PJW: The Truth about Russia hacking the Election

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45 Responses to PJW: The Truth about Russia hacking the Election

  1. Robertv says:

    Same Father ?


  2. mawm says:

    Whatever it takes …. the left are not going to give up with their dream of a one world government being in reach.

    Delegitimisation of Trump’s win, calls for Electoral College to vote against the peoples’ wishes, calls for an investigation into Russian influence (including McCain and Graham), calls for a revote…..hmmmm, what comes next? Executive declaration that the election results are null and void because the process was corrupted, Obama remaining in power “until the system” has been fixed (in the Democrats favour, of course)?

    This is not going to end well.

    • Ronbo says:

      Damn right it won’t! If the Democommies are successful in this “Hail Mary Play” to hand the election to the Hildabeast – it will be the Second U.S. Civil War – make no mistake about it!!!

      The Republican Party, the nationalists and the patriots simply will not tolerate the election being stolen from them.

      BTW, if it comes down to civil war in the next two months, the Republican Cause will supported by the Russians – who are sick as hell with being charged with something BIG they had nothing to do with as a matter of honor and national pride.

      Democommies: Don’t Fuck With The Nationalists! Russian or American.

      Re-posted here: http://ronbosoldier.blogspot.com/2016/12/democrats-trying-to-start-civil-war-and.html

    • paul scott says:

      God, I hope you are wrong mawm , because an executive declaration would mean civil war.

  3. Ronbo says:

    mawm said:

    “Whatever it takes …. the left are not going to give up with their dream of a one world government being in reach.”

    Of course not! The election of Trump was only the end of the beginning of what I think will become open, bloody and massive civil war starting the spring or summer. Like I said many times before, “No ruling class in history has ever peacefully left office.”

  4. KG says:

    Dangerous times… and until the left in any form whatsoever is viewed and dealt with as an enemy to be destroyed, not simply an alternative viewpoint, they remain a real and present danger.
    Every compromise, every dialogue, every accommodation with these swine represents a failure to act in our own defence.

    • Ronbo says:

      Well said, KG!

      The Left in America – the Left in ALL countries – are more dangerous than any foreign enemy. The bottom line to socialism is ANTI-Life. Seriously, it’s a death cult like Islam.

      All this bullshit that they care for the “little guy and gal” and want to better their lives is exactly that, BULLSHIT!

      I remember well the 1960s when so many of my friends fell for “the Party Line” and me trying to tell them it was crap – most would say, “How can you be so sure? Ron, you see things in black and white.”

      Damn right! My dad was a patriot who fought in WW II and the Korean War and I was raised in a household with firm American republican ideals – and in the many decades that have passed since I was a kid, I have never once saw anything my father told me about the Left contradicted.

      But my dad was typical of the Greatest Generation who saw the dirty work of the fascists and communists in all its living terror up close and personal…and they also knew the theories behind the horror.

      • KG says:

        My father said the same things as yours, Ronbo. He carried a .303 all over Europe, the M.E. and Burma – and he was was no fool.

    • paul scott says:

      KG. Agree. It is a war. We can not defend it is time for continuous and continual attack. Western civilisation is at stake.

  5. Just Another Richard says:

    Ha, ha! Louise Mench urging the West to go to war with Russia…of course, that would be those ‘deplorable American soldiers’ doing the heavy grunt work; you know, the Americans that the British upper crust are so happy to sneer about every opportunity the get. That’s right Louise, you’ll be safe behind those dreadful Yanks, because it sure as hell won’t be the British army with barely 6 divisions…no disrespect to the lads, but 6 divisions will not hold the Russians up for long.

    Louise…is just a typical British upper crust twit, so full of her own wisdom, so infatuated of her own moral preening, yet so careless of the lives of other peoples sons, especially when the sneers roll so glibly off the tongue raising a howl of applause from the unthinking mob. How magnanimous!

    I am mystified as to how the stench of their own moral turpitude does not chock these preening clowns.

    Check out ‘Question Time’ YouTube clip with Nigel Farage, Louise Mench, Will Self, and a couple of other “right on” blowhards. Nigel missed a golden opportunity to nail that smug idiot to the wall on her posturing

    Oh…by the way…I am a Brit too. I have walked among these monsters all my life, they really are the heirs of the leaders of society who led the lions into the trenches 100 years ago…nothing changes

    • KG says:

      Amen! Richard. Every damn word of it. http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_good.gif

      • Just Another Richard says:

        Thanks KG

        I was once in a room with a bunch of friends, all of them collage kids, (except me), together with a veteran of the battle of the Somme, a really nice old guy, whose war ended sometime during the battle, as he took a machine gun blast across the stomach, ending his war, with nearly six months in hospital and convalescence. To a man, those fools preened as to how they would not be so foolish as to waste their precious lives “for King and Country”. As they preened so loudly, it crossed my mind, what could possibly be going through the old veteran’s mind, did he recall the faces of so many pals who never made it through the carnage. My contempt for their position must have been written on my face, as afterwards he sought me out to talk to me, and asked me what I would do. I replied that I had asked myself that question many times, but that I didn’t know the answer. He looked me in the eye, and calmly stated the “I would”. Now fate has seen to it that I never faced that question….so I still don’t know, but I like to think the old man knew of what he spoke. And if events carry on on their current trajectory, I may yet find out

        • Just Another Richard says:

          That meeting was in early 1980; I remember it clear as yesterday. Strange how some things stand as mile posts in our lives

          • Just Another Richard says:

            The date may be off by 2 years, but the encounter is like yesterday in my mind. I believe it was during the run up to the Falklands war, so that would be early 1982. It was that that sparked the conversation.

            Like all vets, he didn’t say much about it, just a brief comment about how his war experience ended so abruptly during the battle of the Somme. He was just more inclined to let the moral titans blow off with their opinions. I doubt if half the people in the room even knew anything about the battle, let alone the awful meat grinder it became.

            • KG says:

              I think those people have no idea of the contempt in which veterans hold them, Richard.
              But should civil war come, they will find out.
              Thanks for sharing that.

  6. Just Another Richard says:

    Here is the clip
    The exchange with Louise starts around the 12.05 mark. Here position is more of an implied stance, as she states that any negotiation with Putin is absolutely abhorrent….what the F… does she think poking Putin with a stick is going to get us

    • Darin says:

      She either isn’t old enough to remember the cold war or is simply ignorant of what it entailed.Short of a nuclear exchange a new cold war would be the worst thing that could happen.The Trillions of dollars spent,the cost in lives lost in all the proxy wars fought the world over,it just isn’t worth it.

      As for her stance on Putin and the situation in Syria,she doesn’t understand that the west was sold a bill of goods by the muslim brotherhood AKA wahhabi sect.Till this day no one can say with any certainty just who these”rebels” really are,except those that have been fighting them.I put more faith in what Putin and Assad say about them than I do the likes of Clinton and Kerry and most certainly Obama.

      • Just Another Richard says:

        Putin may be many things…Strong Man…most certainly. Above all, he is a pragmatist, thankfully…NO ideologue, and as such he is a man who can be negotiated with. He no more wants a war with the West, than the majority of Western populations want their lives destroyed by such a senseless conflict, but he will look out for what he perceives as Russia’s interests. Is he the next iteration of Adolf Hitler….only in the minds of the bed-wetter left, or the neo con liberals like Hillary or Kerry. He is a hard nosed political player in the mold of a Bismark or a Clausewitz, someone not to be trifled with, nor someone to be taken lightly

        • Darin says:

          I think he also realizes what a complete basket case the old USSR was at the end and doesn’t want his people to return to those times,not that they would let it go that far.Freedom being the ultimate drug and all.

  7. Just Another Richard says:

    Sorry,……. Her position

  8. KG says:

    “what the F… does she think poking Putin with a stick is going to get us..”
    About twenty divisions, 1000+tanks under an umbrella of nuclear bombers – right down our throats.

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      Given what the Trump cabinet is likely to do to the Leftists’ sacred cows, it is no wonder they are doing everything they can to keep him from becoming POTUS #45.

    • Gregoryno6 says:

      David Brooks thinks that Trump will be resign or be impeached within a year. Turn that around with the anti-lefty projection filter and speculate on what Brooks knows about Hillary’s dirty deeds.

  9. Just Another Richard says:

    While we are on the subject of war, but, not necessarily applying to all, (like present company….KG, you lucky bastard). this little zinger is good for a laugh

    • KG says:

      It sure is! http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_yahoo.gif
      “Lucky”? Moi? I don’t feel so lucky these days Richard. Old age catches up with one, y’know. http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_unsure.gif

      • Just Another Richard says:

        The old age part aside…none of us escape that. No, I was referring to your happy and enduring relationship with Gecko, though I’m sure its had its ups and downs, I do recall your many positive comments about your relationship……so again….lucky man http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_good.gif

        • KG says:

          Ah yes…in that respect, Richard, I’m luckier than I have any right to be. It’s a constant source of wonder to me. http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_yes.gif

  10. dondiego says:

    I quite like this channel on youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeix8jbmQnS6FprsJIsjVyQ
    She does translations of stuff that makes me think “Putin’s the man”. Propaganda, whatever, another younger (former kiwi) bloke at work follows it [or actually http://www.fort-russ.com/ ] too~

  11. KG says:

    Through the looking glass:
    ‘Soros Think Tank Claims Russia Could Engineer Migrant Sex Attacks to Boost Right-Wing Parties’

    • mawm says:

      There’s a mental illness currently infecting the left. Do they really think that we are so stupid as to believe them? I wouldn’t be surprised if this sort of shit has convinced those sitting on the fence to disembark to starboard.

  12. Contempt says:

    The whole damn situation top to bottom on the left is simply amazing. Since a while it has been expected that oBowa will be devious and there is enough money and resentments to support anything. Plus a bit today about money to various republicans is expected. The screw is in. Wonder if Trump expected the death of this unraveling excrement.

  13. Contempt says:

    Expected the depth* not death. Although both words may apply.

  14. Darin says:

    PJW-What They’re not telling you about Fake news
