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Not reading signs has consequences
Beautiful. I love the porch sign.
Good outcome but the sign is a bad move. Fodder for zealous prosecutors.
Aside, zip ties and a “walkie talkie”. Aside from the fact I haven’t heard that term in ages, I’m willing to bet good money it was a police scanner.
‘Why is Victoria Australia’s most Left-wing state?
Maybe because it has more Left-wing fronts than real organisations, as this Refugee Action Collective pamphlet suggests..’
Leftism is an evil, pervasive infestation, as the pamphlet illustrates so well.
The one in which Steve Deace explains, at least tangentially, how the miracle of the Republic, her Declaration of Independence and her glorious Constitution, could have come only from the Judaeo-Christian world (and, by implication, from no other culture on earth).
There are good points there, but the pendulum always swings from hardship to rebellion to prosperity and then back in the other direction.
I used to think the Constitution was the bees knees. Now, I don’t have much time for anything but the DOI, and the first/second amendment.
If Americans put more stock in the DOI than the Constitution then DC would already be a graveyard.
Spooner had it right. “But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain – that it has either authorised such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case it is unfit to exist.”
It’s been long dead anyhow. The Republican establishment merely pretend it still has any relevance because if the people were to realise that rule of law was dead then both parties would be out of a job and potentially dangling from the end of a rope.
And doubly so for Spooner.
File under “Religion of Peace”.
Liberal Teacher Takes In Muslim Refugee, His Colleague Finds What’s Left Of Him.
A 32-year-old man has been arrested after a Glasgow shopkeeper was killed in what Police Scotland are treating as a “religiously prejudiced” attack. (The authorities admitting it straight off the bat? Keep an eye out for big-foot or a herd of unicorns .)
Shocker they didn’t try and blame it on the BNP, Britain First or the EDL.
The lefty teacher was a turkey waiting for Thanksgiving, and he doesn’t deserve to be mourned.
Well-meaning idiots will be the death of us.
Nope, completely agree. He opened his throat to the blade and got what he deserved.
Or, if you bend over far enough someone is going to rape you.
Mawn…I somehow think that Mr School Teacher was hoping for a bit of good old sodomy…I think there is a back story to to this..
Wow. How did I never suspect that angle?
On the ball.
It’s metaphorical as well.
‘ANGELA Merkel has been named as one of the world’s greatest leaders..’
James Delingpole is irritated:
‘Dante’s Divine Comedy ‘offensive and should be banned’
The classic work should be removed from school curricula, according to Gherush 92, a human rights organisation which acts as a consultant to UN bodies on racism and discrimination.’
‘..Because Trump’s campaign is almost entirely self-funded, he has leeway to be a total asshole on the public stage. He doesn’t have to worry about what polite society thinks of him, because unlike the other candidates, he isn’t thinking about the next fundraising dinner in D.C.
This has given him the unique ability to smash our culture’s stifling language codes with a sledgehammer. In the process, he’s certainly lowering the tone — but it badly needs to be lowered. Only by totally ignoring people’s feelings can we end the left’s culture of grievance, offense, and victimhood. It’s what I’ve been doing for years, and it’s what Trump is now doing on the national stage…’
I like this kind of thing:
Waste oil burner
Making useful stuff out of junk.
KG..thanks for the son is into these..this one seems to be a better design than what he has been playing around with..
It looks to be simple and effective, Tamati. And cheap, too.
KG…I was talking to another son about these and he mentioned that used oil filters burnt well in wood burners…probably want to have a good door seal on the fire box..
That’s a great idea! I’ll get hold of a couple and try it. Thanks.
I lament the fact that I was not endowed with the wordcraft of my fellow Greeks…. Taki Theodoracopulos an Milo Yiannopoulos.
The Anglo Saxon half is probably the mitigating factor.
Sorry about the rubbish that follow the comment, I have no idea how that occurred.
me neither. There’s no clue in the comment code. Anyway, it’s fixed.
Taki sure can write, eh? I remember some of his articles for a Brit newspaper before he started his magazine. Great stuff.
The Autism Racket
My youngest is having trouble adapting to the classroom. If they diagnose him and insist on treating him differently then I’ll absolutely be home schooling him (I would anyway if our local country school wasn’t staffed by great people).
I can see it from their perspective. They can’t chase him around to the detriment of the other kids, but he’s 90 percent “normal” and no trouble at home, so I’ll be damned if I’m going to start medicating him for being stubborn or a larrakin.
p.s. Firefox spellcheck funfact 673: “Larrakin” autosuggests “lawbreaking”.
It suggests anti-authoritarian fun to moi.
‘German think tank TAZ created a variety of scenarios based on different factors and found that even with all of the best conditions Germany may still see over 1.8 million migrants in 2016. Should the situation get worse, it warned Germany may be swarmed with up to 6.4 million migrants.’
Consider how high the actual number is, and consider how many muslims were also there in the first place (again, actual number rather than admitted number).
Also consider that the vast majority of them are fighting aged males.
It’s going to get very interesting soon.
Where’s Gantt? its Sunday 0400 and no sign of him. One suspects sloth.
4am? On a Sunday? I didn’t even know they had those!
Dolphin fun:
“Step aside, bi-ped. You’re in my house now.”
Oh dear! Her delicate widdle girl socialist sensibilities are hurt!
Movie review: London Has Fallen
Movies apparently shouldn’t be rated and restricted by age.
There should be three categories.
Progressive: Contains nothing more challenging then you’d expect to find in an episode of the Teletubbies.
Conservative: May contain violence.
Libertarian: May contain everything, up to and including baboon gang rape.
More likely movies will simply end up having a list of trigger warnings as long as your arm.
This blog comes with high praise.
Apparently the guy is a former CIA analyst, but I’d give the time of day to anyone who recognised that nobody is going to deal with their islam problem without first dealing with their government problem.
Bloody brilliant! That’s the best thing I’ve read on the islam problem, bar none.
The Black Pigeon-“The Brussels Bombing, Vibrant DIVERSITY & Why TRUMP CAN WIN
About 24 minutes,but worth it IMO.
Kinetic Sculptor Anthony Howe
To the farm the fertiliser goes.
Where it ends up, no-one knows.
When young men turn up to protest despite being told not to by their overlords, they must be…
Far right wing soccer hooligans!
Despite being all dressed in… black?
I’m not aware if anyone stopped to ask the soccer hooligans about their stance on gay and lesbian rights, or social welfare. Apparently being a boisterous, disobedient soccer fan immediately confers upon you right wing tendencies.
No doubt they’re scheming ways to privatise government assets and making plans to cut corporate sector tax to encourage growth. But what else can you expect from soccer hooligans?
Truth has become an infinitely flexible commodity.
‘A man in Australia has been charged with murder after he allegedly confronted a burglar who broke into his house on Saturday morning and left the man with fatal injuries.’
While we don’t know the details, this may be another example of the self defence “lottery” that we idiots put up with in this nation.
Some folks get a pat on the back. Others get a murder charge.
It’s possible that the occupant got a little excessively stabby, or maybe the public prosecutor is just an asshole.
Inevitably he will be asked “did you have a chance to safely leave and summon the police like a good peasant ought to?”
If the answer is anything but an emphatic and provable “no” then he’s screwed.
The perp was an Abo. Nuff said.
Further details listed at a fresher link below…
So, it appears Trumpbart-dot-com, the former news site which is busy destroying its founder’s legacy, is continuing to smear Ted Cruz by trying to link him with the meme published by Liz Mair’s PAC of Melania Trump’s photo in GQ magazine.
No links, because Trumpbart-dot-com has officially become as reputable as National Enquirer, but they published an article today that presented irrefutable proof that Cruz was involved. Apparently, the mailing address for Liz Mair’s PAC is the same as that of … (*gasp*) Carly for America! Case closed, right?
Well, hang on just a sec. Enter that address into google and you get >2,000 results. Granted, many are morons making the same link that Trumpbart-dot-com did, but here is a list of other organisations that share that mailing address:
I got bored after Page 1 of the search results, but I think you get my drift – it’s a clearing house. Trumpbart-dot-com are in the smear business, and it’s a damned shame. I reckon Andrew is spinning in his grave, yelling “FUCK YOU STEPHEN BANNON!”
I don’t doubt for a second that Trump is getting down in the mud, but I will note that he was actually quite civil until the other candidates started uglying things up.
Establishment Republican entities attack Trump which at this point in the race is giving support to Cruz by default. Cruz knows it. Trump knows it. Nobody needs to sign a piece of paper or shake hands with anyone . It’s all inferred.
Completely agree. Bush attacked Trump first. Christie attacked Trump first. Carson attacked Trump first. Paul attacked Trump first. But…
Trump swung at Cruz first.
Also, by my reckoning, Trump and Cruz are splitting the ‘Establishment’ endorsements pretty evenly at this stage.
I should add while he swung first, he has teeny tiny hands and hits like a girl, while Cruz is a certified badass. I’d be looking for Trump to get badly bloodied from this point on.
I’ve never before wondered what a weird combination of grown-up kid at Christmas melded with statesman might look and sound like …
but now I know.
My father washed out of Sub service because he had high blood pressure and had to settle for service on a Carrier instead.I think it’s the one thing he regrets in life.
I just watched this documentary on the first nuke the USS Nautilus the other day
Finding a path under the polar pack ice in a boat with no windows was quite a feat.
It sure was! They were brave men.
‘Emotional family members of alleged murder victim Ricky Slater have shown up outside an Australian court on Monday to demand justice.
The family was at Newcastle Bail Court in New South Wales for court appearance of Benjamin Batterham, 33, who is alleged to have murdered Slater, 34, after Slater broke into his home in Cleary St, Hamilton, in the early hours of Saturday.
…”They have lost their father, their beautiful father. They haven’t seen for years because he was in jail,” she said.
“Just to think them little kids are going to grow up without a dad now.”…’
I’m all for giving these bastards a flogging any time, any place, but you get caught following a perp out onto the street and he dies as a result of your beating then you’re in serious legal doodoo.
Best chance this guy has is to claim the injuries that caused the death occurred during a struggle in the house, and what happened on the street was at worst unlawful detention.
This is a serious issue when you’re dealing with aboriginals. They often abuse alcohol so badly that a seemingly weak tap to the noggin can kill them completely unexpectedly.
Hopefully the public prosecutor is laying the charge to take the tribal heat off the guy before lowering it to a lesser offence or dropping it completely.
‘Just as he did during his Christmas address, Pope Francis on Easter remembered the suffering of migrants from the Middle East and North Africa, but this time condemned those who wish to prevent them from crossing borders…
He said “who cares if millions come? My job’s not at risk, I don’t have to live near them and besides, I have 24/7 armed guards”
(I added the bolded bit.)
Who says there’s no God?
‘A violent sex offender distracted by pornography on his cell phone was struck and killed by a runaway trailer on a Tennessee street Wednesday, according to a local report. Kevin C. Jordan, 55, died a block from his East Memphis home when a 15-foot trailer hauling a load of tires smashed into a fence, tree and the convicted felon, authorities said. (Snip) Jordan raped four Memphis women whose homes he burglarized, twice in 1991 and twice again in 1992. The sex assaults happened while Jordan was on parole from Tennessee State Penitentiary following a similar rape and burglary conviction…’
Now that’s a damned shame, right there…
Quote of the day from a random Youtuber.
Muslim jihadist = snake
moderate muslim = grass
Hey Ronbo, more of your money going down the green toilet….