Bruce Walker –
“Leftists secretly sense the pathetic un-importance of their work and the essential irrelevance of their careers in the healthy life of the nation. This inadequacy translates into venom, such as when Hillary, who has never done a real day’s work in her whole life, looks down on those whose work has meaning and whose life has purpose while her life is a dreary parade of greed, ambition, and lies.”
Trying to resolve the long term feeling that the left led by oBowa will soon shut down America. And take over.
Hillary is a nobody that Trump will beat. His rallies are big indicating much desire for something better. The only way Hillary can win is massive voter fraud.
With continuing riots, targeting police, dischordance and paid blm riots hmm our local leaders are going to have to step up to the plate and knock home runs. This shit has to be stopped in our cities/ states since our opposition is federal. So back to my first sentence.
Soros is fanning the flames of black rioting, he’s sponsoring Clinton, Obama is his bitch…..someone needs to come up with a kinetic solution!
I heard a piece on the BBC last night that compared the economic policies of the two candidates, which included a soundbite from each. Hilly and Don giving public speeches. Hillary sounded as if she was rehearsing in an empty hall. Donald’s words were met with applause.
Yes, the BBC broadcast people clapping and cheering Trump and cold silence for Clinton. I couldn’t believe it either.
mawm, Soros is also pushing the expat Americans to vote for Hillary. He assumes because most of us are college educated that we side with the left and all he has to do is get is minions to stir us up to save the Left and we will follow like sheep (I live in NZ, trust me I know about sheep).
What he doesn’t understand that many of us were educated before the left had a strangle hold on higher education in the States and we loathe the Hildabeast.
That said, Trump has made a couple of statements recently which worry me that he is a big spender.
Trump big spending pales into insignificance compared to what Hillary would most certainly do.
That’s why science isn’t what it used to be if it depends on government approval.
Wallace Thornhill: The Elegant Simplicity of the Electric Universe
EXCLUSIVE – New Black Panther Chairman on Whites Being Targeted: ‘Ain’t No Fun When the Rabbit Has the Gun’ – Breitbart
Then you get top military brass altering intelligence reports so as to not disillusion the nitwit in the White House. My question for them would be “What made you think he would have acted differently if you HAD told him the raw truth?”
“A man is likely to mind his own business when it is worth minding. When it is not, he takes his mind off his own meaningless affairs by minding other people’s business…The vanity of the selfless, even those who practice the utmost humility, is boundless.” — Eric Hoffer.
“We have observed that most of the trouble in the world has been caused by ten to twenty percent of folks who can’t mind their own business, because they have no business of their own to mind, any more than a smallpox virus. Now your virus is an obligate cellular parasite and my contention is that evil is quite literally a virus parasite occupying a certain brain area which we may term the RIGHT center. The mark of a basic shit is that he has to be right.”
William S Burroughs.
“We’re Meddlesome” One of my favorite scenes from Serenity-
Great quotes!
And then there’s the screaming angry left.
Mr Huts claims he didn’t wear the Pauline Hanson t-shirt to be provocative. Frankly, I take that with a grain of salt. But the girl’s freakout is over the top. If Huts WAS hoping for a reaction, he got one.
Well, what he did is far, far better than what so many so-called “conservatives” are doing – that is, self-censoring to avoid the hysterical, vicious reactions from the left.
We need more provocation of the fascist bastards.
A classic exhibition of intolerance from those who demand tolerance.
Not to mention hysterical overreaction. “Are you going to punch me in the face now?” Game over, right there.
‘Report: Most of Hillary Clinton’s emails recovered during FBI probe will be released after Election Day, according to new timetable set by judge – Wall Street Journal’
‘Report: US intelligence officials probe ties between Donald Trump adviser and Kremlin, sources tell Yahoo News’
(But not the ties between Huma Abedin and the Muslim Brotherhood…..)
The dirt they can dig up on Trump isn’t going to peal off one pro-Trump voter – What’s happening is bigger than that – it’s a revolution and he has been selected as its leader.
Trump could take his gun and blow away a Leftist Journalist at high noon before dozens of cameras on Times Square – and it wouldn’t matter to his supporters – who would burn up the Internet with stories on how biased was the journalist and how he richly deserved his fate.
‘Max Brooks: Clinton’s Poll Numbers ‘Not Her Fault,’ It’s Because Media ‘Has Forgotten What Their Constitutional Duty Is’
If I understood Mr Brooks correctly, he’d have no trouble with the press giving Clinton ‘a trillion dollars’ worth of free press’. Well, they’ve worked damn hard to provide her with a trillion dollars’ worth of silence, non-disclosure, and evasion. Show some gratitude, fella!