You’ll never read a better analysis of the problem.

‘..What the aftermath of the Brussels attack requires is popular recognition that the Belgian and Western intelligence and police services — no matter how successful they are — will have not the slightest impact on the strategic reality that the West, is now, and for at least a decade past, being beaten to death by the Islamists. They have defeated our armies in two wars, they have spread worldwide, they have — despite the lying if condescendingly soothing words of Obama, Biden, McCain, Cameron, Hollande, Clinton,  Cruz, the treason that calls itself Neo-Conservative, etc. — very successfully changed the way we live, whether in regard to worrying about where children go for social events, where vacations should be taken,  or the all too obvious reality that the civil liberties of Westerners are being incrementally abrogated by their rulers in the name of security; that is, by elected men and women who know that the West is bleeding to death at the hands of Islamist fighters and, even more, by their own voluntary pacts with the six horses of the West’s coming apocalypse: diversity, multiculturalism, political correctness, interventionism, irreligion, and open borders…’  (bold mine)

and this is too good to leave out:

‘…Accompanying this parade of quackery was yet another iteration of the “Princess Diana Death Festival”, which — in the case of Islamist victories — is a slobberingly repulsive exercise of “showing” that you care when you really will never do anything to tell the truth or support a leader who tries to win the war. The steps in meeting this festival’s requirements include: reporters, experts, politicians, and generals thoroughly salting their statements with the terms “carnage”, “horrendous”, “cowardly attack”, “shocking tragedy”, and that all-time favorite “horrific”; well-scripted politicians calling for “more intelligence sharing”, a “cooperative anti-radicalism effort by the International Community”, and asserting that “this is not a war” and “most Muslims support the West”; candlelight vigils by the seemingly endless number of selfie-taking, drug-addled, and clearly brain-dead millennials; and the construction of soon-to-be garbage piles consisting of candles, flowers, hand-written messages, photographs, and a few people taking shifts to stand or kneel around this refuse and appear to be grieving mightily for people they did not know and only care about because their corpses allow for this mawkishly inane, media-covered ritual….’  (bold mine)

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25 Responses to You’ll never read a better analysis of the problem.

  1. mara says:

    I’m going to buy shares in candle making companies. Oh, and florists and teddy-bear manufacturers. Can’t lose.

  2. Alan says:

    Well that labor party woman in the UK who said we should drink tea with the enemy might be on to something, especially if we offer muffins too.

  3. Bo Chandler says:

    • Ronbo says:

      Okay, since I didn’t want to hear you say, “Death to the Infidel” – I’m going to put in my earplugs and think of world peace.” :-)

  4. Darin says:

    This will only end in extermination,who will be exterminated is the only question left to answer.

  5. Contempt says:

    I think the end is closer than we think. Perhaps the in your face Cuba etc voyage exhibits a strong assuredness of the enemy? Yes.

  6. Darin says:

    Drudge headlines-

    “Pope :Defeat ISIS with weapons of love”

    “Bomb blast in Pakistan park kills 53”

    Must have been a friendly fire love in

    • KG says:

      And that idiot statement of the Pope’s is exactly what the “too good to leave out” part of this post is about.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      The bomb in Pakistan was aimed at Pakistani Christians (yes, they still have those. The power of Christ is truly awesome.) celebrating Easter with a picnic for families. The coward managed to get past police and private security guards to perpetrate his act of evil. He will spend eternity in fiery torment, being raped by 72 goats. Piss be upon him.

      • KG says:

        We may yet reach the point where for every bomb that goes off in a Western city, half a dozen mosques go up in flames. With the congregation locked inside.
        If Western men get some balls, that is…
        The muslim problem can only be fixed by citizens acting in defiance of our political masters and the laws of the land.
        All else is wishful thinking and window-dressing, propaganda and bullshit.

        • The Gantt Guy says:

 Most of the time I don’t think it’s going to happen – it hasn’t happened yet, so I’m wondering what atrocity will be sufficient for the Saxon to begin to hate? Having said that, I guess it took ~400 years last time.

          For me, and I’m picking for the vast majority of others, my life remains too comfortable and I have, as yet, not been personally touched by these incendiary jihadists, for me to take up arms. So I wait, and watch, and keep my powder dry.

          • Bo Chandler says:

            Five years ago we never had 10,000 people marching against immigration though a European city.

            I think the media does a good job of sapping our spirits, making us think that we’re only a small fraction of the nation at large.

  7. Contempt says:

    Here in the U.S. I believe the fundamental transformation has happened, the final piece will be the possible (or not) election. Millions of rounds of ammo at various agencies, the hollowing of the military by the God Damn America Americans. Hmmm

  8. KG says:

    “Oh, I think it will be available to us civilians at some point ”

    • Darin says:

      Barney Fife is gonna be hiding in the corner shitting bricks when TSHTF :twisted:

    • andy5759 says:

      Even optimistic Brits like me expect some filtering down of firearms from the armed state agencies. So, yeah, the tooling up in USA over the last few years does look really baaad on the one hand but can be good on the other. There will be agency folk passing stuff on to ordinary folk, there will be citizen seizures of agency stuff, loads of ammo in one place will be like a sporting goods store. One way or another we will be armed, even here in England.