The media are going completely off the hinges bonkers that Trump is still gaining in the polls despite them having thrown everything including the kitchen sink at him.
Better still the press in their inflated,ego driven self certitude,haven’t taken into consideration that they are polling nationally at just 4% of the public who think they are trustworthy.Every attack they try and pull on Trump backfires.Even better Trump has run rings around the fools at every turn.
The media are so stupid they haven’t figured out that the reason so few trust them anymore is because they have spent the last 8 years telling people things that just ain’t so in their undying love affair with Obama.
We are headed into another recession,people are watching their finances carefully.They are watching the crime ramp up on the streets.They are watching terror attacks take place with no end in sight and no way to prevent them.They are watching foreign nationals showing up at work and people they have worked with for years being replaced by them and wondering if they are next.They are watching our government officials act as criminal thugs with impunity.They are seeing their incomes fall as their insurance premiums rise.They are seeing their retirement accounts shrink as their tax burdens grow.They are seeing Veterans die while VA administrators buy art and take vacations.
And then,then they are watching the nightly news where the talking heads are still selling the same lies and they are yelling BULLSHIT!!!! and growing in anger by the day.
So go ahead MSM,go ahead and continue working hand in hand with those destroying this nation.You might succeed,but you may not survive,cause when the time comes no quarter will be given in the business of retribution and business will be good.
I work for an NZ company that is the Asia Pacific agent for a Florida company that makes packaging machinery, and I have been visiting there since 1998. I recall back in 2004 before I knew anything about US politics, I asked two colleagues aged then, 26 and 40 who they were going to vote for, Kerry or Bush. They both said it is of no interest to them and they never bother to vote. When I was there in July this year, they are both registered to vote for the first time in their lives and they are voting for the Donald. Anecdotal I know, but I wonder if this is the case nationwide and the polls aren’t reflecting that.
I suspect it is,people are just seeing what is going on,watching what is happening in their own lives and realizing we are in big trouble and things just are not right.
I also think from asking people on the street that the Black and Hispanic turnout for Trump is much greater than is being reported.
Here’s a local story that shocked Australia’s media.
Apologies if it’s already been posted:
A new poll has found that 49 per cent of Australians support a ban on Muslim immigration.
But wait, there’s more!
Stuff this, I’m doing my own poll.
I think people are coming around to the idea of keeping them contained in their own corner till they kill each other off.
I favor an industrial scale Holocaust that off’s the 1.5 billions Muslims. I’m sick and tired of the good guys around the world getting murdered by these savages! Why for once cannot the mad dogs be killed? Seriously! The Muslims have declared war on mankind – it’s Karma time.
It’s time for THE FINAL CRUSADE!
Ragnarok. It will happen.
That’s the big un-spoken story of this round of American elections- the oldmedia is more-or-less buggered.
I’ve read most of this and it’s getting closer and closer. I hope for my white American cousins Trump, or somebody like him, is there when it happens.
Depending on how much Aus superbikes cost this weekend I’ll order my “Deplorable” t-shirt this week or next. I look at it as an investment.
Love the “Pantsuit on Fire” LoL~
Just downloaded the .pdf of Civil War2, Dondiego. Thanks for the link.
Enjoy the superbikes, you lucky bastard.
“..They are seeing Veterans die while VA administrators buy art and take vacations…”
For this alone, the VA administrators ought by rights to be in jail and their media apologist liars should be right there with them.