A candidate for the noose.

Him, and others like him.
“I will ask the governments to cooperate, to recognize that sovereignty is an illusion – that sovereignty is an absolute illusion that has to be put behind us,” declared former Goldman Sachs chairman Peter Sutherland, an ex-member of the Bilderberg Steering Committee who currently “serves” as the UN special representative of the secretary-general for international migration. “The days of hiding behind borders and fences are long gone. We have to work together and cooperate together to make a better world. And that means taking on some of the old shibboleths, taking on some of the old historic memories and images of our own country and recognizing that we’re part of humankind.”

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11 Responses to A candidate for the noose.

  1. Ronbo says:

    A candidate for the noose.

    Him, and others like him.


    I second the motion…He shall be terminated with extreme prejudice!http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_good.gif


    “Death to the Aristocrats!”

  2. K2 says:

    There still hasn’t been a real accounting for 2008. To promote better moral integrity in Wall st, hanging one or two Goldman Sachs executives is a good idea. Pour encourager les autres.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      2008 wasn’t caused by bankers. That is, quite simply, a progressive lie. 2008 was caused by Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton forcing banks to loan money to people who had no chance of ever paying it back, which the banks (under an obligation to not do dumb shit like loan money to people they knew couldn’t pay it back) only did because (a) most of the loans were Fannie Mae / Freddie Mac guaranteed and (b) the rest were bundled up into what should have been reasonably solid assets.

      Blaming bankers for 2008 is like blaming share traders for 1929. In both cases, the root cause was government, and in both cases the only reason the bankers survived is because of government (crony capitalism / fascism / Too Big To Fail).

      • K2 says:

        I’m familiar with that. The origin of the crash is entirely in the laps of Carter/Clinton and their corrupt Demoncrat pals at fannie mae /fannie mac who lobbied congress to keep the programs going – for the children. The crash, however, was ascerbated greatly by the Wall St banks who used securitization to bundle the bad loans based on the idea that home prices never decrease. In any other business this would be considered criminal negligence. Wall st then, in an effort keep themselves out of jail hugely support Obama. In the parlance of the old west, hangin’s too good fer em!

  3. C-CS says:

    an man totally eviscerated by the elites – warned us about the Bilderberg Group- waaaay back – his name- John Birch –the John Birch Society still exists –still warning- and still – for the most part – ignored –

  4. Cadwallader says:

    The sovereignty of the human individual is the smallest and most vulnerable of all minorities. I doubt that the aforementioned Mr Sutherland would understand this.

  5. Michael in Nelson says:

    Speaking of candidates for the noose, I give you the US Attorney General who warns local jurisdictions that they risk investigation if they don’t ease up on prosecuting minorities for minor offenses…i.e. Blatant racism in enforcing the law.


    • Darin says:

      They have already started that in New Orleans,no more drug possession charges if it’s an amount for personal use,but something tells me it will be expanded to include larger amounts and probably theft and assault too.

      • Bo Chandler says:

        Good old fashioned Democrat politics.

        Tie the hands of anyone trying to make black ghettos less murderous and then play on the terrible “inequality” plaguing the negro.

        • Darin says:

          Yup,first destroy the system so it no longer punishes criminals.That gives young males the option of sloth and crime,instead of meaningful work.Pay for their illegitimate children(future criminals),they in turn run off the productive class,then the businesses leave once crime is out of control.Those that can’t leave then complain there are no jobs,that starts an endless cycle of jobs programs,welfare you name it.
          Then come in,lie and plant the seeds of victimhood and presto,in just three generations you have a whole demographic of,poor,stupid dependent people who will vote for their next check and blame everyone else for their lot in life except themselves and those who lead them around by the nose.