Bill Whittle: Is Hillary Guilty?

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12 Responses to Bill Whittle: Is Hillary Guilty?

  1. MacDoctor says:

    Is Hillary guilty?

    Does a bear crap in the woods?

  2. KG says:

    Money quote:
    “They don’t take us for idiots – they take us for cowards”
    And they’re right.

    • K2 says:

      That’s true on a number of levels. We’re cowards so afraid of terrorists that we allow the government to fondle our bodies and destroy our dignity. We’re cowards because we allow media multinationals to back up the criminal pols in office instead of occupying their buildings and tar and feathering the billionaires who direct their policies. We’re cowards because we allow illegal 3rd world immigrants on the taxpayer’s dime to invade our cities and take our jobs.

        • Ronbo says:

          I disagree, strongly!

          The rank and file Democrats are little mind numbed dumb ass robots who vote anything that has after its name, “Democrat.”

          The rank and file Republicans are the salt of the earth who keep the country running, serve in the military and police, and obey the law. These are not happy campers, but until they are fired upon by the opposition and it becomes an existential affair – they continue to stand and wait…..and BITCH!

          So I think neither bravery and cowardness has anything to do with the grand issues of the day that are above compromise – both sides are prisoners of their respective ideologies – but I do think the hate displayed by the Left and the Democrats for years has begun to boil over – and as the Dallas Police Massacre has taught us – the issues that divide the nation are rapidly becoming an existential issue.

          Execution in one hour concentrates the mind wonderfully – and self defense inside or outside the law is a given – a human being will do what is necessary to survive.

          • KG says:

            And in turn, I disagree strongly with you, Ronbo.
            What you’re talking about is reactions to the actions of the scumbag left. Reactions which may – or may not – happen.
            There are two problems at least with that.
            The left side of politics has mastered the art of incremental subjugation, so that there is never a point which can be identified as the time to strike back kinetically at the bastards. (we needn’t go into the fact that they’ve succeeded in creating a system which has now raised generations of good little socialist drones, which act as a buffer between tyranny and righteous anger).

            Second, a battle plan based on reacting to the enemy’s actions is a certain recipe for failure. They’re inside our OODA loop and only unexpected, violent and widespread action will break us free of that.
            You said:
            “The rank and file Republicans are the salt of the earth who keep the country running, serve in the military and police, and obey the law. These are not happy campers, but until they are fired upon by the opposition and it becomes an existential affair – they continue to stand and wait..”
            Stand and wait..and lose.

            • Ronbo says:

              I heard intelligent and well read people like you say the same sort of thing about the Soviet Union in the late 1970s – invincible – inevitable – triumph over the West? – almost a done deal.

              Then came Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan…

              • KG says:

                The problem now is utterly different, Ronbo.
                We’re not dealing with State actors and conventional military attacks/responses.

                • Darin says:

                  Until we see and under take unlimited open warfare against these bastards with our goal being capitulation or extermination we will continue to lose and lose big.
                  General Flynn was just on the news,he was pissed.Most likely because he knows damn well we could end this in a matter of a few weeks or months,but our “leaders” refuse to do so.

  3. Ronbo says:

    Trump is ahead by seven points – and he did nothing!

    It looks like the Hildabeast is her own worst enemy.

  4. KG says:

    “Until we see and under take unlimited open warfare against these bastards with our goal being capitulation or extermination we will continue to lose and lose big.”
    AMEN! to that.