On time and under budget

What’s going on in the Trump transition-


“Donald Trump has many flaws, more than his fair share, but in this area of being on time and under budget, his track record is close to brilliant.  One of the main reasons I preferred Trump early on was this clear aura of competence, one he earned.  He didn’t do these projects in cities that are all that business friendly; he did them in New York, and other large cities all over who are just as bureaucratic and just as tough.”


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9 Responses to On time and under budget

  1. Working Class Bigot says:

    If you supported the Don in the election, you have to watch this. Even just the first 10 minutes.


  2. Gregoryno6 says:

    “When you realize that the left has nothing to offer but Alinsky tactics and ridicule; when you realize you have a master builder who not only knows what their tactics are, but how to use these same tactics against them, you realize just how much trouble they are in.”
    Like Thatcher and Reagan, Trump will be one that the left point to thirty years from now and say ‘Yeah, him – he was one of the good ones.’ In the meantime he’ll be Godzilla with a pitchfork.

    • Ronbo says:


      You assume the Left will still be around in 30 years, because if Trump and Company are as political game oriented as they appear to be, I would assume their big unannounced goal is the destruction of the Left as a viable political opposition.

      After all, a successful businessman like Trump knows how to get rid of the competition – and he is aided by the fact that the Left in this country is engaged in its own self destruction.

      The Democrat Party is no longer a national party.

      This next turn of the screw is its complete destruction and replacement by a loony tune collection of half wit socialist parties that together won’t be able to win one electoral vote.

  3. dondiego says:

    @Ronbo- Pretty much what you said. I would add that I think Trump knows the Empire is in deep shit, hence talk of bringing military home (they’ll need experienced soldiers to repatriate the MS13 type messicans).
    The blacks will probably get even worse, and need military level ultra-violence to bring them to heel. -Oh how great a sight, to see militarized cops SMASHING not protecting the rioters.

    The big unknown is if/when will the banksters crash the dollar?

    And a question more suited to Open House that I haven’t scanned yet: Are those pricks in California for real about secession? Some AltRight tweeters seemed to think so https://twitter.com/hashtag/Calexit?src=hash http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_unsure.gif