Safer than raiding mosques, isn’t it?

Police in Berlin have raided ten apartments because residents may have posted “anti-migrant” views online.
Berlin Police completed a large scale raid on internet users Wednesday. The officers ransacked ten separate apartments in the German capital in the suburbs of Spandau, Tempelhof, Marzahn, Hellersdorf and Pankow….’

Liberty always was a fragile dream, and now it’s almost gone the sheeple can go back to their TV reality shows, shopping and obsession with celebrities, undisturbed by thorny issues such as integrity and freedom from government interference in their battery hen lives.
They’re not worth fighting for.

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4 Responses to Safer than raiding mosques, isn’t it?

  1. mara says:

    That scares me. Still, I guess 70 years of freedom is long enough to soften the brain. I see a European WAR in my lifetime: in fact, it’s overdue.

    • KG says:

      We’ve already seen one, Mara. Yugoslavia. Where the West backed muslims.
      And there are more wars on the way. We’re supposed to wring our hands and pray to God it won’t come to pass, but I can’t bring myself to give a damn. Let it burn.

  2. Col. Bunny says:

    This is like that great scene in “Catch 22” where Yossarian is out on the town in Italy during WWII. He’s in a room high off the street and some GI throws another GI out the window and kills him. Yossarian hears the MPs pounding up the stairs and the burst into the room and go straight to Yossarian and yell, “You’re AWOL!!”

    58 officers were involved in these raids. Compare to the 500 who raided a squat when some AntiFa scum attacked a cop somewhere in German. If it’s some minor matter for which the word “peripheral” had to be invented or if it’s their ox being gored, the cops are all over it like white on rice. If AntiFa thugs hurl pavement stone as PEGIDA demonstrators or third-world miscreants rape a town square full of women then it’s a different story. The cops can’t be bothered.