The Truth About Facebook

Many of us have known for years that the reason Facebook makes money,is because you,the user,are actually the product.Having a FB account means that everytime you login be it from home or not you are giving them data about your life.By checking the “I agree”box on FB’s EULA page you are agreeing to let them collect and sell information about you that your ISP cannot by law share with any third party unless a court order has been issued.

So what’s all the Fuss about Mark Zuckerberg testifying on Capitol Hill?Some say it’s because FB unknowingly,or unwittingly sold data to an analytical firm employed to do research for the Trump campagin as this flys in the face of progressive orthodoxy.In truth,that is part of it,this is a spanking being delivered to the boy child for violating progressive liberal doctrine which essentially means hating anyone right of Che Guevera 24/7/365

But what effect did FB really have on the election?Does anyone actually know someone who logged on and changed their political leanings because of something they saw on FB?Ya,me neither.

The truth is FB had zero impact on the 2016 election outcome,just as it had zero effect on the Brexit vote and just as it will have zero effect on the 2018 mid-terms.Why?Because everyone who cares is already in the trenches.Hillary was a horrible candidate,like a three ring circus anywhere a Clinton goes they bring along lots of animals and tons of baggage with them.Trump had a better work ethic,he actually stayed on the trail until the final day before the election which always helps,but let’s dig deeper,what was the most important factor that steered the election in Trumps favor?It was the same thing that tipped the balance in the Brexit vote-The conditions on the ground that actually affect the lives of voters.Eight years of Obama preceeded by eight years of Bush was what got Trump elected,just as decades of EU micromanaging and totalitarianism got Brexit over the line,not anything on FaceBook.

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6 Responses to The Truth About Facebook

  1. Ronbo says:

    I have a Facebook account since 2005, but like nearly all my FB friends, there was very little personal data to be mined. The reason? We used FB as a platform for the discussion of politics from a Rightist viewpoint.

    Another privacy protection used by many of my FB friends was the use of fake names. I mean if a guy has a handle of “Wonder Wart Hog” the chances are he wants to be anonymous.

    Therefore, Facebook to a large measure is Fakebook with millions of happy conservative people getting a good laugh at the expense of Mark Suckerberg…who thought he controlled treasure that is trash.

  2. Pascal says:

    Thank KG for this.

  3. Robertv says:

    The Direct Tax system gives those in power the right to know everything about us. THAT’s our biggest problem. This was just a show to attack Trump and Russia . All Fake. But are we sure it is not a robot.