It’s time our elected officials and government regulators live by their own rules-
“Everyone talks about global warming, but nobody does anything about it. At least, the people who talk about saving the planet the most seem to have the biggest carbon footprint. But I have some ideas for fixing that.”
Admittedly my carbon footprint is larger than most….
The one thing that f–ker is good at,pissing away other peoples money
Now there is another way to look at separate planes. If I were married to either one of them, I’d be looking for alternate transportation also. You know?
Coroner’s truck for one, hearse for t’other.
You know, re news about HC and her non crimes, the obvious double standards re climate change, have me thinking that we might get some people saying “what the fuck, they piss over their own laws – so shall I”. Where does that lead? What’s the difference between what by and good sense? Answer, when government is so fucking stupid you can’t parody it. We’re there now.
Where does it lead? Anarchy,but then that can be a good thing on occasion.
Yeah but Cointempt u’d be headed west if they b headed east, like.
Nice job Bog Admenstreuator, btw.
Yur welcome!