Saving the Earth Must Be Hard Work….

…Judging by the mountain of trash it leaves behind-

The whole filthy mess here-

“Standing Rock Environmental Protection Agency and Dakota Sanitation are working together to try and advert an environmental tragedy,” says Tom Doering, Morton County Emergency Manager.

It’s estimated it will take 250 trucks filled with litter to clear the camp.

“There’s a lot of work to be done,” says Doering.

So will the lefty groups that made this mess be billed for it’s cleanup?Sure,I’ll bet they are writing the checks right now.(sarc) :roll:

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18 Responses to Saving the Earth Must Be Hard Work….

  1. Ronbo says:

    A pity the police didn’t get the names of the far Left Indians who made the mess, but I do thinks the cops have a pretty good idea which tribes (a.k.a. “Indian Nations”) they came from, so I would forward the clean up bill to those tribes’ HQs….If they wouldn’t pay up , then shut off the welfare and food stamp payments until the debt is paid (with interest, of course)

    • Darin says:

      Those “indians” were card carrying members of the Fauxcahantus Tribe which hails from NYC,LA,and Seattle.

      The real Indians (feather,not,dot) wanted the pipeline because it means jobs and royalties.The real question is why does the left hate Native Americans so much?

      • Pascal says:

        Please let me fix that for you Darin:
        “The real question is why does the Left hate __________ so much?”

        It’s a worthy discussion.

        Let’s start with this. As you may recall, marching has the cadence “left, right, left, ….” The Left believes it is their duty to begin all movements. Let’s see how far you get trying to move your right foot in a direction different from your left. Or Society.

        Thomas Sowell’s insightful phrase “vision of the anointed” helps explain it all. The Left is so besotted with its beliefs that any sense of their duty has morphed into their privilege. Now recall the ages old expression used to describe someone who’s gotten so angry that reason has vanished to the point that “they’d cut off their nose to spite their face.”

        In short, the Left’s nihilism stems from their conceit that a society that won’t follow their vision deserves destruction. Or going back to the cadence above, some Left feet would cut off all their right partners for refusing to follow.

        Individuals are NOT their society. Individualists know this. The Left cannot stand individuals of any group or sub-grouping because it diminishes their “first” right. In my opinion, the Left honors only those members of groups that go along with their direction, and hate any that stray from it. Invariably this means that every single individual on the planet will at some point be found in the cross-hairs of the Left. We can’t abolish the Left because it is as natural occurrence as feces. So the best course of action is to deal with it in the same manner that we deal with that other substance. It is simply sad that we must speak of the Left more often.

      • Ronbo says:

        Damn! Another brilliant plan of mine crushed by reality!

  2. Gregoryno6 says:

    Same after the women’s march in Washington. You couldn’t see the footpath for placards.
    “Okay then, clean up after yourself..”
    “Fuck you. That’s not my job.”

  3. KG says:


    The muzzie sense of whiny entitlement in full flight. :shock: Somebody please kick their asses back to where they were hatched.