Be Afwaid,Be Vewy Afwaid

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30 Responses to Be Afwaid,Be Vewy Afwaid

  1. Pascal says:

    I’m sorry, perhaps it would be funny if we didn’t have GOPe governors infringing gun rights in an atmosphere where there are lying reports as was lampooned in this video.

    Don’t ever let anyone forget that Fake News charges started out as a campaign against conservative media. Their projection is them telling us what sinister plots the Left has committed or is committing. And the GOPe delenda est.

  2. Brown says:

    I liked that kid at about 2.30 in. There’s hope.

  3. KG says:

    ‘Why women are posting provocative images of themselves with guns’

    The article finishes with a flat-out lies from a notorious leftist source, ignoring FBI figures to the contrary:
    ‘According to the Gun Violence Archive, there have been 62 mass shootings, 3889 gun deaths and 6797 gun injuries in the US in 2018.’

    • Pascal says:

      And just how much longer should we be taking FBI stats to be legit? Sh!+ rolls down from the top and the top of that Institution has clearly moved beyond the not trustworthy category for some time.

      • Ronbo says:

        Gee, you really think we can’t trust the FBI anymore?

        The G Men?

        The Untouchables?

        I am shocked, I tell you! Shocked!

        There’s gambling going on in here!


        • Fred says:

          Eliminate the stats from Chicago, Baltimore, New Orleans, LA, and a handful of other leftist run, black cities and America is a veritable utopia of reason and judgment in the judicious use of firearms.

          But they think it reasonable that I should surrender my arms because gangs are killing each other at will in leftist, crime ridden, corrupt, welfare state, gun free kill zones? Nah, I think I’ll keep my weapons.

  4. KG says:

    Their stats stand up, Pascal. The estimable John Lott sees fit to use them.

    • Pascal says:

      Fortunately none of us have had Ronbo’s experience, but my point was and remains: how much longer could the data be trusted should the current abusers of authority being uncovered are not brought to justice? Once an institution goes completely rogue in this postmodern era, look no further for what can happen to raw data than Climate Gate.

      • KG says:

        I certainly don’t disagree with you there, Pascal but the stats have been collected and collated over many years and verified by numerous independent researchers. Whatever the FBI might do in the future, the numbers quoted by the Gun Violence Archive are bogus right now.
        Which was my point.

        • Pascal says:

          I agree with your point. I am anticipating that all that is destined for the Memory Hole should justice fall. And that failure would shortly be accompanied with visits to Room 101 for repeating “fake news” by those of us who dare remember differently from what the agency of lies says is truth. As I opined at the first, this is no laughing matter.

          • KG says:

            Indeed it isn’t. And it’s perilously close to becoming reality.

            • Pascal says:

              Now,KG, how may we further this understanding between us to the larger population?

              • KG says:

                As somebody said to me recently (I was busy talking to myself as usual)
                Those who can ‘get it’ probably already have and those who can’t or won’t get it probably never will, because time is too short.

                • Fred says:

                  “Now,KG, how may we further this understanding between us to the larger population?”

                  Specifically on guns the way to further this understanding is one new shooter at a time. Find them, get to know them, pay for their first lesson and shoot, encourage them in their pursuit of self defense. Millennials like experiential activities and every single one that I’ve talked to about firearms wants to at least try it out. It’s one on one, not youtube vids.

                  It takes time and a purposeful effort to find people and take them shooting. This is how we win; one new shooter at a time. It’s evangelism.

  5. Ronbo says:

    Pascal said:

    “Fortunately none of us have had Ronbo’s experience, but my point was and remains: how much longer could the data be trusted should the current abusers of authority being uncovered are not brought to justice? Once an institution goes completely rogue in this postmodern era, look no further for what can happen to raw data than Climate Gate.”

    Please forgive my lightheartedness on a serious topic – a very serious topic – the drift of the once gold standard of law enforcement FBI into a neo-KGB organization during the last ten years – the “sword and shield” of the Communist….err…Democrat Party.

    What is to be done? The same thing that should be done to the Education Industry and EPA- burn The Mother down! Yes, burn the FBI to ashes and then burn the ashes just to be sure the beast is dead! Clearly, no FBI agent – even if he is only a file clerk – can be trusted, because for at least in last ten years all non-Progressives have been purged. Burn The Mother down! Indict the leadership and fire the rank&file.

    • Pascal says:

      They see it coming Ronbo. Given that they are the swamp’s enforcers, and given that if they go down the swamp is then naked, this could explain the sudden rush to war over questionable source of the gassings if there were gassings. Wag the dog is not simply an administration option, it’s also a deep state one. Isn’t this more likely than Assad being the source?

      Not that I’m happy if I’m right because there is nothing we can do about it now. Buckle up bucko.

      • Fred says:

        All of DC needs to burned to the ground and everybody there needs to be hanged from the neck until dead, including the NRA.