Open House

Milwaukee burns-

Video: ‘Black Lives Matter’ Rioters Target Whites For Beat Downs

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47 Responses to Open House

  1. Contempt says:

    Just a thought – at some point hard men are going to have to take down the leaders of hate whitey and hate America. Perhaps America has been riding on retread tires a bit too long. Every retreaded tire I ever had left me stranded on a dark highway. Time for a new set of tires, a balance and an alignment.

    • MikeH. says:

      The meek shall inherit the Earth… But the meek will require the services of “hard men” to keep it.

  2. Michael in Nelson says:

    The HBSC is getting what he wants to declare Marshal Law and cancel the election…right on schedule.

  3. mawm says:

    Can we call them racists now?

  4. KG says:

    NZ Herald editorial! It manages to be wrong, shallow, ignorant and uninformed all at the same time. While recycling propaganda and ignoring leftist criminality.

  5. Fairfacts Media says:

    I’m a little confused, so maybe you can help me out.
    We have muslims grooming young white girls across the UK, but such behaviour has nothing to do with Islam.
    We have muslims raping and molesting their way across Sweden and Germany, but such behaviour has nothing to do with Islam.
    We have terror attacks involving muslims across France and other parts of Europe but such behaviour had nothing to do with Islam.
    We have tracts in the Koran that talks about slaying the infidel but if muslims take such a literal interpretation of their holy book, it still has nothing to do with Islam, even if they say God Is Great whilst doing their deeds.
    Yet two muslims get killed in New York and it is all Donald Trump’s fault, according to CAIR.
    Funnily enough, the suspect gunman looks, dare i say it, muslim!
    Forgive me for my confusion.

  6. Darin says:

    BTW it’s been raining it’s ass off here fr the last week,30+ inches in the last five days.Worst flooding since 1983,but I still think 83′ was worse.High and dry here,but folks south of me aren’t so lucky.

    • KG says:

      I’ve been reading about the floods – looks like a massive problem.

    • Ronbo says:

      Orlando, Florida – summer 2004 – three hurricanes hit the city in six weeks – rain, wind and storm for six weeks. The first hurricane knock out the electric in my neighborhood, the second send a palm tree on my car…and the third one finished the job by ripping my roof off and ruining everything inside.

      The car insurance didn’t cover the damage – collusion only.

      The house insurance didn’t cover water damage.

      …but the bank wanted their loans on the ruined house and car serviced.

      …and people ask me why I live in Seattle, Washington and live in a rental apartment with a one year lease and use public transportation except on those rare occasions when I rent a car from AVIS for a weekend.

      • Darin says:

        Same thing with a coupe I know who were living on the MS coast when Katrina hit.Even though they had storm insurance,the insurance company didn’t want to pay because they claimed the damage was caused by rain and not flooding from storm surge,even though the house was swept off the foundation and pushed inland a 1/2 mile. Never mind the rain was part of a Hurricane,which last I looked was a type of storm.

        Buddy told his wife next time there is a Hurricane headed in, they are going to evacuate and the last thing they do leaving will be torch the house,that way the fire insurance will maybe cover it.

        • Ronbo says:

          Now you tell me..

          • Darin says:

            Two business men on the beach in Hawaii strike up a conversation.One was from New Jersey and in the garment business,the other from Oklahoma and in the feed and seed business.

            The guy from NJ said -“My business busted out after we had a massive fires that destroyed our factory,so I decided to cut my losses and retire”

            The Okie says-“Ya,pretty much the same story with me,Tornado wiped out my business and me and the wife decided it was time to retire also”

            After a could minutes of silence the guy from NJ asks-“so just how do you start a Tornado?”

  7. Grog says:

    Off topic, another cankles related death that didn’t get reported.

    • Darin says:

      If that bitch gets elected they’re gonna need another graveyard built to hold them all.

      • MikeH. says:

        She will not be elected. It’s a bought and paid for done deal just like obama’s second term.

  8. Ronbo says:

    The patriot may be dead, but the documents are out there on the Internet – and they confirm what most of us have long suspected – the Hildabeast is very sick and may literally drop dead any day now.

    It’s incredible how much POWER means to Leftists – most normal people with only a short time to live would be taking it easy and getting with friends and family…maybe do the bucket list.

    But a Leftist? They ride full gallop to POWER until the horse dies under them.

    The author of “Lord of the Rings” had it right about how the ring of power turned a normal human being into a monster.

  9. Ronbo says:

    MikeH. said:

    “She will not be elected. It’s a bought and paid for done deal just like Obama’s second term.”

    Like Trump famously said, “The [election]game is rigged”

    This puts Donald Trump, myself and most other Crusaders on the same page.

    I agree, the chances are above 80% that the Hildabeast will “win” [steal]the election in November – as did Obama in 2012.

    The thing is we have gone beyond elections (nonviolence) making a difference in government policies….I believe – like Bismarck in the 1860s – the great issues of the day will be finally settled by “Iron and Blood.” [civil war]

    This is a divided country and the outcome of this election will not be accepted by either side…

    • Grog says:

      Darin, yer thinking practical again, keep this up and you’ll be accused of wacccism.

      But on a serious note, I’m interested in hearing what Sheriff Clarke told his people when dealing with the punks, my guess is it was “don’t miss”.

  10. KG says:

    More consequences of promoting wimmin way beyond their levels of expertise for political reasons:
    Lindt cafe siege: Catherine Burn has big questions to answer

    • Gregoryno6 says:

      That story’s been 404’d.

      • Darin says:

        From a cached copy-

        In an extraordinary hour yesterday, one of Australia’s most senior police officers may have seen the beginning of the end of her career.

        Finally, after requests from the families of victims of the Lindt cafe siege in Sydney in 2014, NSW Deputy Police Commissioner Catherine Burn yesterday ­appeared before the inquest.

        One of the many remarkable assertions Ms Burn made was that she was not on duty as the siege entered its final deadly hours.

        At 10pm she handed over to colleague Acting Deputy Commissioner Jeffrey Loy.

        But Ms Burn is meant to be the head of counter-terrorism in NSW — and this had been ­declared an act of terrorism.

        On December 15, 2014, ­Iranian-born Man Haron Monis took 18 people hostages in the Lindt cafe in Sydney’s Martin Place.

        MORE: Burn ‘offered no advice on siege’
        The siege lasted 16 hours and ­resulted in the deaths of two hostages, Tori Johnson and Katrina Dawson, and Monis.

        While Ms Burn had presented a written statement to the inquest, the families had clearly wanted her to appear in person; so she began her evidence yesterday.

        Firstly, she had to deal with the matter of deleted text messages.

        Ms Burn has deleted her text messages from the time of the siege, raising questions about what they may have showed.

        She told the inquest it was normal practice for her to delete mess­ages.

        But knowing that there would ­almost certainly be a coronial ­inquest into the three deaths at the siege, why would the woman in charge of counter-terrorism ­delete text messages she had sent or received during and immediately after a rare act of terrorism?

        Her argument yesterday was that the messages she deleted were not consequential — they ­included things such as “please ring me” and comments of support from “members of the public just noting what was happening and passing on words of support to the police”.

        Asked whether any of the messages she deleted related to a police emergency action plan to break the siege, she replied: “I can’t recall, I don’t think so.” How is it that Ms Burn can ­recall that she deleted messages of goodwill from the public but she cannot recall whether she deleted any to do with a plan to rescue 18 hostages?

        Ms Burn said she had “no idea” how many text ­messages she ­deleted. “Ordinarily, I would ­delete text mess­ages,” she told the inquest.

        Secondly, how many members of the public have the phone number of the woman in charge of the state’s counter-terrorism and sent her messages during a siege?

        Thirdly, why did Ms Burn, with hostages at threat of being killed, decide to go home?

        Or did she? When counsel ­assisting, Jeremy Gormly SC, yesterday asked Ms Burn did she go home, she did not answer.

        That’s a simple question: where did she go? What did she do?

        Another senior police officer, Christine Nixon in Victoria, ­essentially lost her career after it was revealed that she went to dinner rather than stay at the control centre as the Black Saturday bushfires escalated in 2009.

        What is the difference between leaving a control centre as bushfires take hold and leaving work while 18 people are still held at gunpoint and possibly with a bomb, as police at the time incorrectly believed?

        Ms Nixon lost the confidence of the Victorian public because she appeared to be uncontactable for three hours.

        Yet almost all of Ms Burn’s communications during and after the siege have gone missing.

        What’s the difference?

        Fourthly, why did Ms Burn have nothing to do with any of the negotiations? She even appeared not to know how they were ­proceeding.

        When asked yesterday had she had any involvement in the ­negotiations, she said it would be “dangerous” for someone in the police executive to get involved in things happening on the ground. Why, then, is she the state’s most senior counter-terrorism ­officer if any involvement by her in an unfolding act of terrorism would be dangerous?

        And if she had nothing to do with the negotiations or the operation, why was she the officer sent to brief the Premier, Mike Baird, rather than the Commissioner, Andrew Scipione?

        And shouldn’t Coroner ­Michael Barnes now call Mr Baird? Surely the public and the families have a right to know exactly what Ms Burn told the Premier in her briefings?

        What is ominous for Ms Burn is all these admissions were made in the face of relatively gentle questioning from Mr Gormly — and in her first hour in the witness stand.

        Her real test will come today when she faces what is likely to be much more aggressive cross-examination from lawyers representing Johnson and Dawson.

  11. KG says:

    c’mon Aussies – sign up for free speech:

  12. Darin says:

    Korryn Gaines-Latest hero of the BLM (Bullshit Looter Movement)

  13. dondiego says:

    After a month of no internets I finally bought a selfiephone. Now I can check here again for my news, but already my eyes are going squinty…