Daniel Greenfield-
“You won’t find many of the Democrats who pulled their phony publicity stunt over gun control backing the Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Act. It was after all their very own administration that chose to sendF-16 fighter jets, not to mention other serious firepower, to the Muslim Brotherhood regime that ruled in Egypt before being overthrown by military intervention and popular protests.”
Obama,Hillary and Kerry,fellow travelers with Isis and Iran with the same goal
Greenfield is spot-on, as usual.
This shit is all well documented now – it’s no ‘crazy internet conspiracy theory’
Every cunt [and I tell you what that’s a lot of cunts] that is still looking the other way, acting the fool, or playing go along to get along should be thinking long and hard on on this…
Crimes against public order
Treason and other crimes against the Sovereign and the State
73 Treason
•Every one owing allegiance to the Sovereign in right of New Zealand commits treason who, within or outside New Zealand,—
◦(a) kills or wounds or does grievous bodily harm to the Sovereign, or imprisons or restrains her or him; or
◦(b) levies war against New Zealand; or
◦(c) assists an enemy at war with New Zealand, or any armed forces against which New Zealand forces are engaged in hostilities, whether or not a state of war exists between New Zealand and any other country; or
◦(d) incites or assists any person with force to invade New Zealand; or
◦(e) uses force for the purpose of overthrowing the Government of New Zealand; or
◦(f) conspires with any person to do anything mentioned in this section.
The penalty is life imprisonment, except for conspiracy, for which the maximum sentence is 14 years imprisonment.
I tell you what – that’s a lot of cunts
Seems it is guns for terrorists as well
High Treason
“‘Impeachment is on our minds but we will need to digest the report. There is definitely a feeling that Blair must be properly held to account for his actions in the run-up to what was a disastrous war.’
They say Mr Blair should be forced to answer claims he duped the Commons over the war, which cost the lives of 179 British troops.
The MPs believe they can argue that the ex-Labour leader should be impeached over allegations he breached his constitutional duties as Premier.
Mr Blair, who made claims about Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction that were contradicted by his own intelligence assessments, is expected to be heavily criticised in the Chilcot Inquiry report.
If the impeachment attempt is approved by MPs, the defendant is delivered to Black Rod ahead of a trial. A simple majority is required to convict, at which point a sentence can be passed, which could, in theory, involve Mr Blair being sent to prison.”