Hungary vote a Threat to Democracy?

According to the left-

The Real Threat To Democracy Isn’t Voters Turning Right

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12 Responses to Hungary vote a Threat to Democracy?

  1. Darin says:

    “It’s hard to say how an international body, led by unelected bureaucrats, punishing a member state for voting the wrong way will reinforce democratic principles. But the whole argument isn’t really about democracy — it’s about Hungary rejecting Eurocrat liberalism.”
    Damn right!

    • Ronbo says:

      I see the Hungarians are still the masters of Central Europe! In the old days, the awesome Hungarian cavalry was much feared by the old autocrats of the Holy Roman Empire ….Today Hungary’s stalwart stand for the civil rights of Europe’s citizens sends a shiver of fear down the spines of the new autocrats of the European Union…..and well it should.

      • mawm says:

        The Mighty Magyars!

        Yes, how can we possibly allow the people to vote for Trump, Brexit and Orban.

  2. Dan says:

    Classic example a favorite tactics of the left. Loudly and vehemently accuse the opposition of what you are doing. They always accuse the right of subverting freedom while working diligently behind the scenes to do exactly that.

  3. Gregoryno6 says:

    And Mutti yowled at the sky: TRUMP HACKTE DIE WAHL!

  4. Ronbo says:

    Yes, we have a paradox with Democracy – In order to create and maintain a wealthy First World country – we must allow freedom of speech, assembly, religion, etc.

    However, in any society there exists psychopaths who use liberty to organize crime and/or political parties like the Nazis and Communists designed to destroy the Democracy.

    So what to do? Clearly, Democracy is an impossible ideal – but like Churchill said, “Democracy is a terrible form of government except for all other versions tried.”

    I throw this venue for discussion.

    • tranquil says:

      Hi Ronbo –

      I’ve often thought that “meritocracy” could be a better solution that plain old democracy. This would mean that candidates for public office *and* voters would need to pass a test that showed that they were competent enough to hold office (or vote).

      IMO, voting should be restricted to –
      a) Those who pass a “competence test”
      b) Those who have served in the military (having served the country, they might not need to pass the test)
      c) Those who pay more tax than they receive government benefits (again, military veterans and maybe the retired could be excluded from this requirement)

      Public office should *definitely* be only for those who have passed a “competency test”.

      Ok, there are sticking points (e.g. who sets the test questions, what should they be…) but it *would* seem to be an improvement on the current system.

  5. tranquil says:

    Bravo Hungary!!
    They have given a big “up yours” to the E.U. – wonderful to see!

    Hungary is a true shining light to the world!