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Why don’t Feminists fight for muslim women?
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Methodists strike again-
Lone wolves, criminal not terrorist. Not at all representative of the Religion of Peace.
Obama said so.
All I can say is BAN guns and bombs in Tukey….oops , they have gun control already…mmmmm . Ok , it must be the fault of the West…yeah , that’s it . All of that islamophobia drove these fine muslims to extremes and they had to murder unarmed civilians because of it…yeah . > sarc
It will be interesting to see how this pans out and how the left will cover for (p)islam because , as we all know , it’s NEVER the fault of muslims.
Muslims killing Muslims? I guess the Muzbots get bored killing Christians, Jews, Gays, Atheists, Buddhists, Hindus, Women, Children….”Honey, I’m going down to the airport and murder me some fellow religionists…I mean it’s Tuesday and not a damn thing to do in Istanbul!”
They are reporting on Fox that Turkey was trying again to moderate.The had just recently apologized to Russia for shooting down the Russian fighter and also had moved to re-establish diplomatic ties with Israel.
If that’s the case,we know the why of the attack.
If only they could do it against greater numbers… and a lot more frequently.
Feminists don’t fight for muslim women for the same reasons men the world over won’t. Fat, hairy, stinking goats in burkas just ain’t worth the time or effort.
Just saw an ad for Equality/Grrrl Power in the St Vinnies window: asking for money to help the 11400 homeless women in NSW
Once upon a time, wimins had families…
Once upon a time, the world was sane….
Because they don’t give a shit about bag-headed women who don’t join their feminist book clubs or they think that it is patronising to assume that the bagged ladies cannot sort out their own issues without intervention of the White Colonising classes interfering with their autonomy. Either way, I find it hard to care about hypocritical, non-breeding, bitter wymem who are only concerned about glass ceilings for themselves in NY.
“Either way, I find it hard to care about hypocritical, non-breeding, bitter wymem who are only concerned about glass ceilings for themselves in NY.”