The leeches bleeding New Zealand


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6 Responses to The leeches bleeding New Zealand

  1. mara says:

    I take each and every opportunity to IGNORE petty, nonsensical regulations. If more people did the same, perhaps there would be fewer of them and the controlling class might shrink. I live in perpetual hope but it’s hard to stay chipper at times being surrounded by sheeple.

  2. mara says:

    Off topic but Tommy Robinson had his battery case chucked out of court by one of those vary rare creatures, a sensible judge. YAY!

      • Bo Chandler says:

        I for one hope it’s a sign that some of the grand high muckity-mucks are seeing the writing on the wall and siding with the peasants before the torches and pitchforks come out.

  3. Yokel says:

    Hmmm. Elfin Safety was my field until recently. The way it has moved in the last 10 years or so is the reason why it is my field no more. It has lost sight of the original reasons, and become a self propagating weed driven by a need to keep all the regulators and professional bodies (those that certify competence) in increasing business.

    Safety inspection started in Britain because too many poorly maintained steam boilers in the Lancashire cotton mills were suddenly going “BANG!” with consequent major loss of life. I agree that part of the bargain with the boss is that after I have slaved away all day for a pittance, I should at least be able to go home and spend the evening enjoyably with the family. So as I go to work with an arm or a leg on each corner and a head on top, safety is a good thing if it ensures that I do not get rearranged by work and am able to go home in much the same shape as I left in the morning, just a bit more tired. But “wellbeing” has become part of the script, along with “work life balance” and probably “happiness” before long. The individual worker is forever deemed less and less capable of making safety decisions for himself, regardless of the knowledge and skill needed to perform the paying work.

    What you are seeing here is much the same as the Health & Safety Executive has been enforcing in Britain over the last decade. And because of our government’s love affair with the EU, most of it is dictated from Brussels and embellished a bit by Whitehall. But I suspect it isn’t just socialist Anglosphere states copying each other. I fear that in fact it is all an ILO driven agenda. Which brings us round to another facet of the previous post (Why Democracy is a Sham).

  4. Flashman says:

    Elf un safty paranoia is also driven by telephone book liability insurance policies that are essential to hook onto your towbar to avoid feeding scumsucking lawyers.