Open House

Busy week so far,here’s hoping it gets better for the weekend

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43 Responses to Open House

  1. Darin says:

    Ride along in a Tigercat Feller/Buncher,this ole boy is from North Mississippi up near Starkville.In case anybody is wondering,I kinda sound like him :lol:

    It’s been said that FB operators would make good fighter pilots,there is a lot of stuff going on in that little cab.

  2. Darin says:

    Daniel Greenfield-Shut up Elisabeth Warren,America doesn’t need two Hillary Clintons-

    ” Warren isnā€™t a good speaker. Her speeches are inept, her cadence is uneven and she ends sentences on a squeak. She stumbles breathily through prepared texts, seemingly confused to be up on stage as if sheā€™s waiting for everyone to realize that there was a mistake and replace her with someone competent.”

  3. KG says:

    ‘The tech industry is plagued by guilt about the lack of women in its technical teams ā€” and everywhere else. But new data suggests that thereā€™s no hiring bias against them. Women might just suck at job interviews, according to a new report by an interview matchmaking service., a service which allows interviewers and interviewees to match up online and conduct interviews based on their communication skills recently set out to fix the ā€œgender gap in techā€ by creating a voice changer that would allow interviewees to mask their voice, and in turn their gender, in an attempt to tackle bigoted interviewers.
    What the study revealed ā€“ to the shock of the feminists who organized it ā€“ was that women underperform in job interviews even when the interviewer believes them to be maleā€¦.’

  4. mara says:

    This Bangladesh ISIS operation is puzzling as normally they attempt to kill everyone including themselves. This, according to latest reports, did not happen, and some hostages and a Mahommed reportedly survived. Fly on the wall says, “Eh Mo, are you certain about the 72 virgins we gonna get? “Spoken like an Infidel!” “Yeah Mo, but when we are only flying mince, what part of us is gonna fuck virgins and can you guarantee that they aren’t going to be retreads?” “Ah shit, hadn’t thought that through!” Panic ensued.

  5. Gregoryno6 says:

    Tonight’s entertainment will consist of The Maltese Falcon and The Haunted Palace. The first is the story of a desperate electorate chasing the mythical dream of stable government, while the second is a documentary about Parliament House. Or something like that.

  6. Gregoryno6 says:

    From commenter Wayne Grayson on Tim Blair’s blog – the most astute observation of this or any other election.
    “Voting is sort of like going to Bunnings. You get to eat a sausage sandwich and choose tools.”

  7. Ronbo says:

    Voting…election…are a civilized and peaceful means of civil war….voting…therefore…is an indirect act of violence.

    However, if one side will not play by the rules of the game – I’m talking about the Left – then the other option is bloody civil war.

    The great questions of the day will be decided in the voting booth or on the battlefield.

    The International Left should take note: We The People of The World are serious about removing the Global Oligarchy one way or another.

  8. Robertv says:

    Alzheimerā€™s disease may now be added to a list of diseases with promising treatment from cannabis compounds, a new study from the Salk Institute says.

    • Yokel says:

      Well, what did you expect. We are back to the days of the “Auld Alliance” when the Scots would attack England from the north if the English were doing well in a scrap with France, and vice versa. It may have had a bearing on why the Scots were skint and had to beg for the Union with England to cadge a loan to pay off their bills. It will be no different once the Scots have cast themselves adrift this time.

      Bring it on!

  9. mara says:

    KG, look up Harry Chapin Circle. All my life’s a circle. He was correct but for all the wrong reasons. He was a Liberal unto death but I love his music. How ironic today was his song “Dance Band on the Titanic’?

  10. Yokel says:

    Interesting little contretemps regarding the “Theresa May for Tory leader” campaign in UK.

    Very critical article published in the Telegraph has now been disappeared.
    See Guido at:
    with the full article at:
    Now picked up by Breitbart at:
    Alas they are out of date, their web archive link now shows the Telegraph’s 404 Page not Found display.
    However, it is still in the Google cache:

    I have pdfs of the Guido copy of the article and the copy from the Google cache should the originals go missing.

    My conclusions? Theresa May is the Establishment’s “safe pair of hands” to lead the Tories and thereby to frustrate the will of the electorate. She campaigned to Remain, she is all mouth and trousers when it comes to doing what the People actually want and all her so-called failings just happen to aid the Internationalist cause. If she is leader, she will fail to deliver Brexit. Quelle surprise!

  11. Robertv says:

    So who exactly are the terrorists ?

    Progressive Fascistic Government

  12. Michael in Nelson says:

    I see some Trump supporters are in trouble for a new campaign button. Red, white and blue saying KFC Hillary Special: two fat thighs, two small breasts, and a left wing.

  13. Darin says:

    North Carolina passes law against “sanctuary cities”

    “Huh. I immediately noticed the phrase, ā€œexplicitly targeting undocumented immigrants.ā€ In other parts of the country we refer to that as, ā€œenforcing the law.ā€

  14. KG says:

    “Iā€™m a millennial and my generationĀ sucks”

  15. KG says:

    I have a two word response to this shit:
    Fuck off!–but-might-be-the-wrong-way-forward

    How about these whiny little c*nts go out and build a world of their own, instead of leeching off what the grown-ups created? Oh, that’s right….they’re too busy creating emojis, whining on social media and taking utterly useless degrees. :evil:

  16. Darin says:

    Meanwhile Juno arrives in orbit around Jupiter-

    Documentary on how we think Jupiter formed and the Juno mission-

  17. KG says:

    ‘The Solution To Online ā€˜Harassmentā€™ Is Simple: Women Should Log Off

    Time for some honesty. Women are ā€” and you wonā€™t hear this anywhere else ā€” screwing up the internet for men by invading every space we have online and ruining it with attention-seeking and a needy, demanding, touchy-feely form of modern feminism that quickly comes into conflict with menā€™s natural tendency to be boisterous, confrontational and delightfully autistic.
    ā€¦Hereā€™s my suggestion to fix the gender wars online: Women should just log off. Given that men built the internet, along with the rest of modern civilisation, I think itā€™s only fair that they get to keep it. And given what a miserable time women are having on the web, surely they would welcome an abrupt exit. They could go back to bridge tournaments, or wellness workshops, or swapping apple crumble recipes, or whatever it is women do in their spare timeā€¦.’