Mass shooting at Munich shopping mall

Lone wolf Presbyterians again?


But,but,I thought we were assured by Obama that these sort of mass shootings didn’t occur outside of America?????

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50 Responses to Mass shooting at Munich shopping mall

  1. MikeH. says:

    “But, but, I thought we were assured by Obama that these sort of mass shooting didn’t occur outside of America?????”

    Are we talking about the same bastard socialist who just disputed Trump’s assertion that America is in chaos by saying America is safer now than twenty or thirty years ago?

    I pray President Trump will order charges be filed against obama when he orders charges against the Hildabitch.

  2. Gregoryno6 says:

    Just hearing about this through the BBC on the ABC. The presenter and her man on the spot are into full on Kevin ‘All Is Well!’ Bacon mode as they say over and over that there is no sign (yet) that this killing has any Islamist connection.
    It’s clearly their first priority.

    • Ronbo says:

      …and, of course, when the Lamestream Media talks shit like the above every Tom, Dick, Harry and Jane in the land automatically translates into standard English, “Muslim terrorists have shot up yet another group of innocent and defenseless civilians thanks to appeasement of Islam by the American, or British, or German, or Australian, or New Zealand (fill in the blank)…government.

      BTW, Germany has very strict gun control laws, so in an incident like this one, the only people who have a gun are the bad guys.

      This is WW III – and the only way to stop this genocide in the West is to deport, imprison, or execute all Muslims in our various countries – and turn the 57 Muslim countries howling wildernesses.

      The only good Muslim is a dead Muslim.

      • KG says:

        “This is WW III – and the only way to stop this genocide in the West is to deport, imprison, or execute all Muslims in our various countries – and turn the 57 Muslim countries howling wildernesses.”

    • mawm says:

      No connection at all……just shouting “allahu akbar” while shooting up the kids in McDonalds.

      I see some of the leftists are beginning to say they will support “right wingers because they are going to protect me”. All I can say is “no bloody way! It’s all your own problem for having brown-nosed this scum that hate you with a fervour you have pretended not to see.”

      • Darin says:

        It’s a mistake in translation Mawm.”allah akbar” apparently to the left really means “white,christian NRA member”

    • Gregoryno6 says:

      It was just more of the same during the day. We can’t do anything, we can’t predict or prevent… but when more information changes the picture they never get the same people back. I’m sure you’ve noticed.

  3. Robertv says:

    Mass Shooting?

    Busy shopping center on friday and only 8 victims. Give me a break. A blind man could do a better job.

    • Ronbo says:

      Actually something more like a 108 with a couple of hundred wounded – it’s just that the German government is hiding the real casualty list over fears of offending Allah.

  4. Oswald BAstable says:

    That idiot Merkel or whatever she is called, needs to re-enact the bunker scene, where the walls get redecorated in a new shade- ‘Hint of Brain’!

    • Cadwallader says:

      I doubt Merkel is smart enough to withdraw to a bunker. Her preference has been to turn her country into a bunker.

    • GW says:

      She is an East German and a former communist apparatchik. She looks at the Islamic masses and, like every f******* prog / socialist, discounts their religion or believes that their religion will fade into meaninglessness when they are given decent jobs, etc. For a communist / socialist / progressive / facist, religion is meaningless. All that matters is socio-economics, and every problem has a socialist socio-economic solution. These idiots are so far removed from reality that it is truly suicidal. Moreover, and to make matters worse, these same communists / socialists / progressives / facists see in Islam a kindered spirit that likewise wants to do away with Christianity and Judaism. These people are going to die one way or another, the only question being whether they will take us all down with them.

      • KG says:

        “These people are going to die one way or another, the only question being whether they will take us all down with them.”
        Just so.

  5. Darin says:

    #prayformunich -check
    Update Facebook page to German flag colors-check
    Buy candles for the vigil and stuffed animals for the memorial-check
    Insist to everyone who will listen that islam is a “religion of peace”-check
    Blame oneself for the islamaphobia that caused this attack-check

    There,that’ll fix it doubleplusgood :evil:

    • KG says:

      I’m so relieved….

      • HarvardPotatoHead says:

        Yours verilily trulilily is making $119 an hour on the internet working only a few minutes a day ahhh oops sorry forgot what I was gonna say

  6. KG says:

    ‘…Witness: Gunman Executed Children, Screamed ‘Allahu Akbar’..’

    Western leaders say the motive for the attack is still unclear and any references to Beslan are racist…

    • Ronbo says:

      The Monster is pleased with the murderous work of his co-religionist and smiles at their blood on his hands.

      …and he wonders if the shooter looked like his son?

  7. Darin says:

    Calls for compulsory school islam classes after axe attack

    I have no words for this stupidity :shock:

    • KG says:

      8O God Almighty!!!!!

    • GW says:

      Hey, when you have the frauleins lying about the identity of their rapists and entire police departments engaging in a coverup, all to protect the muzzie “immigrants,” would you expect anything less. The only relevant questions about Western Europe are which nation is going to fall under Islamic domination first and are there any people who will actually fight back.

  8. Alan says:

    All these Jihadis’ need is sympathetic counselling. They are misunderstood and could do with some tender affection.

  9. Michael in Nelson says:

    There were ‘eyewitness’ reports that the gunman was being filmed by residents in an apartment block who said the gunman shouted ‘I am a German.’ Latest is it was a person with dual German and Iranian citizenship.

    • GW says:

      He was no doubt triggered by all the far right wingers complaining about Islamic violence.

  10. GW says:

    I got such a laugh out of this statement from the statement by Frau Merkel’s Chief of Staff:

    Altmaier said numerous attacks had been prevented in Germany in recent years, “but, and this is important, there can never be absolute security.

    “You can only have absolute security in an absolute surveillance state, and nobody wants that, it would be the opposite of our free western European way of life,” he said. “But, and this became clear again today, we can’t talk down this danger. It’s a danger that many countries are exposed, especially in the west . . .”

    I don’t know, perhaps there is some fact pattern which is involved in these shootings that is equally “the opposite of our free western European way of life.” If Frau Merkel’s regime can ever identify it, perhaps they can stop these shootings before have to institute an absolute surveillance state.

    • KG says:

      Because – of course – Frau Merkel and her ilk would absolutely not want an absolute surveillance State, would they?

  11. Caleb says:

    What gets me, is the ensuing man hunt for the terrorist killer, the city is locked down and hundreds of armed police are everywhere. After 24 hours of chaos, we here that the terrorist has comitted suicide and the commotion abates. If the terrorist was still on the run, the hunt would continue, with outrage and concern from all quarters. Yet the city and country is full (and still admitting) of the same kind of terrorist, just waiting for his turn. Where is the outrage, where is the concern!!!

    • KG says:

      Where is the anger, the determination to expel this barbarian filth?
      And why are there no vigilantes hunting the scum down?

      • Darin says:

        Because lay a finger on a terrorist in Germany and you’ll go to jail?

        • Rob says:

          You do not need to lay a finger on them, in UK all you do is put a rasher of bacon on the door handle of a mosque and you go to prison.

  12. KG says:

    Relax, people, and just turn the aircon off:
    ‘Secretary of State John Kerry said in Vienna on Friday that air conditioners and refrigerators are as big of a threat to life as the threat of terrorism posed by groups like the Islamic State…’

  13. Gregoryno6 says:

    Kerry’s airconditioning problem is between his ears.

    • Ronbo says:

      Secretary of State was in Vietnam, you know!

      Yep, for six whole months – and apparently spending about three of them bribing clerks in the Naval HQ in Saigon to get him the Silver Star and Purple Heart – both medals he didn’t deserve – but like they said in the Army during the Vietnam War, “It’s not what you did or didn’t do in combat, it’s all about the clerk at HQ you know and blow.”

      But Kerry had a change of heart about those medals in about 1970, when he threw them into a fire in protest of the Vietnam War. You see by that Kerry was a leader in the anti-war movement – and doing this looked like good PR for his new job.

      Then Kerry decides later in life that he was a hero in Vietnam after all, and started bragging about all his awards for valor and coolness under fire while running for president in 2004. This pissed off his former shipmates and Bubba the former senior clerk at Naval HQ in Saigon who knew damn good and well he’d done – nada – zero- nothing heroic – except of, course, getting the hell off their Swift boat river patrol boat before he could cause massive casualties by sailing up the Bum Fuck River to Cambodia after hearing about an insane American War Lord by the name of Kurtz…Something like that….

      Like Paul Harvey said, “And now you know the rest of the story.”

      • Darin says:

        Kerry is proof that you can polish a turd,but it will still be a turd when you’re done.

  14. Darin says:

    German police detective-“we are still struggling to determine the reason for the attack”

    FFS! :evil:

  15. Robertv says:

    Meanwhile the france found in terrorism the perfect excuse to bully the rest of europe especially the british.

  16. Michael in Nelson says:

    The inability of the authorities to determine a motive might lie in this bit of information:

    • KG says:

      Aha! Something I’ve always been deeply suspicious of. Who checks the interpretation, eh?

  17. Michael in Nelson says:

    The open border policies of the elitist governments enable and encourage this:

    (Strong stomachs required)

  18. Contempt says:

    Well another day another dollar. I see Harvard has visited the blog today. He has trouble being serious about this latest atrocity. Is he oBowa’s son? Nah too smart.

  19. Robertv says:

    The Washington Examiner reported that Kerry was in
    Vienna to amend the 1987 Montreal Protocol that would phase out hydrofluorocarbons, or HFCs, from basic household and commercial appliances like air conditioners, refrigerators, and inhalers.

    “As we were working together on the challenge of [ISIS] and terrorism,” Kerry said. “It’s hard for some people to grasp it, but what we–you–are doing here right now is of equal importance because it has the ability to literally save life on the planet itself.”

    Kerry said that most of the substances banned in the Montreal Protocol have increased the use of HFCs and claimed that the coolant was thousands of times more potent than CO2. He added that the increase of HFCs has led to the trend of global climate change.