Spot the connection:

‘University students are struggling to read entire books’
‘Thousands of teachers flock to ‘White Privilege Conference’…’

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9 Responses to Spot the connection:

  1. hereandnow says:

    Charlotte Iserbyt on ‘DELIBERATE Dumbing down of Young People’

  2. Seneca III says:

    1. Dump computers and mobile/cell ‘phones, open book at first page and read to last page, make (legible) notes, pick up another book and then another and repeat until competent. Start to do this at an early age.

    2. Leave in ‘White’, delete ‘privilege’, insert ‘ability’, ‘achievement’ or ‘hard work’ – or all three where applicable.

    3. Understand that point two is a product of point one or start polishing your burger flipping techniques.

  3. Ronbo says:

    I worked for me!

    In 1966 when I volunteered for the U.S. Army and took the entrance examinations at age 17, I qualified easily for OCS (Officer Candidate School) because my literacy was on the college level – although I was just a high school graduate.

    BTW, this was a small town public high school in Ohio, but in the those days the state of Ohio had high academic standards and excellent teachers.

    • Bo Chandler says:

      I did the entry testing for the army some years ago. I scored exceptionally highly and asked if I could enlist as an officer.

      “High school graduates only” was the answer. Sadly I never went through with it because a friend had convinced me that joining as anything other than an officer was a bad move.

      So what’s the point of the test? Any moron can crawl past high school graduation. (I was thoroughly jaded with school, and went from being a straigh A student to a “failure to attend”)

      Maybe I just shuddered at the idea of having a C-Grade ass kisser for a superior officer. :mrgreen:

  4. Ronbo says:

    Like the man said, “The Left is stuck on stupid.”