Let the fun begin

Debate starts in one hour,this should be interesting.

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23 Responses to Let the fun begin

  1. PC says:

    I’m praying she strokes out. 90 minutes upright is going to be a huge challenge.

  2. Ronbo says:

    100 million Americans will be watching to see if a woman with late stage Parkinson’s Disease can last 90 minutes standing, talking and under considerable stress.

    The smart money says a grand mal seizure, foaming at the mouth and chewing carpet after about 15 minutes, but, hey! I’m an incurable romantic!http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_yahoo.gif

  3. Darin says:

    So far the Drudge poll has 92% saying Trump won the debate.

    • Michael in Nelson says:


      Most of Drudge’s readers are Republicans or conservatives. Not a valid poll. Sorry.

      • Ronbo says:

        A Drudge Poll is more accurate than a Washington Post/CBS poll – or anything else done by the Lamestream Media which has become the propaganda ministry for the Democrat Party and the Washington Establishment.

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      More importantly from an election point of view the time and CNBC polls have Trump winning by 59% and 61% respectively.


  4. KG says:

    Trump v. Clinton Round 1
•No Discussion of Clinton Foundation
•No Discussion of Immigration
•No Questions on Private Server
•’Birther Issue’ Takes Center Stage

    No discussion on the things that matter, particularly immigration. :evil:
    ‘Eight examples where ‘fact-checking’ became opinion journalism’

  5. KG says:

    And headlines in the NZ Socialist Herald?
    ‘What was with Donald Trump’s sniffles?
    The Republican candidate’s health caused major concern as social media reaction to the first US presidential debate proved the best part…’

    This beggars belief, even taking into account the abysmally low standards of these assholes. 8O

  6. Michael in Nelson says:

    The worst was the times the ‘Moderator’ tried to blindside Tump but Gave Hillary a pass.

  7. Working Class Bigot says:

    Clinton 45% Trump 55%
    Clinton 45.7% Trump 54.3%
    Clinton 40% Trump 60%
    Clinton 49% Trump 51%
    CNBC ( over 400,000 votes!)
    Clinton 39% Trump 61%

  8. KG says:

    God help us!! 8O If this is the future, bring on Armageddon.
    ‘How stupid, how feeble – and how much of a precursor to censorship – is this sign at the Hofstra University, warning nervous students who might be shocked to see a TV screen showing Donald Trump debate Hillary Clinton?
    Hofstra University has posted a “trigger warning” sign to warn students about the potentially disturbing content that may be discussed during Monday night’s presidential debate.
    According to CBS New York reporter Tony Aiello, a sign inside of the student center at Hofstra reads, “Trigger warning: The event conducted just beyond this sign may contain triggering and/or sensitive material….’

    • Warren Tooley says:

      KG, the headlines I look at call Trump a racist. So that’s their tactic, don’t like what they are saying, just call them a racist, and then people will ignore the facts. That’s the media for you. And that’s why I don’t bother with the herald. I hope they just go out of business. And I hope Trump will sue the media and put them out of business.

  9. Ronbo says:

    Trump rules….Hillary drools – Over 80% say Trump won.


  10. Grog says:

    This looks like a good and accurate review of the circus last night.


    • Robertv says:

      “As this new story from Michael Krieger over at Liberty Blitzkrieg tells us, the 2016 presidential election has come down to this one thing: this election will be a referendum on the status quo itself. Knowing that not one living US president has endorsed Donald Trump should tell us what the mainstream media never will: Democrats and Republicans have both been responsible for the absolute mess that we see in America and the world today.

  11. Robertv says:

    The Debate We Should Have Seen


  12. mawm says:

    These debates will make no difference to the election results at all. Zilch, zip, nada. Those who will vote for Hillary will do so no matter what and those who’ll vote for Trump the same. Either you are a leftist bot unable to make your own decisions or you want to move away from the DC control of your life. Personally the leftist overreach under Obama has woken up a lot of voters who would have just kept on voting for more of the same whether it was red or blue.

  13. KG says:

    ‘Donald Trump scored with a massive rally Tuesday night in Melbourne, Florida before more than 10,000 enthusiastic fans.
    Defying cable news pundits who are still going on about his supposed stalemate in Monday’s debate against Hillary Clinton, Trump delivered arguably his greatest speech ever. He made clear exactly what is at stake on November 8th.
    “We have 41 days to make our country great again,” Trump said. “You have one magnificent chance and in our opinion our last chance.”…’