Open house


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31 Responses to Open house

  1. K2 says:

    And what “broke” it was the cornucopia of government funding. Science is great and has shown great rewards, but throwing virtually unlimited money at it has resulted in corruption and inbreeding.

    When the AGW hysterics started to be challenged, it became obvious that if the skeptics could make their case, all of big science would be called into question. Glad to see that finally happening.

    • KG says:

      AGW has become little more than a state-funded religious cult, K2.
      And like all cults, opposition merely reinforces their belief.
      Maybe derision and laughter are the best weapons to use against them. :)

  2. Ronbo says:

    It looks like the Left was right about Bush, but for the wrong reason:

    If this would have been made public after 9/11, Americans would have demanded Total War against Saudi Arabia, as it was proven fact the Saudi government funded and supported the 9/11 terrorists.

    George W. Bush knew this at the time, but chose to bury the facts and instead invaded Afghanistan and Iraq!

  3. Darin says:

    Watched the Trailer Park Boys movie “The big dirty”,damn near laughed up a lung at those crazy bastards :mrgreen:

  4. Ronbo says:

    It looks like the British Oligarchy has concluded that their dirty little game against Tommy isn’t worth the candle due to the international reaction.

    Email reposted:


    The case against Tommy has been dismissed. It was quick. April 14th, as scheduled, the case started.

    A few hours passed. And the judge ruled: dismissed, with costs.

    How did that happen? How did Tommy go from being sure he would heading back to prison, to case dismissed?

    In Tommy’s words: The QC was f**king brilliant. Tore them to shreds! The QC – the legal representative Tommy had only because so many people gave generously. He’s sure that, without those donations, without that QC, he would be back in jail, rotting away.

    Here’s a very short video:

  5. Contempt says:

    Ronbo, After 911 I bought Sperry’s book Infiltration. His facts even without the 28 pages was/is so clear which country did the deed, or I suppose which religion that so many are so afraid? paid? (whatever reason) to call a spade a spade. Too bad Mecca/Medina were not firebombed and the Saudi oilfields destroyed forever. A proper response would have blunted the current insanity be it money, political correctness, lgbt *rights* et cetera. Every time I see an airliner or contrails I think of Islam. I remember the lack of any air traffic overhead for the 7 or so days after 911 while at the same time the Saudis were allowed to fly away from the scene of their hatred.

    911 exposed duplicity, a human trait, of open borders, globalism, diversity also known as the Tower of Babble.

    Y’all be good.

  6. KG says:

    Perth fisherman disgusted after another Coogee fishing frenzy at Ammo Jetty

    Looks (and sounds) like a lot of them aren’t very Australian.

  7. KG says:

    YAAAAAWN…….NZ Herald parroting more AGW propaganda:

    ‘2016 set to be the hottest year
    The Earth is warming so fast that it’s surprising even the climate scientists who predicted this was coming…’

    And the dishonest bastards never did correct the story about “right wingers” “mowing down” a muslim woman. No wonder Kiwis are so hopelessly uninformed.

  8. Darin says:

    This guy and his team have a Youtube channel up showing people how they can start their own plastic recycling business by building their own machines to recycle it into usable and sell-able products.

    I can support this type of recycling since it is centered around the free market and free enterprise as opposed to the corrupt system of coercion and subsidies sponsored by government.

  9. Darin says:

    Manly man beer stein

  10. KG says:

    ‘A civilisation committing suicide. Right before your eyes.’

    And not a moment too soon:
    Fidel Castro bids farewell to Cuba’s Communists as he says he will die soon

    • Ronbo says:

      Castro dying?

      The U.S. Marines should have put the bastard out of his misery in 1959, as was planned by Eisenhower and never happened!

    • Darin says:

      The proff should be worried about a civil rights law suit since she is considering violating the students rights under the 2A.

      And her concerns about “shelter in place” drills is misguided,it’s counter-intuitive that the best outcome would be having a competent,armed marksman in the class rather than another defenseless drone.

  11. Darin says:

    Best deal on furniture in town :mrgreen:

  12. KG says:

    ‘EXCLUSIVE: MS GOP Chair Threatens Police Armed with ‘A Gun and a Badge’ Will Forcibly Remove Trump, Cruz Backers from Delegate Process’

    • Darin says:

      Soap box,ballot box,ammo box,pine box,such is the way of revolution.

      Election Sat also picks the new incoming Republican party district chairs.The state chair maybe out of a job Sat afternoon anyway.