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- Michael in Nelson on Open House 12/21/24
- Michael in Nelson on Open House 12/21/24
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- Darin on Open House 12/21/24
- Darin on Open House 12/21/24
‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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Trump to remove Climate Change as a national security threat-
8 of the worst “Insurance policy” texts from Strzok-
These texts have been called a “non-scandal” by several talking heads on the left,However as pointed out this is so much of a nono-scandal that Mueller had to fire Strzok immeadiately and keep him hid from Congress for four months
Darin, do you get Fox News?
They have been going 24/7 for the last several days about the FBI traitor Strzok – Hannity has especially landed some pretty powerful punches. The bottom line to all tempest is that the long suspect Democrat coup against a lawfully elected president is being exposed as fact complete with names, dates and evidence.
This is HISTORIC – never before in the history of the USA have a group of high leave conspirators – who include the FBI, CIA and Pentagon personnel – have engaged is a serious attempt to overthrow the Republic.
Yes, there are those calling this “banana republic nonsense” unworthy of the world’s only superpower- but I would note that powerful First World countries like France, Germany and Russia have had coup attempts – many of them successful, as was the Bolshevik coup of 1917 in Russia.
Speaking of coups – just you see “Valkyrie” starring Tom Cruise? This was a movie based on the attempt by the German Army to overthrow the Nazis during WW II – and it came within an inch of success. The coup was the work of genius, this German colonel and anti-Nazi used the Nazi’s own plan to deal with an insurrection to overthrow them …
So I’m thinking the Pentagon has similar plans to deal with an insurrection in this country to overthrow the government in Washington, D.C. – let’s suppose that one of these many Leftist traitors running free and wild in the Pentagon is an operations officer – a colonel or general – and uses their plans to defend the government from revolution against the government?
Chilling thought, heh?
“…let’s suppose that one of these many Leftist traitors running free and wild in the Pentagon is an operations officer – a colonel or general – and uses their plans to defend the government from revolution against the government?..”
To my old and cynical mind, that’s almost a certainty. Has been for a long time.
As always, Day By Day does an excellent summary of the coup plot:
So we have high officials in the FBI, NSA, and CIA we know for sure in on the conspiracy to overthrow the Republic – but the Pentagon is missing for the plot?
I doubt it! Without the ships, planes, tanks and troops there is no way the conspirators can win…So if old farts like me can understand Conspiracy 101 people whose lives are on the line if they fail have long covered that base.
So who are the traitor-general (s) ? We do know the Pentagon has the Marines and 82nd Airborne fueled, armed up and ready on a moment’s notice for combat in a score of different crisis to include a hostile takeover of the government,
…and anyone who has been in the military knows if the order comes down from on high, the troops follow the plan.
“Had someone blundered? Theirs was not to reason why…”
“…and anyone who has been in the military knows if the order comes down from on high, the troops follow the plan.”
It’s barely more than a year ago that all the talk was of a military that would refuse to obey Obama’s orders.
Just remindin’.
Huma Abedin stole “Muslim Engagement” documents from State Department-
“Sandy Berger, Bill Clinton’s former National Security Adviser, stole classified documents about the terror failures of the Clinton administration, hid documents under a construction trailer, lied about taking them and destroyed some of them.
Hillary Clinton confidants were part of an operation to “separate” damaging documents before they were turned over to the Accountability Review Board investigating security lapses surrounding the Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attacks on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya.
According to former Deputy Assistant Secretary Raymond Maxwell, the after-hours session took place over a weekend in a basement operations-type center at State Department headquarters in Washington, D.C. This is the first time Maxwell has publicly come forward with the story.
“When Cheryl saw me, she snapped, ‘Who are you?’” Maxwell says. “Jake explained, ‘That’s Ray Maxwell, an NEA deputy assistant secretary.’ She conceded, ‘Well, OK.’”
Maxwell says the two officials, close confidants of Clinton, appeared to check in on the operation and soon left.”
The bitch stole enough documents to need a f–king truck to haul them off,Time to lock the muslim whore up!
She must have a cellar full of shredders, bleach, hammers…..
How the FBI ever allowed Cheryl Mills to destroy her laptop is beyond belief …. well it isn’t anymore, they needed her to destroy so much evidence just like Herr Mueller and his merry men are in this phony investigation.
Building the Sport Dory Episode 12-
Lovely stuff, and a welcome dose of sanity.
‘Feminists just seeking equality ‘
Sorry that I can’t do links. Just seen a utube video which I must share. Search for Muslims dancing to Chas & Dave. Put up by Deano Essex. I’m off to watch some more.
Tommy Trumpet remix-
Thanks Darin. It’s been taken down, probably because Chas & Dave objected.
This whole thing stinks! Mueller is a Bad Cop ++++.
And it is no wonder Comey wanted a special investigation into Trump’s campaign and engineered Mueller into leading it. And no wonder the Dems were so excited. And no wonder why the MSM are not reporting any of this.
The truth will come out. The worms are coming out of the woodwork.
Read this-
And another one. Is there any law Mueller won’t break?
DBD cartoon connects the dots when no USA MSM or other West MSM will.
Like I said before – This is historic – This is the first serious attempt in American history for a group of high level officials to overthrow the Republic….This didn’t even happen during the U.S. Civil War, as the Confederate traitors withdrew in mass from the federal government and formed their own republic in Richmond, Virginia.
Also, I suspect what we know today is only the tip of the conspiracy iceberg….for one thing, no link yet to the gunmen that can make it happen.
Yes, I know the Left has a cover story that it’s just about Trump – but even so to remove a president by illegal means is treason – and an overthrow of the Republic, since the president is CEO.
I would think we know so much about this dangerous conspiracy is because forces loyal to Trump are moving in to derail the plot…I mean it comes down to personal survival – I’m sure Trump and his loyalists are well aware their heads are literally on a chopping block – and if they don’t take down the conspiracy, the conspirators will take them down because they desperate people looking at prison or execution for treason.
This is the Holiday Season….Everyone is standing down and at home with the family…A good time for a putsch against the government, heh?
So be surprised to turn on your television some morning soon and see tanks and troops around the Capitol Building and the White House with a crawl underneath the picture reading, “President Trump has been arrested (or killed) in a military/political overthrow of the USA government. Details at 6 pm.”
If such were to occur Ron, I know of one, albeit geriatric, Trump loyalist who will rush to D.C. to either defend or avenge him.
‘Wreaths Across America draws thousands of volunteers to Arlington National Cemetery’
Be still my beating heart. Maybe, just maybe the end is beginning.
Interesting this kind of information turns up first in The Daily Mail.
It seems Disney is buying Fox for fifty two billion dollars. Reportedly, this will have no effect on certain Fox assets, including Fox News. However, me thinks the last bastion of conservative news reporting may soon become the same Mickey Mouse bullshit as MSNBC.
In other news, having mentioned MSNBC: Fox News is reporting “Hardball” host Chris Matthews (71) has been accused of sexual misconduct by a production assistant who also claims to have been paid off by MSNBC to make the complaint go away. (Who says there is no Santa!!!)
If it is – which I don’t think will happen – a new and improved Fox News will almost immediately come on line to replace the old one, which is on CABLE television.
As is well known, streaming – the Internet – the recently liberated non-FCC dominated Internet – is the wave of the not-so-distant future and already numerous objective news/commentary are up and running like Rush Limbaugh’s streaming website and others like Bill O’Reilly.
Delingpole: ‘Bitcoin and Porn Cause Global Warming’, Environmentalists Warn
‘…Definitely, though, if pornography causes global warming then liberals should be worried most. That’s because, at a conservative estimate, liberals consume approximately 150 x more pornography than young right wing males do.
This is because in the circles in which young male liberals move, potential female partners have either rendered themselves so hideous (body fat, unshaven armpits, blue hair, nose rings, general lack of hygiene, etc) as to put themselves quite beyond the pale of acceptable attractiveness, or simply refuse to put out because of something someone told them they’d read in a book on their Gender Studies and Advanced Resentment and Entitlement course….’
“rendered themselves so hideous (body fat, unshaven armpits, blue hair, nose rings, general lack of hygiene, etc) ”
I’m sure it was a small oversight but you forgot to mention their shrill, shrieking anti-male feminism.
‘Over 700 employees at the Environmental Protection Agency have quit or taken early retirement during the Trump administration so far, bringing the agency close to employment levels not seen since Reagan….’
14 300 still to go……..
Another batch of “migrants” on their way to Europe as private NGO charities continue their stupidity-
It ain’t stupidity, Darin – it’s evil and traitorous.
And deliberate.
Churches get in the Christmas spirit with catchy signs-
“I’m also making a list and checking it twice”-God
“The three Wisemen didn’t need GPS to find him and neither do you”
“A long time ago in a Galilee far,far,away”
Reminds me of the late comedian Flip Wilson and his preacher act at the hippy “Church of what’s happening now.”
Back when comedy really was funny and few people took offence.
Harvest time Minnesota-Combining Corn in the Snow
‘Sweden Forced to Raise Retirement Age To Pay For Mass Immigration
The SKL study claims there is a 47 billion SEK (£4.1 billion) gap between current revenue and welfare state costs that will have to be made up either by tax increases or increasing the retirement age….
Swedish Socialist party Finance Minister Magdalena Andersson announced that the retirement age would likely be raised in the near future in order to offset increased welfare costs, Swedish newspaper Expressen reports.
“Looking at those who start working at 30, there should be opportunities to work longer than 65,” Andersson said….’
“opportunities”, eh…. perhaps there should be opportunities for invaders to pay their own way or fuck off back to the shit-holes they came from.
And no mention – of course – by the open borders liars who claim that this “migration” is good for the Western economies – of the massive welfare bill.
How does it end? It looks like Sweden will be the first country in the history of the world that committed suicide.
So now they expect to work us to death to pay for these leeches?I think there is a third option-eliminate all government salaries.
Either that or the best option-hang the bastards!
‘Speaking Freely by Muriel Newman.’
800 loads of timber in that job,quite a task
Bloody impressive! And I just love that accent.
Yup,Tim and his brothers run a really efficient operation.All that was cut over will be grown back in 20 – 30 years ready to be cut again.
Did Trump The Fox just launch his long awaited counter attack on the Left?
Well, the British believed the Revolutionary War as good as won as the New Year of 1777 approached, but then Washington The Fox took out their elite German storm troopers – the best mercs in Europe and worth ten times their number of Redcoats – at Trenton, New Jersey during Christmas time.
Like the man said, “The pages of history are filled with inevitable events that turned out to be not-so-inevitable.”
It all depends on “The World Historical Figure” – and I think we have one in Trump.
I hope you’re right Ron,I would love to see this whole thing bust wide open and soon.
Trump is an aggressive tough cookie and highly intelligent – I can’t think of a time he’s ever backed down and forgave an opponent- He loves to “Rope-A-Dope” the opposition like Ali…..you know let the opponents punch themselves out and then hit them with the killer shot when they have given it their best and are tired.
It’s kind of like Russian tactics in regard to Napoleon and Hitler – fall back for a couple thousand miles and then hit the exhausted enemy hard when they have “victory-ed” themselves into defeat.
Rule Number One: Never march on Moscow. Never attack Trump.
Solar activity in decline again-
New Ice Age beginning at worst – or a “mini” Ice Age like we saw a few hundred years ago – but in any event – what the Left believes is gospel Global Warming is 180 out of phase from the truth.
I bet this didn’t help moral in the FBI and Treasury.
It’s hard to believe an Administration could betray the American people just so the Magic Negro could brag about a useless agreement with a terrorist state.
When you understand how much the Left hates ordinary Americans and the USA as founded, it’s not hard to believe at all
I was about to post this when I saw Michael’s link.
‘The Obama administration SABOTAGED operation to stop Hezbollah smuggling drugs into the US ‘so Iran nuke deal would go ahead’
The DEA led a complex project called Project Cassandra to shine a light on the alleged criminality of the Lebanese militant group, but it was hindered by the White House according to a report….’
Posted it anyway.
Speaking of sabotage and the Leftist hatred of their fellow Americans and the country as founded in 1789 – This incident happened today only about 50 miles south of Seattle – and it’s looking like sabotage by ANTIFA.
….and I have to say – if it does turn out to be a domestic terrorist incident – that I’m not surprised.
After all, we have numerous cases of Trump supporters being beaten on the streets, the attempted assassination of the 25 Republican Congressmen in Alexandria, Virginia, and the Las Vegas massacre at the country music concert with over 50 dead and 500 injured targeted by a Leftist – This all points to open season on ordinary Americans….
So why not murder on the railroads?
It’s all part of the Cold Civil War that is slowly – but surely – getting hot – and some point for personal survival reasons – there will be rounds going downrange towards the Commies.
Migrants banned from getting welfare for first 3 years in OZ.
Migrants to NZ can’t get superannation for 10 years but if you are a “refugee” you get everything and more!
I sometimes think we’d be better off if we burned our passports and came ashore in a leaky boat.
So all these Leftist parasites in Washington State can fly to New Zealand and claim they are refugees from that “Horrible Trump” and get on the gravy train?
Why sleep on the street in Seattle when you can live like a king in Auckland?
You need a fair amount of money to live like a king in Auckland, Ronbo.
But seriously, last year before I visited Hawaii, I was reading the message boards in Honolulu – and – believe it or not – there was a whole thread written by bums in Canada and the USA asking about the welfare in Hawaii!
However, the information from the locals and street people already there was rather disappointing – you end up sleeping on the beach – until the cops kick you in the butt at about 3 am and tell you move along.
BTW, Hawaii has the largest homeless population in the Pacific…
Report:Federal agency comitted “militaristic”operation against Nevada Rancher-
“Wooten’s 18-page report discussed some of what he witnessed during his three-year investigation, such as a BLM agent’s “kill list” featuring people who had committed suicide while under investigation by the agency, BLM agents and officials referring to the Bundys as “retards” and “douche bags,” agents bragging about “grinding” a Bundy family member’s face into gravel, and lead prosecutor and Nevada’s acting U.S. Attorney Steve Myhre’s “preferred ignorance” of investigation details that would benefit the Bundys’ defense case.”
Jack Boot thugs
If there comes a day of reckoning (and it’s by no means sure there will be) I’d like to be on hand with some kinetic medicine for bastards such as those.
Many of the Federal departments behaved in a similar fashion under the HBSC.
Pat Condell – A Word to the Criminal Migrant
This is a stunning photograph.
Kid is a camera hog already.
For those who consider babies cute, it probably is.
CG-72 Vella Gulf 80,000 shaft HP,you can water ski behind that one
Built and launched in Pascagoula,Ms,probably some parts I built on that one.
‘Free at last! The heartwarming moment a bear plays in the snow after 20 YEARS in a cage ‘
I could bearly stand to look at his joy.
The bastards who imprisoned him should be stuck in a bloody cage.
Seriously, I hate to see animals in cages too, which is why I never go to the zoo…In fact, the last I went I was a kid and my parents took me there saying it was “educational.”
Considering the gravity of their other corrupt behaviour, this doesn’t come as a surprise.
Never mind the preacher – how about the biased, dishonest and bigoted reporting?
Who ever wrote that article made no attempt to understand why the day is so important to Afrikaners. Instead tried to beat them with the same old “apartheid” stick.
Much easier to sneer and deride, than to do a little homework about something which must rate as one of the most heroic and stubborn stands ever made.
I like this comment by Brian Smaller:
“I heard that the highly trained and skilled journalist under whose name the story appeared on Stuff and the Waikato Times (Florence Kerr) got an A+ in Cntrl-C/Cntrl-V at Journalism School.”
Well, it is a tough course that takes five or ten seconds to master – and quite an achievement for a moron Leftist who drag their knuckles on the ground.
Meanwhile, it’s “Happy Trumpus” in the USA!
Federal taxes cut for the first time in other 30 years!
Another big victory for Trump and the common man/woman that will be ignored or trashed by the Democrat Media.
Merry Christmas and Happy Civil War!
I wondered when this would see the light of day. At the time video of the confrontation made me think it was a manufactured set-up my the BLM.
The government railroaded an innocent man?
Under our noble system of representative democracy where We The People rule?
Are you listening, FBI? NSA? BLM? I’m a Yankee Doodle Dandy!
Tim Scott is rapidly becoming one of my Favorites-
I think it was Tim Scott who attended a Republican rally that drew mostly whites – and a racist Leftist journalist naturally asked him, “Why aren’t you with Your People?” (the reference obviously to black people)
Tim smiled and said, “But these are my people! These are my Brothers and Sisters!”
“We few, we happy few, we band of brothers (and sisters), for he who stands with me today is my brother…” – He’s a favorite with me as well.
What happens when you are too stupid to conduct a proper South American junta coup?
This happens…The Strongman Triumphs!
Islamic terrorism in Australia?
This just happened in the sister city to Melbourne, Florida.