‘Europe’s suicidal green energy policies are killing at least 4o,000 people a year.
That’s just the number estimated to have died in the winter of 2014 because they were unable to afford fuel bills driven artificially high by renewable energy tariffs.
But the real death toll will certainly be much higher when you take into account the air pollution caused when Germany decided to abandon nuclear power after Fukushima and ramp up its coal-burning instead; and also when you consider the massive increase in diesel pollution – the result of EU-driven anti-CO2 policies – which may be responsible for as many as 500,000 deaths a year.
But even that 40,000 figure is disgraceful enough, given that greenies are always trying to take the moral high ground and tell us that people who oppose their policies are uncaring and selfish…’
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So, the environmentalists are reducing the world’s population then. I read somewhere there was a plan to do because there were too many of us (but not them of course) that but didn’t think it would be so cunning that it masqueraded as saving the planet.
The Greens don’t give a flying fuck about people dying. In fact, the more deaths the better as humans “pollute the planet.” Except for themselves and their families, of course. A lapsed old friend of mine had her tubes tied in her twenties so as to avoid “global overpopulation.” I sometimes wonder if she is now in a “rest home” being cared for by an immigrant and wishing she had had a child, or children, who actually cared about her, and wondering what her life really mattered in the end. I’m not saying that not having children is a bad thing, I’m just curious about the motives.
I guess there are many motives for not having children, Mara, but the West is now paying a terrible price for failing to produce our own replacement generations.
And the left’s war on the traditional family and the middle class has been very successful.
I REFUSE to be brainwashed into incuriosity. Nah, not having it. People, teach your children well.