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- Darin on Open House 2/22/25
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- Michael in Nelson on Open House 2/22/25
- Michael in Nelson on Open House 2/22/25
- Darin on Open House 2/22/25
- Darin on Open House 2/22/25
‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
- "The loss of freedom is like cancer; it will spread slowly but surely across all parts of society until our liberty has been utterly eaten away and we are left with nothing but a half-forgotten idea of what freedom was."
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Bwhahahaha……Climate change cheerleader Bill Nye claims new Creationist Noah’s Ark exhibit is “brainwashing people” pot meet kettle.
Something we don’t see everyday,or ever
That’s lovely! Don’t you wish some of the old astronomers could have seen these sights?
Yup,they would be amazed and great things are still to come if the James Webb space telescope ever goes operational.
Here is some more on the Orion Nebula-
Those old astronomers would have been surprised by that large landmass south of the Equator.
‘France is ‘on the verge of a civil war’ which could be sparked by a mass sexual assault on women by migrants, intelligence chief warns’
And we would all be so sad, wouldn’t we?
“Patrick Calvar, chief of the Directorate General of Internal Security, told members of the French parliamentary commission: ‘We are on the brink of civil war’.
According to French newspaper Le Figaro, he said: ‘This confrontation I think it will take place.
‘Even one or two attacks and it will happen. It therefore behooves us to anticipate and block all these groups
In May the former head of MI6, Richard Dearlove, said Europe would face a ‘populist uprising’ if its governments did not take control of the migrant crisis.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel was also told by security experts last October that middle class citizens in Germany were becoming ‘radicalised’ because of her open borders migrant policy.
She was warned that it could lead to widespread disorder
Order From Chaos – A New World Order
They are working hard to make “populist” as evil as “racist” and “xenophobic”. Then they will have their excuse to take them out, leaving the way clear for …
Ephesians 6:12
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this world’s darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
A.G. Lynch is “testifying” at the House Judiciary Hearing on the oversight(s) of the Department of Justice. Of course, the Demo-cretins are doing everything possible to deflect questions and answers away from the whole point of the hearing, which is why did Lynch allowed FBI Director Comey to go above and beyond his pay-grade by deciding there were no grounds for criminal charges against the anti-Christ, Hillery Rodham Clinton. In true fashion, the commie bastards, er ah, Demo-cretins used their respective five minutes to exalt Lynch to a god like status and vilify guns, gun owners and the National Rifle Association.
Socialist son of a bitch, er ah, Demo-cretin from Michigan Conyers did everything short of bowing down and worshiping Lynch, while gushing over her being the first black A.G. in the history of America. As he stuttered and stammered to read his obviously ghost-written notes, it became patently apparent Conyers has either spent one too many hours huffing horse shit or, has suffered a series of mentally debilitating strokes.
Lynch was doing a fantastic job of double, even triple, talking the conservative inquisitors out of their five minute time limits when being asked the most direct (and then rephrased) questions that were to the very point of the hearing. It doesn’t matter how many different ways you ask a direct question. If the person being asked won’t give a direct answer… ya hold them in contempt!!!
After watching the clown and monkey show for almost an hour, I reached the end of my endurance to withstand the cluster coitus of “if ya can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit” antics of televised government programming and chose to change the channel to the more intellectually enlightening adventures of Sponge Bob Square Pants.
God bless and protect us, as only You know better than any; those people in Washington, District of Criminals have absolutely no intentions of of doing such.
To all of our brothers and sisters in NZ…
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg has made a back handed threat to leave the U.S. and move to NZ if Trump is elected president.
In the even of a Trump win, please accept our most sincere regrets.
I know the Leftists up here in Seattle say they will be moving in mass to New Zealand if Trump is elected…Trust me – you folks down there don’t want that trash in your country!
I swear every time I see her I expect her to yell out- My Precioussssss!
“Why everyone wants to move to New Zealand”
“Earlier this week US Supreme Court Justice Ruth Ginsburg told the New York Times if Donald Trump became President she would move to New Zealand.
And it doesn’t end there, fears of a future President Trump led to a spike in interest with Americans googling “move to New Zealand” this month.
Colorado and Washington were the two states most actively looking into the move.”
F Off – We’re Full!!!
Damn right, Jamie.
Lynch the traitor-bitch…SPIT!
Putin’s Naval officers are a bit smarter than he is-
Darth Vader is having a chat with some of his admiral who have failed him, I see…
Dolphin pod running along with Boat-
Reminds me of a trip we made off the coast a few years back,we ran with a pod of Dolphins for about 20 miles before we hit bingo fuel and had to turn back.The whole pod stopped when we did and started jumping and playing like they were saying “don’t stop now,come on let’s go have some more fun!”
The amazing part were the baby dolphins,some barely 4 feet long that had no problem keeping up with the adults and even running ahead of them the whole time. Fascinating creatures.
…”everyone loves the king of sea…Flipper, Flipper faster than lightening, no one you see… is faster than he…”
Beautiful! Me and Gecko used to call dolphins to us by clinking two empty bottles together underwater.
It really works.
From the “Academia tells us something we already knew” department
The left will have a harder time denying the results because the professor is black.
Not really,to them he’s an uncle Tom you see.
I wish them luck but won’t be holding my breath
As well as me…still his heart is in the Patriotic place.
UNT students find rude message on coffee cups$category%20p$1
I heard this from someone who swore it was true…
A certain tertiary institution here in Perth was going to be titled Curtin University of New Technologies. Almost at the last minute the potential for embarrassment was spotted, and the NT was dropped.
If not true, it oughta be!
And of course, it’s all whitey’s fault..
“We need to talk about how white the NZ Olympic team is..”
‘Bombshell: Obama Never Once Met With His Defense Intelligence Chief’
A formula for mediocrity:
‘We need to have a conversation about terrible workplace sexism:’
37 American cities to be attacked by the “KLAN WITH THE TAN” BLM this Friday in what they are calling a day of rage:
For comment, allow me to paraphrase Lincoln’s 1858 convention speech:
If we could first know where we are, and whither we are tending, we could then better judge what to do, and how to do it. We are now far into the eighth year, since Obama policy was initiated, with the avowed object, and confident promise, of creating racial strife across the republic. Under the operation of that policy, that agitation has not only, not ceased, but has constantly augmented. In my opinion, …it will not cease, until a crisis shall have been reached, and passed. A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure, permanently by pitting one group against another. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved – I do not expect the house to fall – but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing, or all the other. Either the opponents of socialism, racism and favoritism, will arrest the further spread of Obama and Democrat policy, and place it where the public mind shall rest in the belief that it is in course of ultimate extinction; or its advocates will push it forward, till it shall become alike lawful in all the States, old as well as new – North as well as South.
Boeing 737 Max showing off at Farnborough
After watching this there seems to be some strange liquid in my eyes-
I’d be more worried about contact with a muslim contaminating my dog:
‘Leaflets Call For Brits To ‘Respect’ Muslims By Not Taking Their Dogs Out in Public’
They won’t stop muslim gangs raping little girls, but…
‘Nottinghamshire Police have become the first force in Britain to recognise misogyny as a hate crime, in an effort to make the county a safer place for women…’
‘Global arms race escalates as sabres rattle in South China Sea’
…not content with just starting the Second U.S. Civil War, President Obama has moved on to the world stage and pissed off royally both Russia and China, and seems to have starting the Third World War on his “to do” agenda before leaving office in six months.
Do they offer a Nobel “War Prize?”
May the prick rot in hell.
Now a truck has deliberately driven into a crowd in Nice during the Bastille Day celebrations. Reports say the driver then got out and started shooting. Must be those violent Amish again.
Some great comments under this article on parenting:
I don’t trust myself to comment on this piece of filth:
‘Andrea Leadsom: ‘Sensible’ not to leave children in care of men as they may be paedophiles
FORMER Tory leadership hopeful Andrea Leadsom has suggested it is “very sensible” for children not to be left in the care of men because they might be paedophiles…’
No,don’t think male babysitters are any more likely to be pedos, we DO know that female teachers are more likely to f–k their male students.
Here’s 13 whole pages of them-
A brilliant Swiss end-to-end encrypted free email service:
‘Despite Brexit, UK continues on doomed path
By Carol Brown’
‘…“Molon Labe,” the two greatest words ever uttered..’
“FORMER Tory leadership hopeful Andrea Leadsom has suggested it is “very sensible” for children not to be left in the care of men because they might be paedophiles…’”
Well, I’d say the middle age female teachers are doing a good job on the young boys of 13 or 14 in introducing them to the world of sex.
So I guess the best thing to do would be to keep all adults away from children – and let them raise themselves.