I’m sure nothing will come of it,but….

Lynch and Comey go before congress tomorrow to answer a few questions-


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9 Responses to I’m sure nothing will come of it,but….

  1. KG says:

    Apologies for the O/T, but this is too good to not share:
    Dr Piero Moraro, a lecturer in justice studies at Charles Sturt University, presents his election solution:
    We think that “one person, one vote” is the hallmark of any democratic election. However, the EU referendum and the Australian election suggest that, in the interest of democracy, we should grant more votes to younger citizens, and fewer to older ones…’
    Via Tim Blair

    Every time you think academics couldn’t get nuttier and even more repulsive…..

    • mawm says:

      It won’t be long before they want to give more votes to “the first peoples”, lesbians (sorry homos – Milo is responsible for putting you into the same category as middle-aged white males), trannies, cripples, the uneducated, the unwashed, muslims, tenured university professors, dead Democrats, and if you voted “remain”, etc. Gun owners get minus one. http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_sad.gif

      • KG says:

        http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_unsure.gifI can only assume this is some clown’s bid for a few seconds of fame on Twitter.

        • Cadwallader says:

          The problem with one-man one-vote is that it counts heads rather than measuring the contents of those heads. The deviation from one-man one-vote I would agree with is that voting be restricted to those who are net-taxpayers. How else can it be said one has earned the right to vote? If one is a net taxpayer it matters not whether they’re queer, muslim (or both) or a cripple (or all three.) To govern requires deliberation and wisdom, I do not perceive that democracy necessarily preserves these virtues.

    • Gregoryno6 says:

      The Brexit vote was somewhat ignored and overlooked by the young, who did however have plenty of time AFTER the vote to moan and bitch about what their parents had done, and call for a second vote. But that doesn’t count.
      Not sure how the general lack of interest in voting among 18-24yos squares with Dr Bornarsehole – sorry, Dr Moraro’s suggestion. Adopt his policy, and what happens when the vote is still determined by the elderly? Will it be Wild In The Streets time?

  2. mtamati says:

    Lynch’s concession to abide by Comey’s recommendation after being sprung about her meeting in Pheonix, had nothing to do with prior knowledge of what that recommendation was going to be.. yeah right!

  3. Ronbo says:

    mawm said:

    It won’t be long before they want to give more votes to “the first peoples”, lesbians (sorry homos – Milo is responsible for putting you into the same category as middle-aged white males), trannies, cripples, the uneducated, the unwashed, muslims, tenured university professors, dead Democrats, and if you voted “remain”, etc. Gun owners get minus one. http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_sad.gif


    Of course, we Nationalists may stage a coup against the Socialists and turn the clock to the good old days of 100 years ago complete with segregation and gay bashing every Friday night downtown.

    I mean, it’s high time the Right get with the anti-democratic thing of age and really, really, REALLY piss off the Left every day just like they do us.

  4. MikeH. says:

    In regards to the original topic; You are very much correct… nothing will come of it.

    I watched the dog a pony show for an hour or so and no one brought up the most important question. When did it become incumbent upon FBI Director Comey to determine whether or not the case should be prosecuted? Quote: “No reasonable prosecutor would pursue a case against Mrs. Clinton.”

    The function of law enforcement is to investigate crimes, identify and arrest the responsible party(s) then present the evidence to the prosecutors. The prosecutors make the awe-inspiring determination as to whether there is or is not a case to present to the court.

    In one giant leap of confidence (?), Director Comey has done away with the need for prosecutors, judges and juries.