‘More than $435 million worth of property, cars, cash and other assets has been frozen in New Zealand under a contentious law used to target gangs.
The Criminal Proceeds (Recovery) Act 2009 allows police to freeze and take someone’s assets without ever finding them guilty of any criminal activity or even laying criminal charges….’ (bold mine)
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I take your point KG that the inherent, legal rights of dangerous thugs ought to be respected in a just society, yada, yada… but there’s a vid doing the rounds of a little kitten on a roadway which is “run over” by a number of vehicles yet survives and is rescued by the ” Best person in the World. One of these two stories horrifies most people. No surprise which. Yikes, me too.
My position on this is pretty simple, Mara – either we have law, or we have tyranny. And if the price of living by laws is that some criminals escape scot-free, then so be it. The alternative is far, far worse and not really an alternative anyway, since some criminals (especially corporate criminals) will always escape punishment.
This so-called “law” is a net that will encourage police thuggery and punish some innocent people. We’ve had a presumption of innocence for centuries for a whole host of damn good reasons and the ignorant bitch Collins ought to be flogged out of town.
I agree with KG. This lawlessness will lead to random stops and your wallet being examined to see whether its worth picking over. Police in the US are already picking over motorists and stealing their cash.
It’s called the right of due process.A system where even the lowest cretin in existence has their day in a court of law before a jury of their peers to present evidence and argue their case.
Otherwise we have a system of anarchy where people and their property are left in legal limbo with no certainty of ruling or action.It also leaves the door open wide for all manner of persecution such as what we saw with the Teaparty groups and the IRS.
Lacking due process also leads to a system of political and social whim.What if the person in question is innocent,but because someone in local or federal authority simply has a hard on for them and uses forfeiture laws to harass them?
These asset forfeiture laws aren’t legal or moral in the slightest,they are just a different form of corruption with a stamp of approval by the state.
More on the subject from Stossel-
Also just before Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans there was a massive Police scandal involving stolen cars that had been recovered by the police,but never returned to their rightful owners or their insurance companies.The reason why,many of the cars were expensive,luxury or performance models and the cops were driving them as their personal vehicles.
What we see in all of this are the symptoms of the underlying disease that is rife in all cornerss of the world these days.-Corruption at every level and in all things.It permeates the culture,everything we look at now is saturated in it.Government,science,religion,art,literature,law enforcement even sports and even down to kindergarden levels.
“These asset forfeiture laws aren’t legal or moral in the slightest,they are just a different form of corruption with a stamp of approval by the state.”
Damn right they are.
I think what KG is saying was said in one of my favorite 1960s movie, “A Man For All Seasons” – Those who would cut down the laws to get at their enemies will find that when all the laws are destroyed, the devil will come after them.
Yes, today in New Zealand and elsewhere in the former British Empire, our various regimes have taken power saws to cut down the 1,000 year old forest of Common Law. Now what? I’ll tell you what – when the Nationalist tide rolls in with all the laws being down, what will keep them from going after their enemies on the Left?
Excellent short video that speaks volumes of wisdom: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMqReTJkjjg
Following your link, I find that the person named was Valentine Nicholas. I dealt with this person professionally back in the day. A high end drug dealer, standover man, criminal with a homicide conviction, and thug of the highest order. His brother was just as bad. He is noted for intimidating witnesses. I guess the legislation in question relies on the balance of probabilities, usually a civil case standard, rather than beyond reasonable doubt. I agree that such action involving the seizure of property and assets should follow the standard of proof required in a criminal prosecution.
In truth the law is generally only applied in two distinct situations:
1 If a person is convicted of an offence in circumstances where his/her capital value has transparently been derived from criminal activities…ie bank hold-ups
2 Where a person has been charged with an offence and is actively camouflaging his worth and/or may be a flight risk with more than $10,000 on his/her person.
It is impossible to invoke confiscation action without a charge first having been laid although assets may be frozen in a secure manner (akin to a stakeholder’s position.) If a matter goes to a Hearing and the person is acquitted then any assets taken or frozen are returned to the party from whence they were derived. This must be achieve within 21 days of the acquittal.
Please note: Freezing assets and confiscation are entirely separate matters and the procedures are scrupulously observed. I am mixed minded about the Act but would suggest that if a known thief was to attempt to abscond with the proceeds of crime why oughtn’t he/she be prevented from doing so. The NZ public is currently championing the arrests of student loan defaulters at the borders so in real terms where is the difference? I don’t perceive any “corruption” but accept that any law can be administered corruptly.
Cad, the article states:
‘The Criminal Proceeds (Recovery) Act 2009 allows police to freeze and take someone’s assets without ever finding them guilty of any criminal activity or even laying criminal charges.
Are you saying that’s incorrect?
Well that is not how I read the Act.
ok thanks.
First of all, the media reported it was a “Hispanic”. Now we have this, from Fox news:
‘MANHUNT OVER: Mall massacre suspect ID’d as 20-year-old from Turkey — but FBI says it’s not terror…’