Rise of the Superstate

The Fourth Reich is on the way-


“The foreign ministers of France and Germany are due to reveal a blueprint to effectively do away with individual member states in what is being described as an “ultimatum”.

Under the radical proposals EU countries will lose the right to have their own army, criminal law, taxation system or central bank, with all those powers being transferred to Brussels.”

Jack boots marching in the streets again ,seems like I have seen this movie before 

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32 Responses to Rise of the Superstate

  1. mara says:

    The 4th Reich?

    • Darin says:

      Gotta call it something,crazy scheme,lead by madmen,bent on world domination flying in the face of everything righteous and doomed to failure.Kinda fits doesn’t it?

    • Col. Bunny says:

      It’s quite bizarre. In Germany you can be punished if you teach your dog to give the National Socialist salute, but no one blinked an eye at the creation of the E.U., which is nothing if it isn’t an autocratic, unaccountable, oppressive super government by elitist pricks. This is the proverbial straining at gnats but swallowing a camel.

      On top of which the instigators of the E.U. dishonestly wrung their hands over “nationalism” while ushering in in plain sight the building blocks of what had just killed millions – total government. Former commies were right at home in the E.U.

      If abortion fanaticism opens the door to moral decay, stay tuned for what can be done to people ruled by unreachable political zealots. The E.U. as it is at this moment is a horror that is killing Europe. With BREXIT it has, hopefully been killed.

      • Col. Bunny says:

        Oh. I forgot to mention the AntiFa scum. Merkel’s Brown Shirt auxiliaries. Angela will nail you but good for the dog salute deal but just never get around to making masks in public a criminal offense.

        Millions died in the last century but no antibodies to either the forms or substance of totalitarianism ever developed unfortunately. The reappearance of the insanity is obvious but Europeans are as perceptive as Mr. Magoo and cannot (or refuse to) see what is right in front of them.

        • KG says:

          Exactly right, Col. B.
          You’d think the parallels are striking enough for even the thickest optimist to be disturbed by them, wouldn’t you?

      • Yokel says:

        “the instigators of the E.U. dishonestly wrung their hands over “nationalism” while ushering in in plain sight the building blocks of what had just killed millions – total government”

        Animal Farm. See the way the pigs taught the sheep a “new” song. From “two legs bad, four legs good” to “four legs good, two legs better”.

        Heart sinks.

  2. KG says:

    God almighty! 8O
    When I predicted this years ago I was abused as a “paranoid old fart” and worse.
    Odd, isn’t it, how those paranoid predictions have a way of becoming today’s facts?
    I can’t see Russia standing idly by and letting this happen and in any case, we ought to support Putin against this filth if TSHTF.

    • Darin says:

      Ya,nobody asked Putin how he feels on the issue and I’m betting ole Vlad isn’t going to be too keen on the idea.

      • Bo Chandler says:

        How the wheels of time turn.

        Who’d have ever thought we’d want to see the Russians protected from the collectivist machinations of our own government?

        • KG says:

          Sigh….how true. Which makes attempts to predict the future pretty laughable, non?

  3. KG says:

    Ship ’em off to camps, along with gypsies and Jews?
    ‘Media Pushes ‘Ban’ On Old People Voting After Brexit’

    Adolf would be rubbing his hands with glee…..

    • Darin says:

      I’ve been called paranoid because of my belief that if they can justify the murder of the very young,they will also justify the murder of the very old.

      • KG says:

        You bet they will, Darin.

      • Pascal says:

        I am happy to know there’s more than one of us Darin.

        Those who charged me with paranoia I assert are themselves excessively fearful to consider all the evidence that proves my concerns (and yours) are valid. I think there are two reasons for this: one they are inclined to believe there ARE too many people, and two, if they just keep quiet maybe the headsman will come for them last.

        I don’t recall you ever leaving a comment at my blog, so I don’t know if you’ve ever visited. Let me post the observation that all new visitors read in my masthead.

        Despite the alleged separation of church and state, belief in Sustainability is widely held in American secular government. Judeo-Christian moral guidelines have been incrementally supplanted by what can best be described as neo-pagan ones [i.e., beliefs diametrically opposed to the sanctity of innocent human life]. Consequently, notice where rulers never utter a harsh word towards Malthusian [proven wrong time after time], Utilitarian [‘only need a few million extra for spare parts’] and Green [‘the surest way to solve all earthly problems is less humans’] nutcases. There the ruled are at grave risk.

        I wrote that so long ago (without the editor’s brackets) that I left out “and Islamist nutcases.” But now that group is the top of the nutcases NEVER receiving a negative word from our rulers. You’d think all those who had called you paranoid would recognize the pattern by now. But experience tells me that you shouldn’t count on it.

        Anyway, it seems as if you and I are inclined to agree. I live in hope, however dim, that quickly, before it is too late, that there will be many more than just two of us.

        • Darin says:

          Pascal I have long noticed the paradoxical beliefs held by the left.The concept that killing the unborn is somehow virtuous,but executing a convicted murderer is morally abhorrent is just one.

          They will kill in the name of Gaia,or whatever crazy belief they are following this week and use their worship of the environment to justify it.Ever have a look at the Georgia Guide Stones?A supposed guide for maintaining a sustainable population on Earth.I would love to know who exactly came up with them.I mean one doesn’t exactly pay for the creation and erection of 50 ton stone obelisks if you don’t believe what is inscribed on them.

          You’re right about Islam,but it’s no accident that they have been allowed to run amok.They are a tool,a tool to bring about the incremental enslavement of the human race.Look at the evidence,a very small minority commits a terrorist act and we are told no,we cannot profile them,instead we must all submit to whatever violation of our rights the powers that be deem necessary.
          And so a jihadi walks into a gay bar in Florida and kills 49 people,but it’s guns,guns are the problem and they need to be rounded up.

          • Pascal says:

            You’ve provided me some good points upon which to expand briefly, hopefully provoking even more discussions that are long overdue.

            “Paradoxical beliefs” are really the step-prints of double-think in practice. In their moral code, which merely mocks our own in appearance, the murder of babies is a goal, the murder of murderers is a waste of a useful agent. Think as they do of utilitarianism and the coddling of murderers is no longer a paradox. Another way of putting it: if you are not useful, such as the homicidal maniac, you are no longer innocent in their eyes, and so worthy of death. Expect police protection at our peaceful rallies? Forget it as we see police given stand-down orders when AntiFa agents are on the scene.

            Killing is Sus worship, and by any means at their disposal. Here is only the most recent report: http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/06/28/seven-refugees-active-tb-sent-idaho/
            This done in the time of knowing how germs carry disease by the same people who raised specious charges about the army providing smallpox contaminated blankets to the Indians in the times before germ theory. This incident is evidence we are being terrorized by policies once only a dream of death cults.

            I suspect that the Georgia Guidestones were commissioned by Ted Turner. At least it fits with his world view as exemplified by his generosity in 1992 by granting a half million dollar pre-publication award to the author of the anti-human novel Ishmael. Maybe it was only a coincidence it was named after the father of the Arabs; but being aware of the double-think racism employed by the Left (Ishmael is a mute gorilla who communicates to the author via telepathy), I doubly doubt it was accidental.

            As for the guns, guns aspect, well sure. Our self defense is not useful towards their goal. Malthusianism, Utilitarianism, Greenism and Islamism all fitting in their now less subtle undeclared war against normalcy, decency, meritocracy and traditions.

      • Col. Bunny says:

        I saw a very brief video image showing some attractive young American women holding pro-abortion signs, wearing pro-abortion T-shirts, and wiggling their hips. The went to all that trouble to show their happiness with abortion, to celebrate it. Plus, they see it as a part of “women’s health.” They were happy to be free of the threat if this affliction, this threat to their health, motherhood.

        And you’re quite right. I’ve seen abortion zealots with some prettty damn cold ideas on inconvenient old people who should be denied medical treatment.

        • Darin says:

          I knew of one person who was always ranting that old people should be refused medical treatment and are a waste of resources on and on.But he has steadily gotten older and older til he was in his late 70’s so I asked him when he was gonna off himself,still haven’t gotten an answer on that.Just one more one rule for thee another for me liberal.

  4. mara says:

    KG, schools don’t teach actual history anymore and it is 70 years since the last big war. A lot of time for people to get complacent and imagine that war will never come to them again. It will, of course, and I see it happening in my life-time and yours.

    • KG says:

      I do too, Mara. The time for war will never be over, for as long as we have that remnant of the reptilian brain. No amount of social engineering will ever fix that.

      • Bo Chandler says:


        • Darin says:

          That’s why I believe the only moral position on war is that they be fought swiftly and decisively.Anything else just prolongs the suffering and misery.

          Police actions and half measures are every bit as bloody,but accomplish little if anything in securing the peace.

          • MikeH. says:

            “That’s why I believe the only moral position on war is that they be fought swiftly and decisively,”

            Since wars are declared by government leaders, perhaps wars should be fought by those same political hermaphrodites that declare them.

            • Darin says:

              Mike,think of all the needless suffering,carnage and death that could be avoided if we forced our leaders to fight.

              Let’s say country A & B are ramping up to war and the leadership of both countries were placed in an MMA style cage for a no holds barred fight to the death winner take all.

              How many wars do you think there would be?

              • MikeH. says:

                That is exactly my point. The bastards in government order kids off to die in wars the bastards create. All the while, they live in luxury and play their power games. The solution should be simple; face the political opposite you have declared war against… or face a trip to the deep end of the outdoor water feature at Disney World, courtesy of your own citizens.

                I feel relatively sure wars would become as obsolete as cash and me.

  5. mara says:

    Yeah Darin, but try telling that to the idiots who think it’s now “cool” to march with grand pa’s medals on Anzac Day without actually joining the dots to realisation that their own children might one day be in the same horrible position as were their grandparents. The hypocritical lefties, in their blindsighted denial of reality, disgust me.

    • Darin says:

      That is a human ailment,Mara,that many can’t see beyond their own lifespans.Few these days are willing to engage in projects that last very long and even fewer are willing to see them through.

      When looking back at our forefathers in America and I’m sure it’s the same in NZ and Australia,we see people who were willing to sacrifice everything,lives and livelihoods,lay down in the mud and die so that their children and children’s children could have a future better than their own.I don’t see that same drive and sense of purpose present today.Everything is me and now these days.

  6. tranquil says:

    The UK just dodged one helluva *bullet*.

    The one bit of good news – the Brexit has forced the EU bastards into the open with their plans.

  7. Cadwallader says:

    Well at the very least the Brits will be able to maintain an army. In truth, based on history whether Italy and France have armies is academic only.

  8. Ronbo says:

    KG said:

    “God almighty! 8O

    When I predicted this years ago I was abused as a “paranoid old fart” and worse.
    Odd, isn’t it, how those paranoid predictions have a way of becoming today’s facts?

    I can’t see Russia standing idly by and letting this happen and in any case, we ought to support Putin against this filth if TSHTF.”

    An Anglosphere alliance with Russia against Germany?

    I think I saw this movie…”WW II: THE BIG ONE” was the title.http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_wacko.gif