A Living,Breathing,Lie

Obama and company-

Jack Engelhard via-Arutz Sheva

“Today, in eye-popping news, we learn, from the New York Post viaPolitico, that to sweeten the Iran nuke deal, Obama released Iranian-connected terrorists in order to keep the mullahs talking – which they were glad to do because the more they talked the more we gave and the more they took.”

“To close that nuke deal, which still gives Iran the okay to go bombs away, whom to send, a Vegas slick or a Washington fool? Obama sent John Kerry, who had his pockets picked from morning to night. The mullahs saw that sucker coming from a mile off and kept laughing while they took him to the cleaners.”

The innocent will be paying the bill in blood and treasure the world over for a long time to come thanks to that treasonous lecher and his band of commie vermin.


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2 Responses to A Living,Breathing,Lie

  1. Michael in Nelson says:

    I am surprised…NOT! Those (O & K) would do anything , ANYTHING! to destroy America. If it wouldn’t subject me to arrest and incarceration, I would recommend a bullet to the back of the head for both of them…as a start.