Open house

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73 Responses to Open house

    • mawm says:

      Just another Democrat who has lied and obstructed the investigation into mind-boggling corruption. Of course he’ll get away scot-free, with all the media hiding and obfuscating any facts, just like the all others. It is truly wonderful to be a Democrat – you can be incompetent, lie, steal, cheat, rape women and children, enrich yourself and your friends, etc. and the high and mighty will all fall at your feet and bleat about how wonderful you are for the masses. *spit*

      • mawm says:

        I forgot to mention that the Republicans are not much better and they wonder why Trump won the nomination?

  1. Michael in Nelson says:

    I’ve read heaps about Hillary’s not being healthy and the latest collapse, how Trump is gaining in the polls, how Obama (HBSC) mentioned himself more than 130 times in his first campaign speech for ‘it’ and still fear that the election will be so contaminated with voter fraud, media lies and violence that the Hildabeast will win the election. I have to hope that if that happens, the remaining true patriots rise up and tear down the elitist edifice.

  2. KG says:

    “..the election will be so contaminated with voter fraud, media lies and violence that the Hildabeast will win the election…”
    That’s what I’m expecting to happen, Michael.
    But I’d put the chances of a mass uprising in the event of her winning at somewhere close to zero.
    Organised militia units would in any case be more effective if they undertook measures to cripple the infrastructure within cities rather than open a shooting war they can’t possibly win.

  3. Ronbo says:

    Michael in Nelson said:

    “I’ve read heaps about Hillary’s not being healthy and the latest collapse, how Trump is gaining in the polls, how Obama (HBSC) mentioned himself more than 130 times in his first campaign speech for ‘it’ and still fear that the election will be so contaminated with voter fraud, media lies and violence that the Hildabeast will win the election. I have to hope that if that happens, the remaining true patriots rise up and tear down the elitist edifice.”

    I wouldn’t be surprised if Obama and his gang stands down in the election and lets the vote be honest, which will result in a Trump landslide.

    Seriously, the emails released by the Hackers indicate there is no love lost between Hillary Clinton and Obama – she is still P.O.ed about 2008, which was suppose to be her nomination – until she was thrown under the bus by a nobody named “Obama” .

    Fast forward to 2016 and the hatred between the two is still alive and well. Take the steady drip, drip in the email-server scandal for over a year. Obama could have shut down that investigation at the beginning – he owns the FBI and DOJ, but he allowed it to go forward. Furthermore, does anyone believe the Director of the FBI would have outlined the case against Hillary IN PUBLIC without Obama permission? Yes, he concludes (wrongly, as he knew well) that “no prosecutor” would touch her case, but Obama would have been in an awkward position with the Democrat Party if he allowed the Republicans to win a round.

    Another problem with a Hillary victory in November…She moves up to leadership of the Democrat Party and he’s out in the cold. The Media will listen to her and not him. So wouldn’t be better for Obama to be the ranking Democrat spokesman? Hillary would become a side issue like George Bush and rest of the retired presidents, but Obama has chosen to stay in the public eye.

    Yes, he will allegedly campaign for Hillary, but when he mentions himself 137 times, he sure ain’t talk’n about the Hildabeast whom he hates, like about 90% of the people in the country do.

  4. Ronbo says:

    mawm said:

    “I forgot to mention that the Republicans are not much better and they wonder why Trump won the nomination?”

    I agree if you’re talking about the Congressional Republicans and the GOP ruling class faction, but if you’re talking about the rank and file Republicans like myself – 90% of the GOP – we are the ones starting the revolution that dates back to 2009 and the birth of the Tea Party Movement.

    Also, you will find no louder voices and action than us doing our best to purge Congress of traitors like John McCain, Paul Ryan and others. We stand for term limits….Congress will always be corrupt – like the man said, “The bribe will always find the right pocket” so the only solution is to limit the time they can do damage and limit the Congress to the authority granted by the U.S. Constitution, which is limited.

  5. Robertv says:

    Australia has a serious climate skeptic in their Senate now. This video is Malcolm Roberts first speech.

  6. Robertv says:

    Australia has a serious climate skeptic in their Senate now. This video is Malcolm Roberts first speech.

  7. KG says:

    WHERE is the evidence that these Germans were “neo-Nazis”??

    Unless, of course, anybody who objects to being colonised by filth is now a Nazi… :evil:

  8. Contempt says:

    Being unable to predict the next moment, and getting way too much news with click bait on fakebook I begin to be a tad rattled with the election. Hill’s weird sickness and various resolutions/conspiracies on replacement for her. Plans of the enemy to declare martial law, etc. deceit, lies. Why do Trump haters even show up at his rallies? What does this demonstrate or prove? Trump will have tremendous difficulty rescinding 8 plus years and shall he have the will to so? America has been drained in so many ways.

    Gotta wait and see. I sent trump $50 when he announced in 2015 and continue to give something. And that is the first time I have given money to any candidate.

    Make America greater than ever!

  9. Darin says:

    Bret Easton Ellis takes on SJW’s and more-

    “This millennial wrote, and I’m quoting here… ‘The Black Lives Matter Sabbath that was the 2016 Video Music Awards dawned the end of our culture as we know it. The entire show was an ode to the liberal systematic narrative that is ‘white people are bad’, so let’s just make every other person on the screen a black female, because we’re just so terrified of threatening our millennial demographic raised on a diet of trigger warnings, and safe spaces, and self-victimization.’”

  10. Darin says:

    Awesome knife sharpener

    • KG says:

      Sure is! I don’t even want to think about how much one of those would retail for.

      • Darin says:

        $272 including shipping from Russia which I think is cheap for what it is.

        • KG says:

          It sure is! But I’ll stick with sheets of wet&dry paper laid on a square of plate glass all the same.
          We have Global knives and they don’t need much sharpening.

    • rivoniaboy says:

      I love this gadget- at last a knife sharpener that really works.

    • Diamond Mair says:

      I’ve started acquiring ceramic knives – if you haven’t tried them, I can only ENCOURAGE you do so – but be aware – they ARE very sharp ;-)
      Semper Fi’

  11. Darin says:

    Obama pay for play,they don’t even try and hide it anymore-

  12. Darin says:

    If the left can’t destroy something they simply defecate all over it.Navy Sec. Ray Mabus to name new Navy ship after gay activist and child molester Harvey Milk-

    • KG says:

      Gawd, but the Clintons are a pack of slimeballs! And not a word of criticism in the NZ media, you’ll notice…plenty for Trump and his family though.

  13. KG says:

    Andrew Bolt:
    ‘How can we be sure we fly in safety when the Fair Work Commission punishes a company for sacking a baggage handler  who supported the Islamic State? How mad is this?
    ..Commissioner Jennifer Hunt found the dismissal of Mr Singh was “harsh, unjust and unreasonable”…’

  14. KG says:

    ‘First female soldier in Green Beret training fails to complete the course
    ..No woman has achieved the qualifications to become an Army Ranger or Green Beret, a Navy SEAL, a Marine Corps infantry officer or an Air Force parajumper, among other combat specialties.’

    • Ronbo says:

      Like I said before, the U.S. Army tried all this PC crap back in the 1970s with the same result – In fact, without the special “female only” P.T. test for the ladies, women would not qualify for any position in the Armed Forces.

  15. Darin says:

    Doing everything he can to fuck up as much as he can before he leaves office-

    Asshole :evil:

  16. Diamond Mair says:

    Hey, KG & all other Aussies – seems a realist has been elected to your Senate – didja see/hear/read about the Senator’s maiden address, calling muslim immigration inconsistent with Australian values? She went to TOWN on the rejection of assimilation, among other issues. Kudos to her constituents for electing her!!
    Semper Fi’

    • Ronbo says:

      Nationalism rising all over the West World and Australia/New Zealand will be no exception.

      I said on my blog many years ago that when a populist revolution broke out in any nation of the Anglosphere, it would spread quickly to the others….We are a planetary family, right? We speak a common language, read the same books, go to the same movies, like the same sort of music, etc. We are cousins in mankind’s greatest extended family.

      So what happens in one Anglosphere nation on a Monday will happen in another on Tuesday…it’s a planetary process of liberation.

  17. Jamie says:


    ‘Refugees’ try to jack a blokes rig. Truckie in fear for his life retaliates in kind. Truckie faces gaol…

    “Truckers in Calais are regularly ambushed by migrants who try to force them to stop so they can climb on board their vehicles.

    A trucker could be facing jail after he was filmed on dashcam deliberately driving his lorry at a group of migrants.

    Arpad Levente Jeddi can be heard shouting as he swerved his truck along the side of a road where the migrants were gathered, sending them scattering.

    Jeddi, from Hungary, was furious after the crowds pelted his vehicle with bottles and other missiles in an attempt to make him stop.

    The trucker has angrily defended his actions on social media, saying: ‘They haven’t understood that I didn’t have a chance to respect traffic rules.’

    He added: ‘The reason was I was a victim of an open attack, public vandalism. Nobody was hurt and nothing was damaged.’

    At one point, he even threatened to stab someone if they try to got onto his truck.

    Jeddi briefly became well-known after the dashcam video was uploaded onto YouTube last year and racked up more than four million views.

    Now prosecutors in Hungary are calling for him to be given a suspended jail sentence. ”

    Don’t know about the blokes choice of music but….

    • Ronbo says:

      It looks like to me the Leftists are gonna lose this one big time – Not only do they have an unindicted felon as presidential nominee, but a very sick one at that, who is being opposed by a revolutionary nationalist running rogue against the long established “rules” of American politics and rising in the polls by the day.

      …and don’t forget the big knife in Hillary’s back from the current president Obama, who doesn’t want competition as the leader of the Democrap Party – Yes, there is a very good reason why Obama mentions himself 137 times in a recent speech – and the Hildabeast maybe once or twice.

      Oh! And did I mention the Crazy Bernie people who hate the Hildabeast with a passion known only to Leftists – and are doing their best to sabotage her campaign with leaked emails from the DNC and such?

      The Democraps for Trump, heh?

  18. Darin says:

    Primitive tech-Barrel Tiled Shed-

    Gonna have his own city soon

  19. KG says:

    The benefits of muslim inbreeding:
    ‘Islamic Cleric: Physics Should be Reformed to Conform to Sharia’
    Good luck with that, you ignorant, primitive asshole.

  20. Michael in Nelson says:

    We all saw how Hillary’s book tanked but surely a tome by one of the leading lights of liberalism will sell like lattes…then again maybe not

    I’m sure they will get em message very soon….BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

    • mawm says:

      Nah, liberalism is blind to anything but their belief.

      • Ronbo says:

        Actually, the noble 19th century liberalism that we Crusaders practice: freedom of speech, religion, media and representative democracy has absolutely nothing in common with the American Left today – This branch of liberalism has degenerated over the years into a racist fascism that will make slaves of us all
        under the Iron Heel if we let them.

        The Democrat Party = FASCISM!

  21. Grog says:

    A late entry, by request of Peter.

    As often quoted on WRSA, we don’t know what we don’t know. That’s not a slur against anyone, just a fact.

  22. Gregoryno6 says:

    ‘Norovirus causes vomiting, diarrhoea, nausea, and in some cases, a temporary loss of taste.’
    That last one might explain why 54 MPs voted to make Malcolm Turnbull our Prime Minister.

  23. KG says:

    Elephants with cameras – whodathunkit?
    ‘Elephant tramples tourist to death trying to take photo…’

    • Darin says:

      “waiting for autopsy” that always baffles me,like they don’t know what killed him?”Oh gee,he could have died by being stomped on by a 10 ton Elephant,or he could have tripped while running with scissors,we can’t be sure without an autopsy” :roll: