State Dept re-opens probe into Hillary’s e-mails

This just keeps getting more interesting-

“Clinton, who has in the past stated that she “never sent or received” classified materials on her personal email server, appeared to soften that language on Friday. “I certainty did not believe that I received or sent any material that was classified,” she told Blitzer.”


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8 Responses to State Dept re-opens probe into Hillary’s e-mails

  1. Darin says:

    It ain’t over till the fat lady is behind bars-


  2. K2 says:

    The whitewash was so pathetically embarrassing they actually want to go back and whitewash the whitewash


    You don’t really expect Obama’s State Department to oppose the Hildebeast, do you?

    • Darin says:

      No,but typically every time the Clinton’s try and fix things,they only get worse.That’s the catch with lying to cover lies,sooner or later truth always comes back around.

  3. Alan says:

    One has to have a very good memory to be a good liar. When you tell thousands of lies like the Hillary wench does, the best of memories become overloaded. Akin to a a computer, and breaks down. This is what is haunting the inveterate liar that this despicable bitch is at this moment in time.

  4. Contempt says:

    Sorry I can’t link however go to YouTube look for the Clinton folks and find interesting reports and the numbers of “folks ” dead as hell who knew the Clinton family.

  5. Gregoryno6 says:

    Good! I’d hate to see Trey Gowdy’s evisceration of Mr Comey go to waste.

  6. Bo Chandler says:

    From what I’ve been gathering the Email server thing is actually a massive diversion to make sure nobody pays attention to the Clinton Foundation.

    Whispers are passing from ear to ear that the FBI is sitting on so much evidence on the CF implicating so many people and covering so much illegal international activity that not only would its revelation collapse the US government but that it would also trigger a world war.

    This has been given as a reason that Comey (once a card carrying Republican) tore strips off of Clinton but refused to recommend charges. Because nobody in the FBI is willing to dump the dossier that ends the world, and many are hoping that Hillary will be damaged enough for Trump to take office and quietly dismantle her empire without collapsing the whole house of cards. It’s also the reason that Hillary’s scandals have been agreed by the MSM (including FOX we should note) to begin and end with her use of that server.

    The real kicker will be if wikileaks or an international player like Putin drops evidence of the nuclear-grade CF conspiracies into the public forum. Putin would absolutely do this, because apparently he’s quite certain that a Hillary administration would begin a war with Russia to consolidate the rule of the NWO and institute a war-time martial law in the US that would never be lifted.