To All Our Readers at CR Merry Christmas!

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32 Responses to To All Our Readers at CR Merry Christmas!

  1. Ronbo says:

    God Bless You Darin….and thanks for keeping CR running….and God Bless The Founding Father and Grand Master of Freedom – KG!

    In fact, God Bless All Ye Merry Gentlemen and Ladies at CR – “We few, we happy few, we band of brothers and sisters” – I ‘ve learned much from your comments and links at the ultimate Free University of Crusader Rabbit where tuition, books and lectures are never required – and education in Advanced Liberty never ends.

  2. Victor says:

    Merry Christmas Darin – you’re doing a great job of maintaining this great site, I sure am glad to have found it. I hope to see more great posts in the coming year as it has now become one of the very few sites I get my news and information about the world and it’s full throttle nose dive into the abyss… but it’s Christmas!!! God bless you and KG for starting all of this and letting us comment and post our own thoughts and links and paranoid babble…

    This coming year is a time we all will have to roll up our sleeves and do more of the heavy lifting if we are to make a true change for the better – just because Trump won doesn’t mean our work is over… lots to be done here and in Europe and in Australia and New Zealand… and through out Latin America – All our Christian Nations.

    Merry Christmas to everyone here!

  3. Barry says:

    To CR: thanks, and Merry Christmas!

  4. Lara says:

    Yes, keep the Christian spirit alive and well.
    Stuff the left.
    Thanks and best wishes.

  5. KG says:

    Thanks to Darin and to all of you. I don’t know what else to say, except to wish all at CR a wonderful 2017. May you live long and prosper, my liberty-loving friends.

  6. Merriest of Christmas’s.

  7. mawm says:

    Merry Christmas, you bunch of deplorables!

  8. Pascal says:

    Merry Christmas.

  9. Gregoryno6 says:

    Merry Christmas to all Crusading Rabbits!

  10. Seneca III says:

    A very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from me as Keep up the good work, Darin, and thank you for your efforts this year.

    Seneca III

    P.S. Wabbit, did you get my e-mail? Please let me know how things are with you and Gecko. T.

  11. May your Christmas be the merriest ever. God bless you and all your readers.

  12. Just Another Richard says:

    Merry Christmas to one and all at Crusader Rabbit

  13. Michael in Nelson says:

    Rejoice! For unto you this day is born, in the city of David, a Saviour which is Christ the Lord.

    Merry Christmas to all here on this refuge of liberty!

  14. MvL says:

    “Merry Christmas to all here on this refuge of liberty!”

    And refuge of sanity.
    Merry Christmas to all and thanks to our hosts for their hospitality.

  15. Gregoryno6 says:

    From a Christmas album I’ve had near on thirty years.

  16. john says:

    Merry Xmas to all.
    Keep up the fight .

  17. andy5759 says:

    Merry Christmas to one and all. This has been an interesting year which has been well documented here. Thank you for that, and please keep going as next year promises to be even more interesting.

  18. Oswald Bastable says:

    Parody and reality are a little blurred there days:

  19. tranquil says:

    Hi all –

    Boxing Day and it’s good to be back with Darin, Ronbo, KG and the gang!
    Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!

    I don’t muck around – up to Napier on Boxing Day and back to Wellington today. One and a half days with the family is enough….. :)

    Nah – they’re ok (and my Mum is wonderful). I just have a sister who’s a pain sometimes but she was good this time.

    Saw my brother who I *thought* was sensible but he’s convinced that Trump will start a nuclear war – FFS! Ok – Trump said he would *renew* the aging nuclear strike-force but that’s all! Even that will take many years and is unlikely to be his top priority, so I’m thinking “chill out, brother….”
    Sadly, almost all of my family have “drunk the leftist Kool-Aid” but at least Trump only had a passing mention in conversation (thank goodness).

    Anyway – good to be back…. :)

    • Darin says:

      Tranquil,good to hear it!The holidays should be about family.My father and I went out to my aunt and uncle’s place and had dinner.I hadn’t seen them in a year,so it was good to catch up.

      • tranquil says:

        Good stuff Darin!

        Keep up the great work with this site too – you’re doing a *great* job!

  20. mara the deplorable says:

    Darin, that was lovely to see in a world of shite. Thanks. It was something to enjoy.

  21. Grog says:

    Apologies for the belated Merry Christmas to all, good to read everyone is doing well.