Open house

Been cutting firewood for days and I’m feeling a bit knackered.
‘..Read the whole piece, if only for a line never previously published and which you’ll never see again: “In the video, the man tried to walk away, but the woman stopped him, continuing to ask where Egypt was.”…’
via Tim Blair

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45 Responses to Open house

  1. Wombat says:

    Every chump and his dog is busy chattering away at their keyboards about what witty response the skinny white boy should have given.

    Cuckold bullshit at its finest.

    She puts her hands on you, you pick a finger and turn it backwards until she goes to a knee.

    You step back. If she comes at you again you drop her with a shot to the nose.

    That’s a generous warning followed by a measured and restrained response where I come from.

  2. KG says:

    “I would have told her to stop appropriating my culture by walking upright and speaking English”

  3. Darin says:

    Fredrick Chopin-Spring Waltz

  4. Darin says:

    Guardian headline-AP: Nazi collaborators?-

    Pot,meet kettle.

    • KG says:

      Well, you see, other news organisations collaborated with the communists, and that’s all ok, apparently.
      I find it amazing that Nazis are rightly vilified, yet communists are given a free pass.
      Nowadays, to speak of communists and they evil they do is to invite pitying snickers and ridicule.

      • Darin says:

        I was thinking more of the Guardian’s occasional blazing anti-antisemitism,but you’re right,fascism of any form doesn’t fall far from the editors desk.

  5. Darin says:

    The Ideal Conceal ,concealed carry pistol that folds up to look like a cell phone –

    “No,I am not giving you my wallet-BANG!-can you hear me now?

  6. Darin says:

    Remember when Trucks were Trucks?

    Diamond T

  7. Ronbo says:

    Meanwhile, I will be moving to a brand new apartment close to the downtown in Seattle, where spring has arrived in all her glory, and we have had no rain and clear blue skies for 48 whole hours in the most rainy rain season in the recorded history of Rain City that dates back to 1852, when old Chief Seattle allowed a boatload of palefaces from California to land.

    I understand he said, “Okay, you guys can stay here, no problem, but I wouldn’t if I were you – It rains nine months out of the year.”

    …and no sooner had the seasoned citizen warrior spoken these words of ancient Indian wisdom than it began to pour cats and dogs.

    But they stayed.

    People gather on street corners….


    Up In The Sky!

    What Is It?

    Small Boy: It’s The Sun!

    • MikeH. says:

      Ah, the memories…

      Fort Lewis, Fall of 1971. It was cold 24 hours a day and rained 12. I honestly don’t recall seeing the sun one time during my time there.

  8. Darin says:

    Seems we are getting some new traffic flow,should be interesting how many idiots manage to completely stuff it :mrgreen:

  9. Darin says:

    Clickspring-Making a square broach

    • KG says:

      I’ve often wondered how they do that. Once you see it done it’s surprisingly simple. :)

  10. KG says:

    Oxygen star stuns scientists
    Scientists are scratching their heads after finding a “white dwarf” star with an atmosphere of oxygen.

    • Darin says:

      Let’s add a massive ball of Carbon from a safe distance and see what happens :twisted:

    • Darin says:

      Lilly white liberal hypersensitivity.

      Reading the bio-
      “His family are Palawa Trowerna from the Pyemairrenner mob in Tasmania which includes Trawlwoolway and Plairmairrenner and related clans.”

      I’m assuming here that his stated cultural identity is supposed to lend him some authority on such matters?When was the last time we saw a bio that reads-
      “His family are Norse/Saxon from the coast of Normandy”? Ya,I can’t remember one either

      • KG says:

        One minute they’re claiming that whitey wiped out Tasmanian Aborigines, the next we find increasing numbers of fair haired, blue eyed people in Tasmania claiming to be aboriginal.
        He’s an opportunist bullshitter who needs to keep taking offence in order to bolster his fake aboriginal identity. :evil:
        Let’s see him (and lots of others just like him) submit a sample of his DNA to back up his claim, eh?

        • Darin says:

          So a white as rice Al Sharpton race hustler as I suspected.Must be a miserable life having nothing to do but bitch and complain for a living.

          • KG says:

            He makes a hell of a comfortable living doing it, Darin. He’d be raking in close to a quarter mil a year, I’d guess.

  11. KG says:

    From Return of Kings:
    ‘The Mindset You Must Have For Concealed Carrying A Handgun’

    • Darin says:

      With me the most difficult choice is between a 2″ .38 revolver in my front pocket or a Glock 21 Mexican carried in my belt.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      “…Carrying a gun is still not highly thought of in our disarmed, pacifistic society…”

      A country of ~300 million people, where ~100 million people own ~200 million guns and ~1.2 trillion rounds of ammunition is ‘disarmed’ and ‘pacifist’?????

      • KG says:

        It depends on your viewing position, I guess.

        • Darin says:

          These days take 20 Americans and 15 will be pussies,but that’s what soft living and believing expensive lies does to a nation.

            • Bo Chandler says:

              “Disarmed pacifist”.

              Yeah, not so much…

              More like “terrified of their tyrannical government shooting them and doling out paid leave to the killers.”

  12. KG says:

    ‘A White House official is blaming a “technical issue” for the sudden loss of sound on a White House video in which French President François Hollande said the words “Islamist terrorism.”
    Yesterday, a video of Hollande’s remarks was pulled from the White House website, according to a report from the Media Research Center. The video was reloaded on the website with a version that not only muted the French president’s remarks in French but eliminated the English translation as well…’

  13. KG says:

    Plot to exploit migrant chaos as ‘an excuse’ to rush through creation of EU Army
    ‘EUROPE has nearly a thousand ‘no-go’ areas where authorities have simply lost control due to the high number of immigrants…’
    ‘BRITISH taxpayers will have to pay for housing and jobs for economic migrants and failed asylum seekers who are sent back to their home countries..’

  14. KG says:

    Rodney Hide:
    “Without us noticing, successive governments have knocked out our manliness. My recent experience has brought home to me just how much….”