Cold,then hot,now cold again

Will somebody take the thermostat away from these pricks?

Are Scientists Preparing for a FlipFlop Back to Global Cooling Predictions?

These currents, which today drive the Gulf Stream, bring warm surface waters north and send cold, deeper waters south. But they weakened suddenly and drastically, nearly to the point of stopping, just before several periods of abrupt climate change, researchers report today in Science. In a matter of decades, temperatures plummeted in the north, as the currents brought less warmth in that direction. Meanwhile, the backlog of warm, southern waters allowed the Southern Hemisphere to heat up.

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4 Responses to Cold,then hot,now cold again

  1. Ronbo says:

    So now the Environmentalist Wackos are saying manmade global warming is causing global COOLING?

    “Beam me up, Scotty. There is no intelligent life on this planet.”

  2. Alan says:

    There may have been once Ronbo, but they have long since been beamed up.

  3. Brown says:

    Not to worry, more taxes and less freedom will solve everything.

  4. andy5759 says:

    Warble Gloaming covers it. I can’t remember where on the blogosphere I read that but thanks, it says it all.