Open house

“In this era of women-only parking, women-only trains, women-only apartments and transgender bathrooms, it seems the only acceptable man is a man who wants to be a woman.”

Miranda Devine, Australia.

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65 Responses to Open house

  1. Brown says:

    Some people you just can’t help. I think she needs a dose of Sharia Law to complete the misery.

  2. D.T. says:

    Being named Aisha is lost on her as well…..farken moronic muzzies…

  3. mawm says:

    “Hegemony”and “bigotry”, like “racist”, the language of the left: used to label anyone you disagree with.

  4. Ronbo says:

    Like Mama Gump always told her son Forrest – He with the 75 I.Q. – “Stupid is as stupid does.”

    Clearly, Mama Gump would use this woman as a classic example of her thesis.

    • KG says:

      You’ll know, when it you need a 100 million of ’em to buy a quart of milk.

      • Darin says:

        Funny thing is,I am actually not opposed to having blacks and women represented on our currency,but why the lightweights?Why not Fredrick Douglas someone with intellectual weight?I think who they selected tells as much about the motive as the move.An opera singer somehow rises to the level of Jackson or Washington?GMAFB

        • Ronbo says:

          Why not the heavy weights of black liberation?

          Fredrick Douglas was a Republican who believed blacks should advance based on merit…Martin Luther King was a Republican and believed blacks should advance based on merit…

          Your next question…

  5. Darin says:

    33 fun facts about slavery-

  6. Grog says:

    Peter excoriates the losers that claim transgender. As he should, and all of us that recognize the basic standards of thousands of years of decent living in society should.

    Sadly, as Bob details in his comment, there are far too few of us that will stand up and throw the bullshit flag when this happens.

  7. MikeH. says:

    “Trump Opposed To North Carolina’s Restroom Law”

    I think it’s time for a special election to give the residents of each state the final say as to whether or not they want freak shows hosted in public restrooms. I have a gut feeling the trannies would be shit outta luck.

    Ladies and gentleman of the jury, remember you heard it here first. The continuation of the “open to all” restroom issue will lay claim to new territories. I predict school locker rooms / showers and the locker rooms / showers at your local fitness centers will soon be gender neutral. That should cause a knot in some knickers.

    • Ronbo says:

      It’s not about the restrooms.

      It’s about the revolution.

      It’s about us verses them.

      We either kill them – or they will kill us.

      • Bo Chandler says:

        Yup. Spot on.

        Give them this and it will be something else tomorrow. When they first started bleating about affirmative action there were people who warned that surrender to the left was an endless proposition, and those people were laughed at.

        Here we are today, facing the prospect of 200 pound men sharing bathrooms with five year old girls.

    • Yokel says:

      I have a gut feeling the trannies would be shit outta luck.

      Which is why they are starting with the schools (on both sides of the Pond), just as they always do. By the time the current generation of schoolkids acquire the vote, it will be perfectly normal, and nothing to challenge.

      [In the previous paragraph I had to hold myself back from using the words “become adults”. God have mercy on us for not having taught our children right from wrong.]

  8. Darin says:

    Anders Breivik,sues Norwegian government for violating his rights and wins-

  9. KG says:

    Intel Lays Off 12,000 After Seeking Visas to Import 14,523 Foreign Professionals Since 2010
    French Students Wear Solidarity Veils for ‘Hijab Day’ (Fuckwits.)
    Amazing! Thousands Line Highway to Get a
    Glimpse of Donald Trump in Maryland

    …Meanwhile, Ted Cruz had about 150 people show up for his rally in Philly.

    More Than 1,000 People Shot in Chicago So Far This Year

    • Yokel says:

      Does Chicago not have the strictest gun control laws in the country? What went wrong? [Yeah, I know. Criminals aren’t all that keen on abiding by the law.]

      • KG says:

        A vast pool of unarmed potential victims is what went wrong, Yokel. That, and look at the melanin content of the vast majority of those doing the shooting.

  10. simpleton says:

    A response from the Bill Whittle’s “cultural appropriation video” about the white guy insulted about having dread locks, from the unbelievable self describing “unfriendly black girl.”
    She also shared posts about “natural hair” activism.

    A petition is calling for San Francisco State University (SFSU) to “remove” the woman who was filmed attacking a fellow student over “cultural appropriation” from campus due to her displaying “racism” against white people…..
    “Imagine, if this was a white man, PHYSICALLY GRABBING a young black girl with dyed blonde hair, threatening to hurt her and cut her hair off, saying that she had no right to have a hairstyle of her choice.”
    “San Francisco State University has a bully on their campus – a racist, physically violent, dangerous bully who should be removed, before she attacks any more innocent students for both their race, and how they look,” Hart concludes……
    SFSU is currently investigating the incident.
    The petition has garnered nearly 4,000 signatures in less than a week.

    The investigation
    But then again, probably a “whitewash” and it is really just “systemic racism” as the little jew guy also had “white privilege”
    For a white guy only needs a mere suspicion against him, and so the case is proven.

    Then again, is it true that in a recent survey, that one in three are liberals are stupid;-

  11. Darin says:

    Don’t worry,I’m sure that will buff right out :mrgreen:

  12. Darin says:

    Clinton friend,liberal cocksucker and all around asshole Terry McAuliffe just reinstated the voting rights for 200,000+ convicted felons in Virginia,including violent ones.One can only imagine why :roll: :evil:

  13. Ronbo says:


    The Big News Today In The USA…

    Prince Is Still Dead.

    …and Nero fiddled…while Rome burnt.

  14. KG says:

    I smell a rat…
    ‘A Nelson (NZ) restaurateur has accepted responsibility for over $100,000 worth of tax evasion after receiving money from overseas.
    ..Various overseas visitors had deposited money into the Bridge St business before returning to their home countries…’

    What, they “deposited money into the business” as part of the International Kebab Fund? Pull the other one.

    • Ronbo says:

      Fuck Hillary and the Leftards!

      If they try to take our guns they get their fucking heads blown off.

      “Go ahead, Punk, make my day!”

      • MikeH. says:

        In the latest story going around; if elected, Hillary is talking about executive orders that will create a $1000.00 per firearm tax… to be paid annually. I could be wrong but, that might have the potential to cause a serious shit storm of biblical proportions.

        I wonder if it’s possible for the Anti-Christ to be a female???

  15. KG says:

    ‘Spain commemorates Cervantes anniversary

    Spain has commemorated the 400th anniversary of the death of its best-known writer, Miguel de Cervantes.

    Events took place throughout the country on Saturday celebrating the author of Don Quixote, one of the most influential books in world literature and a work generally regarded as the precursor of the modern novel…’

  16. KG says:

    The hypocrite in the Vatican
    ‘A Christian brother and sister from Syria felt blessed to have been among the dozen refugees selected to start a new life in Italy — but now say their savior, Pope Francis, abandoned them on a Greek island, according to a report.
    Roula and Malek Abo, who had been housed in a refugee camp on Lesbos, said they thanked their lucky stars when they found out the Vatican had selected them during the pontiff’s visit to the island last week, the Daily Mail reported.
    Their dreams were shattered, though, when they were informed the following day that they would not be traveling to Rome. Instead, three Muslim families were taken.
    Asked why they were all Muslim, Francis said there was something wrong with the papers of a Christian family on the list…’

  17. KG says:

    Gecko has some lovely Aussie pics up:

  18. Darin says:

    How it’s made Diving helmets-

  19. Darin says:

    SEALS close proximity jump

  20. Darin says:

    LSD: Microdosing and the Supernatural

    Interesting concept,especially about cross linking brain regions.

    • KG says:

      Yes! Absolutely. I can vouch for the effectiveness of low doses to combat depression and negativity. What’s more, the effects of a single low dose can last for weeks afterwards.
      I view it as a bloody tragedy that people can be loaded up with Prozac etc when there’s a far more effective and safe alternative that is banned as a result of hysteria.
      Hysteria partly caused by clowns taking high doses of a drug that’s been sold to them as the real deal when it most often is anything but.

      • Darin says:

        SSRI’s I believe have done massive damage and probably account for the major up tick of suicides in the US in recent years,but yet that stuff is legal.

        • KG says:

          Ah yes, but there are massive profits to be had, with the co-operation of the state, eh?

  21. KG says:

    Never mind “We, the People”:
    ‘Republicans candidates Ted Cruz and John Kasich have announced plans to co-ordinate primary strategies to block the frontrunner.’
    Establishment assholes. :evil:
    ‘Twitter Shadowbans Donald Trump Tweet’

  22. KG says:

    ‘Far-Right wins first round of Austrian presidential election
    The far-Right moved a step closer to seizing the Austrian presidency on Sunday night, in an election result that will send shockwaves through Europe….’