Terrorist Attack in Nice France 73 confirmed killed so far 100+ wounded after terrorist plows through Bastille day crowd-
So far no Christians or Jews have been blamed and there have been no calls to ban 5ton trucks,yet.
Terrorist Attack in Nice France 73 confirmed killed so far 100+ wounded after terrorist plows through Bastille day crowd-
So far no Christians or Jews have been blamed and there have been no calls to ban 5ton trucks,yet.
Eyewitness:”There were bodies and blood everywhere,people ground and torn to shreds”
How many more dead will it take?Sadly a lot more before the whole west wakes up
Lamestream Media Reports:
“Terrorists attack during French Independence Day celebrations in Nice killing at least 75 people. We may never know the motives behind this bloody affair, BUT WE CLEARLY NEED TRUCK CONTROL, because Islam is the religion of peace.”
Darin asked:
“How many more dead will it take? Sadly a lot more before the whole west wakes up.”
Actually the forces of nationalism are awake in the West and know who the bad actors are and what to do, but first a series of so-called “Democratic” governments must bite the dust before the counter offensive can start.
..and the steady drip..drip..drip.. of outrages will cause an equal and opposite reaction.
It would appear France is experiencing nation wide terrorist attacks.
ISIS said to be very happy, but as we know, this JV team has hijacked the peaceful religion of Islam, so we may never know the real motives of this lone wolf pack.
Would not doubt it,this is only the beginning.I was going to post this the other day,it’s long,but well worth the read.
Greenfield is as usual spot on in his assessment.The bad news is,things will get much worse,before they get better.
I posted about the attack in ‘Open House’. My suggestion as to the culprits was those violent Amish.
Gotta be,probably white,bitter clingers too
Probably the BBC’s enforcers having at them for not paying the Tele-Tax.
My guess would be the Methodists.
Ya,you never know what they are planning at those”bake sales” and “charity drives”.
Sooner or later, the French are going to have to start dealing with their problem.
The talking heads are arguing diplomacy right now and wondering what the president should do.
If it were me,I would be on the phone with Hollande right now telling him the US will back his play 100% including the use of Nuclear weapons.
Exactly! It’s time NATO got tough with them damn RUSSIANS?
I dunno Ron,from where I am sitting it looks to me that it’s okay to be a Christian in Russia and not so much here.I think it’s time we ally with Putin and start round the clock saturation bombing of all points islamic.
Darin: I was being iconic – I agree, the Russians could be good allies against Islam.
It’s almost like these islamic lunatics are intentionally taking the piss.
“Oh, so when we shoot 80 people dead you’re going to blame guns rather than pay us our dues as martyrs? When then we’ll just have to start using, oh, I don’t know, trucks?”
It’s honestly like a dark reflection of everything the gun rights crowd has been saying for decades. That dedicated lunatics will if necessary substitute a gun for any other means of killing a large number of people.
I see it from the other side,terrorists sitting around dumbfounded that nothing they do,no matter how vile ever seems to get the attention of western leaders anymore.
A big reason for this is that the Islamics believe the West is ripe for the plucking, and how can you blame them? If you’re a young western white male you can live your life as a vacuous apathetic hated slave of an aggressive matriarchy which are the present “western values” or join a culture that actually privilege’s men and is not only sure of what it wants and where it’s going but isn’t afraid to get to use brass knuckles to get it.
Pardon me while I vomit:
‘#PrayForNice: Thousands of people use hashtag on Twitter to pay tribute to the dead and to call for peace ‘
Now is not the time for prayer,now is the time for payback,extreme payback
If that was my child laying on the road, I would find it hard not to aim that payback at the politicians that have overseen this.
Damn right. Some bastard would die and damn the cost.
There is zero point in going after Islam while the elites and the progressives keep importing more and covering for the rest.
Nothing will change until elite heads are rolling.
Time for a massive revolution, emulating the storming of the Bastille.
Time to recommission Madame Guillotine.
I hear that she has a sharp tongue.
It almost seems too good an end for the scum, Odakyu-sen.
Woodchipper,higher production rates,we got lot’s of work to get moving people!
‘This is war. It’s aimed at the West. And we must fight back
The free world is long past wake-up calls, red flags, game changers, and new threats. The West is in the middle of a war it doesn’t want. And the longer the West watches while the global Islamist insurgency surges on, the more terrorism shifts from an inconceivable, unacceptable horror to the banality of evil.…’
“The West is in the middle of a war it doesn’t want”
How do we know the elite didn’t want this chaos? Now we’re not fighting those who also want to take our freedom away. Remember the EU is a fascist organisation.
‘Professor Robert Patman, from Otago University, specialises in international relations, global security, great powers and the Horn of Africa.’
Patman is an academic fuckwit.
‘Robert Patman: Nice attacks appear to be part of a pattern….’
I beat you to it KG.
This is a copy of an email that I sent to this lightweight clown who pretends to think he knows something about international affairs. Your usual leftwing Pom who knows shit.
robert.patman@otago.ac.nz 05/02/2014.
Dear Sir,
“Make no mistake, the economic, geopolitical and diplomatic costs of Putin’s muscular policy in Ukraine will bite within a matter of months and Russia is now on the verge of its biggest strategic blunder of the post-Cold War era.”.
You have until the end of June (matter of months) to see if you prophesy eventuates.If not, I expect you to make a public announcement that your understanding of Russian affairs is probably worthless.
G. P.
Nice one, Rivoniaboy.
These academic lightweights seem to have a nose for the public trough, don’t they? Regardless of actual, useful ability they lead lives of comfort and entirely unmerited influence.
Leeches are at least useful sometimes.
So people, what effectual counter measures are we going to see in our lifetimes? The answer is none because it is too late. Even in the miraculous situation that Europe managed to close borders, the vermin are already within. Bombing ISIS in the Middle East will make no difference, the cancer has spread. If I am wrong, tell me why.
Mass deportations and a ban on muslim “immigration” would be a start.
After that, massive retaliation for any islamist attacks.
Proscribe the “religion”, which is, after all, nothing but a murderous ideology dressed up as religion. Jail then deport the preachers.
Raze all mosques to the ground, close muslim schools.
Behave in every respect as though we are at war – because this is a war, after all, it’s just that one side refuses to face that fact.
As for those bleeding hearts morons who blather about “innocent muslims”… there is no such thing. Their adherance to islam demonstrates that.
A truly devout muslim doesn’t need the trappings of a hedonistic western nation. They would surely be just as happy if not happier in the lands of mohammed.
Geddem ouddahere!
Until we make it more uncomfortable for Muslims to live in the West than in their shitholes we’ll not get rid of them.
Let’s put another tricolor on our F/book pages, hold a candle-lit vigil and open up a few hashtags…ISIS will soon get the picture.
Sigh……and to think there are idiots who actually believe that, Flash….

Switzerland points the way:
It’s a start, at least.
Yes they all point the way KG, the way to the death of innocents. You cannot answer this question any more than I can.
I don’t know if you read the link, Mara, but the Swiss seem to be a lot more hard-nosed about muslims than any other Western country.
French president did use the word Islamist in his speech so is clearly quite annoyed and forgot his lines. He also talked about fighting back, calling up reservists and so on. France hasn’t done that since 1939 as far as I can tell. I hope it goes better this time.
Hollande after the 2015 attacks in Paris..
… described the attacks as cowardly and “an act of war” that had been carefully “prepared, organised and planned from outside the country by Islamic State, but with help from inside”. The president added: “We will be merciless toward the barbarians of Islamic State group. Faced with war, the country must take appropriate action.”
These were attacks “against France, against the values that we defend everywhere in the world, against what we are: a free country that means something to the whole planet”, Hollande said, calling for “unity and courage”.
Just another lefty elitist blowhard…(more concerned about his hair looks)
Don’t restrict this to a war against terrorism, this is a war for western survival and the adversary is Islam!
More importantly the latter.
You don’t need to fill it up with explosives you just need a big crowd and some speed.
So how can you see the difference between a good muslim truck driver and a bad one.
Isn’t France in a state of emergency? It doesn’t stop the bad ones it just takes the freedom away from the good ones.
Mission accomplished.Whoever is behind this.
Of course it is not new only a bigger vehicle. So those of security couldn’t see this coming.
Our western culture is open by nature which has it’s good points.The downside of course as that we are also wide open to attacks.There are innumerable modes and methods of attack available in every western country and there simply is no way to defend against them in a reactionary manner.
The only defense is a good offense and that means being proactive,we must begin mass deportations,outlaw the Koran,ban mosques and make practicing islam very dangerous.
KG said:
Mass deportations and a ban on muslim “immigration” would be a start.
After that, massive retaliation for any islamist attacks.
Proscribe the “religion”, which is, after all, nothing but a murderous ideology dressed up as religion. Jail then deport the preachers.
Raze all mosques to the ground, close muslim schools.
Behave in every respect as though we are at war – because this is a war, after all, it’s just that one side refuses to face that fact.
As for those bleeding hearts morons who blather about “innocent muslims”… there is no such thing. Their adherance to islam demonstrates that.
Exactly! In fact, the USA already has a law on the books passed in 1952 during the Cold War and aimed at the Stalinists that makes illegal all forms of totalitarian ideology, which is the dark heart of Islam.
Therefore, all it would take would be a presidential finding that Islam fits the intent of the law – and all Muslims could be jailed or exiled, the Mosques shut down, as well as the religious schools.
It’s high time the fig leaf of religion be removed from hideous kill cult of Islam.
“It’s high time the fig leaf of religion be removed from hideous kill cult of Islam.”
Damn right it is.
From a man who gets it-
Sebastion Gorka-“We are at war,we have been at war for many years,our families are on the front lines in this war,we are on the front lines when we leave the house for work or school in the morning”
De Nederlandse Grace Bregman die vlak naast de plaats verblijft waar ruim zeventig doden vielen, vertelt dat ze de moord-truck ‘s middags al had gezien op het parcours langs de boulevard. “Een agent ging met hem praten, maar kennelijk mocht hij blijven staan.
The Dutch Grace Bregman who stays right next to the place where more than seventy people died, says she saw the murder-truck that afternoon on the trail along the boulevard. “An officer went to talk to him, but apparently he was allowed to stay.
“If you see something, say something” is worthless because the police will do nothing about the Muslim threat if you say something because of political correctness.
It’s like that Muslim terrorist in Orlando – apparently a number of people turned in his sorry Islamic ass into various Florida police departments and the FBI – WHO DID NOTHING to stop the bastard.
Buy a gun..shoot the bastard dead in the street like a rabid dog…save lives…fuck the police.
What happened to the Orlando shooters wife? Just allowed to escape and hope a compliant press stop reporting about her.
Disgusting! We are at WAR with these Muslim bastards!