And here’s why
What planet is the silly bitch on? A stupid little person given too much power.
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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PPTA – “This isn’t a political stunt – we don’t walk away from these things lightly.” Yeah, right.
You don’t believe a bunch of Marxists? I’m deeply shocked, Mawm.
If it weren’t for the fact that kids will end up less educated, less grown-up and less able to take their place in the world, I would be roundly applauding the revolution eating its own. As it is, I’m struggling with my own conscience when I find myself nodding at the words of a union hack.
The world has gone mad.
I like where you are going GG.
“the expectation is that they will be “able to use Te Reo Maori throughout interactions with Maori in a respectful, brave and deliberate way”. ”
Meaning that anyone not a Maori needs to beccome proficient in kissing arse, I suppose. Sounds like someone is projecting their guilt onto everyone else.
Or projecting their cultural cowardice, Grog.
I went right through school with this Minister.Her parents were teachers .Have to say she has been totally indoctrinated with political bollocks and lost the ability to think for herself.
Very sad
I would never have much confidence in a skool techer being handed power.
They can’t run bloody schools, let alone a country. They infantalise every issue they get involved in.