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- Darin on Open House 2/22/25
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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Time to make some Elitist Windchimes
Damn right it is.
So what’s new?
The Global Oligarchy has long decided that Democracy counts for nothing – and they bloody will decide who are the political leaders and what foreign policy will be followed for all Western nations.
The only option for We The People is a French style revolution and the complete destruction of the Global Socialists and their lackeys – but aside from a few old war horses like me, who has the guts for such “wet work?”
Aristotle said 2,500 years ago that men were by nature either masters or slaves….and it would appear in our age the majority have elected to become slaves of the New World Order.
JEEZ! And in 1775, Americans rebelled over a 1% tax on tea.
Oh, how the mighty have fallen!
Littlejohn in the Mail:
Littlejohn is always worth reading.
I said when she was installed as PM that May’s job was to derail Brexit because her track record shows that she is an expert at circumventing the will of the people, at delaying and fudging.
She’s done a brilliant job. And ought to be hanged for it, the treasonous bitch.
And her next step:
Variable leaving date, and a promise to stick with the European Court of “Justice” during a transition!
Major candidate for the honor you have in store?

Meanwhile, the Brits focus on tne important stuff:

‘UK Bans Traditional Depictions of Mothers in Ads’
I see that insanity and raise you one-
How about we remove the security from city hall and the council chambers too while we are at it?
Damn good idea.
Not until these creeps have to suffer direct consequences for their actions will things change.
….and in the United States the killer robots attack the bums of San Francisco:
We need them killer robots here in Seattle to go after BLM and ANTIFA!
This gets filed under, “Something is happening here, what it is ain’t exactly clear…”
Did Trump The Fox and Sessions The Slippery Eel just outflank the Progressive Globalists in their putsch against the USA presidency by playing the IG card?
Well, we do know Trump is a bastard, a winner, never gives up, looks for creative solutions to problems, and a protective father figure for his extended family – and – most importantly – his back is to the wall. If he fails and is driven from office, not only he but his entire family face ruin and worse at the hands of the Globalists as they exact their revenge on upstarts – So what the author proposes is food for careful thought.
What say you, fellow Crusaders?
Yup, food for thought but imho the author is being an optimist. Nothing wrong with that, but I wouldn’t bet the outhouse on it, let alone the farm.
I’m not holding my breath either,too much wishful thinking.I’ll believe it when I see DOJ and FBI officials surrendering to capitol police and making plea deals.
Have you watched Fox News today? Sean Hannity? Rush Limbaugh? The genie is out of the bottle. Mueller and company have been outed….The details of the coup exposed…Where it goes from here is not certain legally speaking, but it does make an excellent case for insurrection, if what we know already is not reason enough.
BTW, who released the FBI Top Secret Internal Emails, heh? Patriots on the inside, or did the Slippery Eel Sessions order them to be released?
False accusations of sexual misconduct seem currently to be a weapon of choice to advance the leftist agenda at many levels, everywhere.
Another case falls apart because PartisanPlod witheld evidence until the very very last minute. The bloke could have been sentenced to 12 years, and have the whole of his life totally ruined by being named on the Sex Offenders Register for the rest of his life.
But all the MetroPlod spox would say is that they: “would not ‘speculate’ on whether the lead officer or team would be suspended.” Also they: “would also not comment on whether they will re-interview the woman at the centre of the case.”
Such random acts of police incompetence seem to occur sufficiently frequently that they surely cannot be random any more. If they are to continue, it must be time for the Home Secretary to issue a new decree (ie a new set of Regulations) which renders every act of Plod to be lawful, whether it was or not. At least Hitler was honest when he authorised the Gestapo to do any heinous act they fancied without any fear of retribution.
Typical,and nothing will happen to the false accusers,nor the police who allowed their lies to roll forward.
If there is a natioanl sex offender database shouldn’t there be a national false accusser database?
Speaking of which, a good article in Quadrant:
‘…The point is that social media, a carrier, can be compared to a rat, in that it wasn’t a plague per se, but it certainly carried the flees that infected humans, who became part of that particular bacterial cycle. In this case, Whatsapp is the rat, feminism is the collection of flees and the male of the species are in danger of being decimated.’
More on false accusations. From The Hill.
“A well-known women’s rights lawyer sought to arrange compensation from donors and tabloid media outlets for women who made or considered making sexual misconduct allegations against Donald Trump during the final months of the 2016 presidential race, according to documents and interviews.”
Arrange compensation – i.e. pay the women to lie.
The lawyer is Lisa Bloom. She’s Gloria Allred’s daughter.
The endgame to this outing of mostly Leftist men is Donald Trump…So I’m not surprised Leftist fat cats are paying big bucks to bimbos for sexual lies about him.
It’s all part of Offensive Coup Plan Number Two: Plot Number One: the Mueller investigation is falling apart, so Plan Number Two goes into operation, which is bring down Trump by way to bimbo eruptions.
…and part of that plan is make the mere charge of sexual harassment by a woman to be gospel and the man guilty as charged….EVIDENCE BE DAMNED!
So what if the Left has to eat their own male children to enact a new “law”? – they want Trump gone and they believe the end justifies the means.
It’s kind of like the old days of witch hunting – For woman to be executed as a witch all that was necessary was for a man to swear that she had put a curse on him.
Ace does a wonderful job of sending up the collapse of the Sinister narrative. Liberals and NeverTrump Neocons (But I Repeat Myself) Rally to Defend Mueller Against Completely True Charges That His Staff is Filled With Hyperpartisans.
I don’t normally send him traffic, but I figured CRs would like the entertainment. I leave it to Darin to maybe highlight some of this craftiness so to maybe spur commentary here.
Pascal,see below-
Oh Boy! Here’s an interesting tidbit-
FBI agent Strzok’s lover Lisa Page is none other than the daughter of Rosenstein’s wife hummmmmm……….
The plot thickens-
And more-
Whatever happens, the reputation of the FBI is now screwed.
(for some of us, it was screwed long ago)
I worry that the GOPe will get in there as they are wont to do and protect their Dem buddies.
There must be a hell of lot of GOPe who are involved here indirectly. But they know how to look squeeky clean by staying levels away from the action like mob kingpins.
If this corruption falls only on Dems, 1) it will smell of partisanship, and worse 2) the rotten GOPe will skate to live and threaten us again.
We here at CR know that it’s the uniparty that makes the swamp what it is.
The uniparty lets the radicals make demands; all Dems have no choice but to support it at risk not only to their careers, but also their lives and families; and the GOPe runs interference for the swamp agenda, keeping the conservative wing of the GOP marginalized (and threatened by the Dem radicals as well.)
The thought of the GOPe escaping all this shakeup sickens me. While it looks like many Dem operatives are self-destructing (they were unprepared for a Hillary loss), the GOPe have always been more clever and stay far away from the crimes.
God I pray the GOPe snakes will one day soon be hoist by their own devices. That would be so just and sweet. Dream on Pascal.
“….Upon condition Publius shall not live,. Who is your sister’s son, Mark Antony. LEPIDUS. On the condition that your sister’s son, Publius, also must die, Mark Antony. 10, ANTONY. He shall not live. Look, with a spot I damn him. But, Lepidus, go you to Caesar’s house. Fetch the will hither, and we shall determine. How to cut off …”
We know the traitor names…
We know where they live….
As the supporters of Julius Caesar understood there is only one way to deal with a traitor….
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”
― Marcus Tullius Cicero
Marcus Tullius Cicero – one of the dream guests at my dream dinner table.