its boss David Pecker’s good mate Donald Trump from being over-run in the delegate count, by coming up with a story almost as credible as the one in which Hillary Clinton gave birth to an alien baby.


      • Bo Chandler says:

        Maybe, but you might want to start marinating your hat, Gantt, just in case.

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          I suspect one way or another, as a minimum it will mark the end of a political campaign. I can’t see Trump wriggling out of it if it proves a pack of lies (although I acknowledge there are plenty of lunatics supporting him who would continue to do so, even if he started shooting people in the middle of 5th Avenue). If it proves true, it is the end of Cruz’ career, and a tragic squandering of everything he’s accomplished so far.

          And while I freely admit my judgement is coloured (particularly in the absence of any actual evidence, or any one of the women confirming the story), I find it far easier to believe at this stage Cruz is being set up by a serial liar who lies about everything, every day and all-around scumbag who I still maintain is a Clinton plant, than Cruz is the Texan Hugh Heffner.

          • Bo Chandler says:

            I wouldn’t mark it as some kind of animal magnetism that Ted does or does not posses.

            I’ve been doing a bit of reading about it and apparently throughout the halls of DC and indeed in any higher office of the public service, up-and-coming women (so to speak) dish out sex more casually than they would a resume.

            • The Gantt Guy says:

              hmmm. Well, we’ll see how it plays out I guess. Can’t see Ted surviving if it’s true, can’t see Trump surviving if it isn’t.

              Perhaps I should go into politics…

              • Bo Chandler says:

                Here’s the acid test.

                Go to a mirror and say to your self with a perfectly straight face “I have never told a lie in my whole life.”

                If you can’t do that convincingly then you’ll never get far.

    • Bo Chandler says:

      Humans are not programmed biologically for monogamy. Although we built a society that advocated monogamy for the good of all, it inevitably follows that those who garner power seek to serve their biological urges simply because they can.

  10. mara says:

    Let us wait and see.