The rant of the year – from a leftist!

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30 Responses to The rant of the year – from a leftist!

  1. KG says:

    Fortunately, very many of them are too stupid to absorb the message.

  2. Pascal says:

    Essentially he’s telling the Leftists who reside in the echo chamber that coming off as bigots to those they are trying to win votes from cannot work. They don’t think they are bigots because they know that they claim not to look down on minorities even while their policies act as if the minorities can’t get anywhere without their aid.

    But bigotry also comes in the form of thinking ones own opinion is better than others. Bigotry often resides in echo chambers to where reports of the errors of the group’s thoughts are not permitted to permeate. Hubris is arrogance hardened though not protected by bigotry. Trump’s winning was the Nemesis to their hubris and they still don’t get it.

  3. fish153 says:

    It’s a ripper rant……..I posted this on my “newish” FB account! And I hate FB…..

    I have so many loopy friends that just don’t get anything logical or alternative – I can’t believe the level of efffectiveness of the MSM indoctrination – it is insane! NZ is more nuts and PC than Oz….and there is no real media opposition to all this BS in NZ……OMG…..feeling really down, but bully on DJT

    • KG says:
      There’s just no real alternative to the socialist media in NZ, is there?

      • Ronbo says:

        Not true! NZ has the Internet with thousands of websites, television channels, radio stations and youtube videos where contrary opinions are available, 24/7. So Kiwis tune out the LSM and tune in the Crusaders.

        • KG says:

          The net is only of use if it’s used for more than viewing Miley Cyrus making a slag of herself. And only of use if the user is at least capable of processing a few simple concepts. Or the individual has enough curiosity to enquire……
          Or he or she isn’t so uninformed they’re aware of how uninformed they are.
          In short, most people get their “news” from the MSM, especially television.
          And they sure as hell do NOT want to see or hear contrary views.

  4. Phillip Stephenson says:

    I have been thinking and saying much the same as that guy for the last couple of days. My sister leans left and our robust discussions go way back. I’ll have to get her to watch it.

    • KG says:

      Please let us know her reaction it it, Phillip.

      • Ronbo says:

        Excellent video! But the thing is the Left tried for decades to win a level playing field debate with the patriots and lost. The only way their ideology triumphs is by totalitarianism.

        • Caleb says:

          Ronbo’s got it.

          The Left are the way they are, because they can’t win the debate with reason.

  5. Darin says:

    All of the polls for the last 8 years,and really even before,no matter the subject,were all propaganda designed to prop up Obama and the left.The left fell for and believed their own bullshit and think everyone else is stupid or bigoted if they don’t believe it as well.

    Meanwhile people who still have some common sense see through the lies because we pay attention to what’s going on around us and we know instinctively that things aren’t right.

    • andy5759 says:

      Instinctively. Darin, that is what we are all doing. We follow our instincts, all of us be that left or right, black or white, Christian or not. We instinctively know what is needed to preserve our freedoms. The “others” instinctively know how to cozy up to preserve their sinecures. It’s all about survival, I offer my life to my fellow man, “others” sell their very souls to the latest incarnation of Evil for thirty pieces of tin.

    • Ronbo says:

      The Left is the kingdom of the ugly, stupid, unsuccessful, and parasites of the world who deal in projection – they tell us what they are.

      In an earlier enlightened age scum like them were kicked in the ass by their betters and allowed to starve to death in a ditch by the side of the road.

  6. Pascal says:

    Here’s another hard to take for Lefties video and with less satire and more gutting.

  7. Robertv says:

    Colleges delay classes and exams, offer stress-healing therapies after Trump victory

  8. Warren Tooley says:

    Stress for who, the communists, feminists, islamic terrorists or those who want to work for so little. The standard of living for the bottom 80% of Americans has decreased since 1973. Exactly who is it that should be stressed?

  9. Warren Tooley says:

    PS. they did away with the gold exchange standard since 1971, coincidence I think not.

    • Ronbo says:

      Fiat money – money based loosely on a nation’s GNP – is the best thing for Big Government since the invention of taxation without hesitation – Need another billion to pay off the Teansters? No problema, senor! All you have to do is hit the zero key a few more times and a million becomes a billion….Then a trillion…

      Say, what comes after a trillion?

      Yes, the king can go naked…until a liitle boy asks where is his pants.

  10. Warren Tooley says:

    Yes ronbo, its called the megabyte standard, a computer entry creates money. In 2006, the Reserve bank stopped minting large coins and has given us these tiny little coins calling it a change for the better. It was costing too much to mint these coins.

    What comes after a trillion, how bout 20 Trillion. I remember when I was studying in the states, my teacher said their was no way the US would get into a 100 Trillion debt. Obama has added 10 Trillion, and Hillary would have added 30 Trillion.

    The worst part of this system means you get hit with inflation, and then to reduce this inflation, they have to tax you. More tax, less money in circulation. Its called redistribution for a reason. Its a modern form of theft.

  11. Michael in Nelson says:

    I saw this posted on Knuckledraggin. NSFW but like the header says “Damn, this girl can rant.”