‘VIOLENT clashes have broken out between far-right protestors chanting “no more refugees” and militant left-wingers at an anti-immigration march in Dover this afternoon…’
Allegedly “anti-fascist” protesters opposing the “no more migrants” protesters.What do they look like to you?
The anti-invader protesters have no need to wear uniforms and masks….
Update: ‘French authorities arrest 11 suspected neo-Nazis’
Focusing on the real threat…
‘Brussels police arrest protesters’
Things are warming up, and I for one hope it progresses to open warfare.
That would really be “progressive”.
“Anti-Fascist” is a euphemism for “Communist”. Stalin, as he did with so many things the left does today, led the way by referring to anything to the right of genocidal communism as “fascist”.
Yep, exactly. And the media falls for it or deliberately spreads the inversion of the truth.
Fascist Bees
God’s little kamikaze warriors. God hates moslems!
Whuffo wish there was some neo-nazis around here~