‘Brussels (AFP) – Belgian authorities asked people not to join a protest march Sunday against the deadly Brussels airport and metro attacks because of security concerns, suggesting the rally should be delayed by several weeks…’
Not only should “Belgian authorities” be ignored, they should be strung up along the protest route as co-conspirators in the deaths of innocent people. A few dozen such hangings across the West would alter the attitudes of authorities in a way the ballot box cannot.
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
- "The loss of freedom is like cancer; it will spread slowly but surely across all parts of society until our liberty has been utterly eaten away and we are left with nothing but a half-forgotten idea of what freedom was."
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History records the “tough love” treatment of bureaucrats and aristocrats during the French Revolution was an excellent attitude adjustment.
So, a March Against Fear was cancelled because of … Fear?
But shhhhhh … don’t mention what it is people are fearful of.
Not the horde of lone wolves, surely?
Do the authorities hold concerns over security, or concerns overoffending Muslim sensibilities?
I’d guess the latter, PC.
They are both the same thing.
Going gentle into that good night is dying in sleep at a good age, not being turned into flying mince or having a lifetime of pain from flying shrapnel but we already know that. Europe is finished, America will likely soon follow and all I have to be happy about is that my family is likely to survive rather longer and I’ll be dead by then. Currently, I am reminded of horror movies where the heroine, hearing a noise in the house at night, descends the stairs with a lit candle and we, the audience, all scream DONT DO IT! but she does anyway. And we all know how that ends.
Bah! Some days I lament, but other days I see just how hard a time the powers that be are having holding the edges together.
I think it will get rough and ugly, but we need that to bring us back to reality.
We will absolutely survive it though (as a peoples if not on an individual basis).
In H.G. Well’s, “War of the World” – the Martians have the upper hand until they all die of the common cold…
What I’m saying is the war is not over until the Fat Lady sings.
Well KG, you need to add the odd British judge to your list
Bo Chandler said:
“Bah! Some days I lament, but other days I see just how hard a time the powers that be are having holding the edges together.”
We look at the Leftist Ruling Class as a 50 foot tall giant, but the fact of the matter is the giant has feet of clay.
Always remember the ones who are fucking up our world make up less than 1% of the population, and are at this moment looking out in fear into the darkness from their high castle walls unnerved by the thousands of tiny dots of fire moving up the hill towards them.
When the dawn comes they will see the people in arms surrounding them…