Eric Trump:-“Looks like we’re going to need a bigger basket”!

In response to Hillary’s “basket of deplorables ” comment-



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28 Responses to Eric Trump:-“Looks like we’re going to need a bigger basket”!

  1. KG says:


    • Ronbo says:


      Seriously, it is a bloodless (so far) American nationalist revolution going on – and the latest movie version of Les Miz which uses the background of a French revolution in 1830s is an apt metaphor.

      I’m much encouraged by the Hillary seizure on 9/11/16 that has exposed to even the low information voters that she is dead woman walking. Yes, the staff may be able to get her on feet with the massive injection of drugs – but they cannot stop Mother Nature from doing what she will to the Hildabeast. Thus every time she appears in public is a roll of the dice – and sooner or later the same thing will happen…or maybe worse….maybe she dies on national TV.

      I’m not the only one who thinks Hillary is finished.

  2. mara says:

    Anyone got a “Colour Me Deplorable” bumper sticker yet? Fun idea but might invite vandalism.

  3. Diamond Mair says:

    The evil part of me hopes she makes it to November 8, ** AFTER ** falling apart in the debates – that’s the ONLY way to begin the purge of this sick, dynastic urge that has apparently overcome ‘the elites’, both Democrat and Republican.
    Semper Fi’

    • Darin says:

      What will be fun is if she doesn’t win and then realizes that since she hasn’t been convicted so Obama can’t pardon her.Then the new Attorney General(hopefully Trey Gowdy) can have a field day indicting the whole lot of them :twisted:

  4. mawm says:

    This one is also for the basket – another politician who believes in nationalism, patriotism and is anti immigration…… and my favourite – he’s anti UN!

  5. KG says:

    Article in the NZ Socialist Herald:
    ‘Massive Super Typhoon Meranti is bearing down on Taiwan and mainland China – expected to bring heavy rains and gusts of up to 360km/h….’
    and at the end of the article, the obligatory bullshit:
    ‘…The International Business Times reports that global warming has fuelled the destructive power of tropical cyclones in east and southeast Asia in recent years, according to a study from the Joint Typhoon Warning Centre in the US and the Japan Meteorological Agency.’

  6. Darin says:

    AR-15…… .458 SOCOM :twisted:

    Cause a Bazooka is hard to conceal carry :cool:

  7. Ronbo says:

    It looks like I’m not the only one predicting civil war:

    I’ve said pretty much the same thing on my blog for over a year – to wit, the U.S. Civil War II will start no matter who wins in November.

    The opponents are the Nationalists led by Trump (and others)and the Socialists led by Obama (and others) Like U.S. Civil War I – the great issues of the day will be settled not by an election, but rather by Iron And Blood. Lots of it. Mega deaths.

  8. KG says:

    Limp-wristed, ignorant mainstream “Christians” are every bit as evil as the muslims they support and enable in the name of tolerance:

  9. Ronbo says:

    I see this incident as “The song of angry men” – Georgia style – and it’s growing stronger by the day.

    This is how a revolution starts: a few angry men begin to sing and the chorus grows…. and when it gets loud the shooting starts -and you’re either with us or against us – no one will be allowed to be a neutral.

    A few days ago in Orlando, an angry man burned down the Mosque where the author of the Orlando Massacre received his Jihadist programing – and I predict these anti-Muslim actions will increase as the power of the government to stop them weakens.

    America hates Islam since 9/11 – and we mean to drive every Muslim out of our country – alive or dead, we don’t care – but go they must.

  10. Adolf Fiinkensein says:

    Who would want a president too stupid to drink a glass of water on a hot day?