Bill Whittle on Brexit


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5 Responses to Bill Whittle on Brexit

  1. Darin says:

    And I don’t endorse many people or websites,but I have to recommend Bill Whittle’s site-

    Stop in and check it out,maybe even chip in $5,it costs serious money to reach the numbers of people he does and we need more voices like his in the fight.

  2. KG says:

    But….the REAL lesson of Brexit is almost certain to be “vote how you like, but nothing will change.”
    The path to servitude is mapped out and only violent resistance will prevent it.

  3. C-CS says:

    tactics of alinsky being carried out by his ‘off spring’ – bho-h clinton- and- my guess- l lynch- and many more–
    it is time – my Patriot friends – to take the mantel of our Founders-