Open House

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101 Responses to Open House

  1. Darin says:

    Black Pigeon-The Dangerous Precedent of Unbridled Charity

    Being “poor” is getting to be a good business to be in.

    • Ronbo says:

      U.S. Government welfare has worked wonderfully well for the American Indians and the African-Americans – Why just look at how happy and well adjusted they are to the demands of modern life!

    • Gregoryno6 says:

      Not sure that it’s ‘unprecedented’. About 3 trillion USD has gone into Africa as foreign aid over the last 50 years.

      • Ronbo says:

        …and into the Swiss bank accounts of black tyrants…

        The Africans were much better off under the rule of whites – who while they may have not RSVP-ed the blacks for their dinners and Sundowners afterwards – were at least honorable, honest and wanted fair play for everyone under the rule of law.

        Yeah, Africa – you have really come a long ways since colonialism and white rule ended, heh?

        • Gregoryno6 says:

          Administrators and bureaucrats were replaced with charity organisations. Not much change, and not much of that for the better.

  2. Darin says:

    Jay Leno surprises some folks in his 54′ Jag-


      • Ronbo says:

        The secular same of the Sharia Courts – Totally illegal under the U.S. Constitution….

        A word of wisdom to the Left and Islam: You really don’t want to go there again, because if you do then we set up our own Patriot courts and try you bastards for treason – and after the inevitable guilty verdict – we hang you to the nearest tree.

        No judge. No jury. No lawyers. Just a mob of Patriots with torches in the middle of the night at your front door with a rope in their hands – and murder in their eyes..

        So the wise thing to do is to stick the legal order long enacted.

  3. Ronbo says:

    Canada: The Sick Man of North America:

    If you use the wrong pronoun in Canada prepare to be fined or jailed or both!

    The police in Canada allow Muslims to engage in anti-Semitic demonstrations, but will fine or imprison anyone speaking out against Islam.

    Canada’s Barack Obama – Justin Trudeau:

    The Marxist scum of the earth! Justin never held a job until he was past 40. Trust fund kid. Absolute parasite. Dictator loving. China loving. Muslim loving. Iran loving. The Boy Blunder turning Canada into a third world country. Canadians: End the nightmare!

    • KG says:

      How far has Canada fallen! From one of the bastions of Western liberty to Marxist shit-hole – and in so short a time, too.

  4. mawm says:

    Voices of the violated: Haunting new BBC documentary on Rochdale sex abuse raises devastating questions about liberal values, the responsibility of the Asian community – and the families of the victims themselves

    This appeared late last night on the Mail-on-line website. It’s actually quite good and very damning of the Pakistani community. Gone this morning! I guess it just doesn’t fit the narrative of a multicultural society.

    • KG says:

      It’s all very well the BBC making the doco now, but they were complicit in the coverup for years.
      They deserve zero credit for it. The “devastating questions” were raised a long time ago and those who raised them were ignored or abused.

      • Darin says:

        The PC is still strong in that article,the perps were muslims and not “Asians”

        • mawm says:

          The term “Asian” is deliberately used to “spread the blame” as it incorporates the Middle East, the Indian subcontinent and the Orient. I don’t see many Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, Indian, etc. men raping young white girls. It is time to call them by what they are and in this case they are muslim middle eastern men of Pakistani origin. *spit*

          • Darin says:

            Yup,it reminds me of the time CNN tried to pass of Sikhs as being muslims.
            Unfortunately for the producer the Sikhs were not happy about it. :mrgreen:

  5. Gregoryno6 says:

    The butthurt to Hollywooders after their ‘Not Trump’ videos has faded rather quickly.
    They’re at it again, with abortion this time.
    The most basic of human rights. No, seriously!

  6. Gregoryno6 says:

    You learn something new every day – and yesterday I learnt that Perth has a real estate agent named Rhiannon Gillard.
    Not an agency – an agent. An actual person.
    What parent would perpetrate such a cruel trick upon their own flesh and blood? you ask. Well, consider the other possibility – she may have changed the name herself.
    Goodbye plain old Elsie Witherspoon, hello Rhiannon Gillard!
    (Blast of trumpets)
    She’ll probably name her kids Kim Jong Mugabe, or Merkel Stalin… Chavez Macron… Ceausescu Corbyn…

    • Darin says:

      What?No middle name thrown in just for peacock feminist elitism?We had one here Susana Hyke Terrel,liberal cunt family court lawyer,booted off the bench for lying and conspiring to destroy evidence.She went into real estate too.

      • Gregoryno6 says:

        ‘Hyke’? Is that ‘Hyke’ as in ‘Go take a hyke’, or ‘I lost the D on my typewriter’?

      • Gregoryno6 says:

        That conjures up some disturbing thought pictures…
        It occurs to me that some OS readers might not be aware of the political connections to the name ‘Rhiannon’. Here in The
        Great South Land we count among our Green Senators on Lee Rhiannon, formerly Lee Brown – child of Party members Bill and Freda. Think Jeremy Corbyn in a lumpy meat sack and you’ve pretty well got it.

    • mawm says:

      OTOH I do like the song of the same name by FleetwoodMac, and it is an ancient Welsh name.

  7. Darin says:

    Ignorant,elitist,sexist,liberal bitch-

    I pray for the day when it’s open season on those s–t stains :evil:

    • Ronbo says:

      What!?! A Saxon who is moved to righteous anger? Righteous anger is okay…There comes a time when Jesus must get out his bullwhip and drive the money lenders and criminals out of the Temple.

    • mawm says:

      Professor has become a derogatory word for these tenured overpaid unproductive oxygen thieves; all appointed because of whom they know and their politics (and often skin tone) rather than their academic ability.

  8. Gregoryno6 says:

    Maiden speech by Senator Lucy Gichuhi (no, I don’t know the correct pronunciation). A lady of colour, to use the PC expression, but one who sees Australia as something more than a bottomless wallet.

  9. Darin says:

    Tour of Anthoine Machineshop Fort Valley,Ga-

    Old time shop

  10. Jamie says:

    Apologies old timers but back in my day in the army/pogues it was pretty ghetto….

    The Crusaders as Easy Company
    The Sharia invasion as Ze Germans

    At work a few weeks back this Pommy immigrant who works for another firm wandered into the smoko room. One of the lads said hello, asked how it’s going?
    The Pom acknowledged his greeting, then he seen a newspaper on the table, it was turned to a page about the Manchester bombings, and boy did he go off….

    [Pommy ascent]
    F-ing muslims this, F-ing islam that. He was saying all you Kiwis had better pull your heads out of the sand and get hard on this sharia.

    ‘Too Bloody Right Bloke!!!’ I said.

    You gotta stop them at the border he continued, otherwise New Zealand would end up like Britain. That islam was the reason why he moved his family to New Zealand. All the other lads, even the couple of chicks who’d wandered in were nodding their heads in agreement. He was heading back to Manchester in a few months he reckoned, to try and get the rest of his family out.

  11. Darin says:

    Animal rescue in Alaska with some interesting creatures-

    “apparently I’m the only one that works this close with wolverines OWWWWWWW…OUCH! :mrgreen: :lol:

  12. KG says:

    How about these arrogant bastards butt out of other people’s lives? They’d be at the head of the queue waiting to be lynched if I had my way. :evil:
    ‘Sugar labelled the new tobacco’
    ‘The Duke of Marlborough restaurant in the Bay of Islands received a visit from a Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) inspector ordering the famous burger be removed from the menu because its burger was served medium-rare.’
    FOAD you interfering swine. We’ll eat and drink whatever WE decide to consume.

    • Darin says:

      In the first bit about sugar,notice that no distinction is made between sucrose and fructose.Most things these days at least over here will contain fructose because Corn sweetener is cheaper than Cane Sugar.Corn products also have a much bigger lobby in Congress which makes me wonder if the new push against sugar has more to do with big business?

      In any rate,most times when we hear a debate going on about obesity rates they never mention the one demographic with the highest rates of occurrence-

  13. Gregoryno6 says:

    This has been doing the rounds for a while. If you haven’t seen it, you won’t know whether to laugh or cry.
    Remember when they used to say ‘Don’t trust anyone over thirty’?

  14. KG says:

    If you’re not a leftist thug, then you’re “far-right” according to the media:

  15. Ronbo says:

    These stories come under the heading, “I’m not making this stuff up.”

    Deportation from America is the best thing that ever happened to this Mexican:

    A well paid Democrat Party judge too fat and shitty to do her job:

  16. Darin says:

    USS Lincoln puts back to sea after it’s mid-life overhaul-

  17. Darin says:

    Mark Latham : Worlds Craziest Lefty-

  18. Darin says:

    Professor fired-

    “The 62-year-old anthropology professor — an expert on breastfeeding (according to a now-deleted curriculum vitae) — was even more critical of Warmbier in her National Review comments.”

    Expert on breast feeding? Such a technical subject :roll:

  19. Michael in Nelson says:

    The SCOTUS has just caused thousands of lefty heads to explode!

    I know it is just a stay but the Left will go crazy anyway.

      • KG says:

        This is interesting:
        ‘JUSTICE THOMAS, with whom JUSTICE ALITO and JUSTICE GORSUCH join, concurring in part and dissenting in part.’

        What’s even more interesting is that Fox doesn’t mention the travel ban decision in this morning’s headline. It’s a tiny header, well down the front page. The Calif concealed-carry decision is the headline.

        • Ronbo says:


          The first headlines I saw were from CNN – which made the decision look like it favored the Left – However, the real story about this dog and pony show is not being told by anyone except a few constitutional scholars – and Mark Levin, the radio guy – The federal courts do not have jurisdiction over the president enforcing a law passed by Congress!

          Period. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. Game over. Bluff called.

          What Trump did was wrong. He should have as president simply told the lower federal courts that he was president. He had the right to enforce a law passed by Congress – and that he would do so.

          Also, he should have started the impeachment of those federal judges making such a ruling on the firm legal ground their decision was unconstitutional – and a violation of the very law they had shown an oath to support and defend.

          • Gregoryno6 says:

            I see your point, Ron, but had Trump gone that way we would have heard nothing but ‘Dictator Donald’ for his entire term. This way, the point has been proven through process, which I would think takes a lot of wind out of the idiot left’s sails.
            More of a gamble, but a correspondingly larger payoff.

            • Ronbo says:

              No doubt that was the reason, Greg – Trump choked. He should know it really doesn’t matter what he does because the Left wants him gone. The Republican Establishment wants him gone. The Beltway Ruling Class wants him gone,

              Trump should know it. His base voters know it. Trump is a “real change” president like Reagan – and nothing he does will pass muster with the Big Media, Democrats and the Loony Left who want him dead.

              So I say if they hate you give them lots to hate you about…

              – Oh! And he should fire Herr Mueller the Special Counsel, who no one besides him or Congress had the authority to appoint. This was like allowing the Mafia to “investigate” the president. Absurd!

              We have in America the same thing as a parliamentary majority in Australia, which, as we know, can do anything except make a man a woman, and by God we Republicans should act like a majority in Congress and put the minority in it place on the back benches, where they can jump up and down like monkeys at the zoo, and no one pays attention to them.

  20. Cadwallader says:

    In NZ the runaway idiocy and intrusions of bureaucrats has been on display this week. The latest intrusion is an attempt to prevent chefs serving rare red meats in restaurants. If I want a rare steak or lamb-chop isn’t that my choice? No it isn’t! It is a “health and safety issue” say the clipboard Hitlers. Anyway the chatterati rallied and made a sufficient stink that the bureaucrats have (temporarily) withdrawn until another assault on personal liberties can be conjured-up. It is great to record some resistance from the sheep of NZ for a change.

    • KG says:

      It sure is, Cad, and may resistance become a new habit.

      • Ronbo says:

        Yeah, but the Left will be back tomorrow with more attacks on liberty. It’s like Lenin said, “Two steps forward and one step back.” This way you are always one step ahead.

  21. KG says:

    Europe descending, via Breitbart:

    ‘Europe’s Largest ‘Jew Hate Event’ Held in Government Building’

    ‘Sweden: Preschoolers Banned from Saying ‘Amen,’ Mentioning the Bible’

    ‘Muslim Extremists Drive Anti-Semitic Violence in Western Europe’

    ‘Germany: Asylum Seekers Taking over Drug Trade’
    and, the world’s biggest invader taxi:
    ‘Royal Navy Launches First Ever Supercarrier, Largest Ever Warship’

  22. KG says:

    “It appears that the Democratic Party has successfully corrupted the FBI as well as the CIA. “

  23. Michael in Nelson says:

    OMG! I love redneck stories!

    I’ve been involved in a number of tick removals, but nothing like this!

    • Darin says:

      Refreshing to have a clear thinker on the court instead of another biased hack.

      Let’s hope Trump gets to pick two or three more.I would love to see a 3-6 split.

  24. KG says:

    Whine of the week:
    ’10 things hospitality workers want you to know ‘

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      The old “Be nice to me or you are a terrible person’ routine. Mind you, I would never make a smutty pun in front of a waitress I din’t know extremely well and most likely not then either.

      • Darin says:

        I typically have a lot of patience with service people.Mainly because we have a customer counter at work that I deal with on a daily basis so I see the other side of it.
        I understand and compensate for people who are just having a bad day,hell I have them frequently so I understand and can deal with that.
        There are a few though that are such arseholes they leave me baffled as to why someone hasn’t killed them by now.

        We only see a small cross section of the general public,I can’t imagine what it must be like dealing with the rest of society

  25. KG says:

    ‘ISIS Fighters Return To Europe, Complain About Job Rejections’
    Which begs the question – why aren’t the bastards in jail?

    • Darin says:

      Cause we are supposed to feel sorry for them,they are just misguided fuzzy little bunny Rabbits afterall,driven to violent actions in response to our islamophobia,tsk,tsk

      • Ronbo says:

        It’s all Trump’s fault! If he wouldn’t have had them carpet bombed and droned to death by the thousands in Syria, they’d been harmless agrarian reformers!

  26. Darin says:

    I say let’s do it,let’s just have “Tennis” now instead of “Mens” and “Womens” Tennis-

    McEnroe’s mistake was presenting the feminist world with fact.

    • KG says:

      Facts are toxic to feminists and too many men are reluctant to bring facts to the fight.
      Good for McEnroe.