Open House

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172 Responses to Open House

    • mawm says:

      One of the key witnesses recanted her testimony because she believed that the prosecutor withheld significant information from her during interviews that would have altered what she had said. The head of the FBI at the time – Robert Mueller. This makes the timing of the pardon interesting.

      It is time for Trump to fire Rottenswine and have Sessions appoint a pro-Trump deputy (Giuliani?) who can then halt dirty-cop Mueller’s dirt-digging crusade against him.

  1. Cadwallader says:

    Can anyone here see any sense at all in the decision by what passes for a government in NZ to call a halt to future oil/gas exploration (NB: Not oil/gas extraction simply expolration?) In effect this absurd behaviour will destroy the industry as it will dissuade any exploration companies from coming here due to the real possibility their activities may be killed off at any time. The toothy senior prefect claims the decision is to remove the country from its use of “fossil fuels” and ultimately to curb man-made climate change. The reason is ridiculous unless you are able to swallow some further absurdities eg oil/gas are not fossil fuels. There appears to be close to zero governance in NZ these days instead we’re subjected to a continuous spewing of gimmickry, virtue signaling and lies.

    • mawm says:

      They have killed off billions in investment by foreign companies. The “Climate Change” Minister is an absolute idiot and thinks all these companies will come rushing back to invest in sustainable energy sources….that are only sustainable as long as public funding is sustaining them. Clueless, headless chickens who think that pursuing an ideology is governing.

      • Cadwallader says:

        Exactly. As a farming friend commented to me a few minutes ago, the “government’s” attack on future irrigation projects could well be more economically destructive than its non-oil policy. KG’s machine gun would be useful about now…

      • Lara says:

        One term govt, if that. The next election will be an absolute bloodbath against the CoL, and rightly so. They seem intent on destroying this country, as fast as they possibly can.
        Don’t think we’ve ever had such a unmandated, ridiculous or evil govt in place, ever. The fairy princess makes the corrupt Clark look principled. No wonder they can’t win and didn’t win, the actual election!!

        • KG says:

          Exactly. I hope you’re right about the one-term thing Lara, but even that will do huge damage.

          • Lara says:

            Yes, the damage in three short years, if that, is going to be huge. NZ First are toast already, and the Greens are slipping in the polls. Next election looks to be a two party drag race, and who in their right mind is going to endorse the child PM, who is totally out of her depth, chases celebrity and grandstands on virtue signalling issues etc. Such an embarrassment. I know some voters vote left no matter what, but hopefully enough people will see the clowns for what they are. Incompetent, radical and totally hard left! Ouch.

  2. Odakyu-sen says:

    Men of the West: there are men in the East who are on your side. We are facing a common enemy in the Left.


  3. tranquil says:

    I **really** hope that Trump isn’t stupid enough to send a barrage of missiles into Syria.

    For a start, I’m convinced that Assad didn’t do the “poison attack” – the terrorists did. They are the only ones to gain from such a tactic and they know that it has worked before.

    I’m fearful that if Trump *is* stupid enough to fire at Syria, Russia will be pissed-off enough to start WW3.

    Trump needs to ask himself a few questions –
    – who gains from a gas attack in Syria? (the terrorists).
    – what would a missile attack on Syria achieve? (starting WW3).

    • Darin says:

      Yup,there isn’t a side to back in the whole rotten mess and no reason for us to be over there.

    • mawm says:

      CIA, CIA, CIA ……. for Clinton, Obama, Crapper, Brennan, etc. They have been promised big money by Qatar to get that gas pipeline through Syria and Turkey to Europe. Putin wants his pipeline from Iran through Syria and on to Europe AND his economy is desperately reliant on his Gasprom supply to Europe being unopposed, especially with those unfair sanctions on him. France, the UK and NATO are just stupidly going along with their plans.

      Funny how Clintons’ name keeps on coming up. She was not supposed to lose. Trump must now do what he has promised and look after America’s interests (as well as gaoling the Clinton family).

      • KG says:

        Damn right, and what Tranquil and Darin said, too.

      • tranquil says:

        I’m thinking – Russia’s pipeline *could* be good news.

        If Putin wants to earn big dollars from that pipeline, he is unlikely to nuke the customers who use the gas in Europe.

  4. KG says:

    Another stupid Kiwi cow “journalist”: :evil:

    When will these dumb as a bag of hammers cows realise just how stupid and divisive they are? Wabbit and beloved have endured far more racism from maoris than ever we experienced from black Africans and Australian Aborigines.
    “Racism” is just the latest fad for the girly media types in NZ to obsess over. Next week, who knows? It might be navel piercing or gender-bias in the plumbing industry.

  5. Gregoryno6 says:

    Yaron Brook on Obama’s ‘you didn’t build that’ speech.
    He doesn’t say much about the speech that’s new, but at about 2:00 he starts laying down some hard truths about being an employee. I found it useful, even after forty years in the workforce, because I’ve never before heard the facts stated so plainly.

    • Darin says:

      Good talk,objectively seeing things for their value saves a lot of time and grief over the long haul.
      Obama and others like him demonstate their blind ignorance of how the world works when they make statements like “you didn’t build that”The world around us,all of it was build by free men and women operating in free association for the benefit of all.No one planned it,no one ordered it,it grew organically of it’s own accord driven purely by necessity being met by inovation.

      I like Milton Friedman’s take on what constitutes a free market-

  6. Darin says:

    Milling Live Oak in The Deep South-Rebuilding Tally Ho ep19-

    “Thars parts of five forklifts,nine truck trailers,military Hobart welders,street sweepers and God knows whatelse ”

  7. Inspector Mueller is Inspector Javert.

  8. Ronbo says:

    Tranquil said:

    “I **really** hope that Trump isn’t stupid enough to send a barrage of missiles into Syria.”

    Well he did! The President is giving a speech just now on national television that war has just been launched against Syria….Trump is just now announcing that Iran and Russia are on his shit list too.

    So – once again – America is at war! For those of you interested, the USA has been at war somewhere in the world 93 out of the last 100 years…The price of empire, heh?

    Where will this latest Syrian War lead? It could be WW III because the Russians have their fleet out there in Med floating around our U.S. Navy – not to mention dozens of late model jets and rockets based in Syria.

    I may be old fashioned, but did Congress declare war? This is required under the U.S. Constitution.

    • andy5759 says:

      Master plan or monumental cock up. This might get nasty before it’s over.

      • Ronbo says:

        Right, you are! War is like fire – easy to start and once it flames large it goes out of control like a forest fire.

        The lesson of August, 1914…

        I guess the next move belongs to Putin, because if he orders the sinking of NATO warships and the downing of Allied aircraft, we may be at war with Russia.

        Yes, Russia has fewer nukes than NATO, but how many hits on a few large cities in Europe or America would it take to end our comfortable First World existence?

        The dogs of war run lose this Friday night….

        • tranquil says:


          And all for the sake of a President who wants to “virtue-signal” how “concerned” he is about 100 or so people dying in the shithole of Syria.

          I wonder how many tens of millions more may die because of his foolishness? His inability to look more than one move ahead in the chess-game of politics.

      • tranquil says:

        I say “monumental universe-sized cock-up”.

        Rule Number One in politics is – “NEVER dick around with the Russians”.

        If Trump, the US and the world survive this, I don’t think Trump has a snowman’s chance in hell of being re-elected. This has shown (for the second time) that he can be manipulated like a puppet.

        • Darin says:

          This is just Trump’s Red line,which is much different than Obama’s
          Interesting that we just hit the same targets that Israel hit a few weeks back.I wonder what was really there?

  9. It just occurred to me.
    We are not exacting retribution for the use of chemical weapons.
    We are demonstrating that a reliance on Russia and her weapons systems is a foolish endeavor.
    I hope.

    • tranquil says:

      Um…… I’m of the opinion that Russia and its weapons systems work just fine. Unfortunately.

    • Ronbo says:

      ….and another major factor in launching a war with Syria is the political division in America – The time honored way to pull together a divided country is a foreign war – Interesting how all the major political figures are standing behind Trump.

  10. Ronbo says:

    tranquil said:

    I say “monumental universe-sized cock-up”.

    Rule Number One in politics is – “NEVER dick around with the Russians”.

    If Trump, the US and the world survive this, I don’t think Trump has a snowman’s chance in hell of being re-elected. This has shown (for the second time) that he can be manipulated like a puppet.


    I think your quotation is from Field Marshall Montgomery to the (British) House of Lords in May 1962.

    The next war on land will be very different from the last one, in that we shall have to fight it in a different way. Rule 1, on page 1 of the book of war, is: “Do not march on Moscow”. Various people have tried it, Napoleon and Hitler, and it is no good. That is the first rule. I do not know whether your Lordships will know Rule 2 of war. It is: “Do not go fighting with your land armies in China”. It is a vast country, with no clearly defined objectives.

    In regards to Trump’s chances of reelection: They are quite good – especially if he pulls off a successful military campaign in the Middle East.

    In reference to to Trump being a puppet – you are ill advised to believe Trump is anyone’s puppet – In fact, he survives eight years in office, he may make puppets of his opponents – those he doesn’t send to prison.

    • tranquil says:

      Thanks for that, Ronbo.

      My real worry is Putin and what he will do. He is impossible to predict.

      • mawm says:

        Putin is the adult in the room.

        • Darin says:

          Putn won’t do anything if he’s smart.He tried to pull one a couple months ago and got a bloody nose.Of course those 220 odd mercs were more “Russian soldiers on vacation”

          Vlad tried to make off with an oil refinery in a Kurdish controlled sector,the Kurds being backed and trained by us.It didn’t end well-

          “In the third clip, a man can be heard explaining the Russian convoy was a few hundred meters away from target when the American forces raised their flag and hit the Russians with a heavy artillery barrage, wiping out the first column instantly. “We got our fucking asses beat rough, the Yankees made their point,” he said. “What were they hoping for, that the Yankees are just going to fuck off?… It’s bullshit, some people can’t even be fucking ID’ed, too many people there.”

  11. KG says:

    THIS IS NOT OUR EFFING BUSINESS! And not worth sacrificing one life for.
    Leave the Middle East to wallow in it’s own shit. Period. Who the hell cares how many of their own they kill?

    • I assume you would have said the same regarding the holocaust.

      • KG says:

        A large assumption, Ed.
        No, I would not and for reasons which are too obvious and too tedious to list.
        There is almost no equivalence.
        What the hell, it’s 0400 and I’m having another coffee anyway:
        We (the allies) were already at war with an aggressor, a war waged with the clear resolve to do whatever it took to win it.
        The identity of the perpetrator was known beyond all doubt.
        There was no possibility that the events were staged for media consumption, something that’s very common in the M.E.
        There were no non-state actors involved.
        There was no corrupt U.N. and hostile media supervising what we could and could not do, loading our forces with crippling ROE’s and no-win scenarios.
        There was no possibility of nuclear retaliation on impulse by a mad mullah somewhere seeking martyrdom.
        Liberation of the camps was doable and permanent. The same can’t be said for any situation in the M.E.
        It’s a problem for the inhabitants of the region to solve. If they can’t or won’t then we shouldn’t waste allied lives doing the job for them.

        • Fred says:

          If Syria is bad then why is Syrians killing each other bad?

          We don’t need their oil anymore. We have no good reason to be there. If we simply leave they will go back to killing each other. I guess the reason that we are there if that World Police have a job to do, blah, blah.

  12. KG says:

    Top medical journals accused of skewing research by raking in millions of dollars in ‘bribes’ from drugs firms
    • Nearly two-thirds of medical research in the US is paid for by drug firms who could have a financial stake in the outcomes
    • Several of the top medical journals have been found to be raking in millions of dollars from pharmaceutical companies through kickbacks and reprinting fees
    • The journal for the American Medical Association gets 52 percent of its revenue from reprinting studies by pharmaceutical companies
    • Editors at the journal of the American College of Cardiology received $15 million in kickbacks from drug firms

    • mawm says:

      The drug companies will always try to influence the prescribing habits of doctors – it’s big money, and doctors will always take kickbacks – it’s human nature. Fortunately (most of the time) NZ has Pharmac which looks at efficacy and bang for the buck when choosing drugs. Cardiac drugs especially are expensive and there is a bigger and better one released almost every day it would seem. It is every pharmaceutical companies dream to have a winning cardiac drug.

      The biggest problem as I see it is that the big journals – NEJM, Lancet, etc have become leftwing mouth-pieces and their editorial boards need to be pilloried for their “social” content.

      • KG says:

        Yep, it gets tiresome hearing Lancet blather on about casualties of Western aggression and their grossly inflated figures, as well as them parroting Hamas and PA propaganda.
        The lefty press loves quoting them though.
        Whatever happened to “stick to yer knitting” eh?

  13. Ronbo says:

    The Russians prepare their public for WW III!

    This video has been repeated over and over on Russian TV:—BREAKING-Russias-State-TV-Instructing-Russian-Citizens-To-Start-Prepping-For-The-Armageddon

    Meanwhile NATO sits fat, dumb and happy over what they think will be a non-response by Russia…Such were the same sort of miscalculations that lead to WW I in 1914 when the Austro-Hungarians believed the Russians would do nothing if they invaded Russia’s then ally, Serbia….but the Russians did object ….and (For details read, “THE GUNS OF AUGUST”)

    KG is right – The entire ME is not worth the bones one Allied soldier! What do we need it for? Oil? The USA and Canada produce more oil than the world needs even at half production levels.,

  14. Darin says:

    Vile SJW journo grandstands on the bodies of dead kids-

    Now that she’s been called out for the vile POS she is,she’s now claiming to be the victim :evil:

    • KG says:

      These people make me vomit :evil:

      • Ronbo says:

        When can we start shooting Leftists?

        …but seriously, does the Left have any concept of the sleeping giant they are waking up doing the crap?

        I think they do not know – and think they can keep dishing it out without blow back and without the hurt locker coming for them.

        Like Shakespeare said, “Every dog will have his day.”

  15. Ronbo says:

    Meanwhile, in New York City, the Russians are being trashed over Syria at the United Nations Security Council on national television – this looks real serious…war clouds gather….WW III war clouds. This is the same type of move the Bush Administration made just before the invasion of Iraq in 2003. The reason for that invasion was that Saddam allegedly had nuclear weapons…It turned out he didn’t 5,000 dead American soldiers later.

    Another false flag here with the nerve gas attack allegedly by the Syrian government?

    I mean can we believe the intelligence agencies of America who are engaged in a slow motion coup to overthrow the PUSA – and have a track record for getting it wrong concerning WMDs.

    • Darin says:

      That could be,or it could be something totally different.Having had time to think this through a bit more,just what do we know about Vlad?

      We know that he is a product of the 1960’s-70’s USSR,an old Soviet and a former KGB agent.

      We know he sees himself as the one to restore the old Soviet Empire,you remember them.The ones that wanted to conquer the whole world and were making good strides at it while bleeding the west,primarily the US,dry in terms of blood and treasure.The same ones that never met a rebel insurgent group that they didn’t arm and fund.

      We know what his mindset is,he wants to return to 1975,the year he went for training in the KGB.He wants a Russia that rules all the nations of the former eastern block and has satelite nations all over the globe including 90 miles off our coast.

      We know he is of the same mindset that left Afghanistan in the broken mess it was after their last expansionist adventure.We know he is of the same mind as those that proped up Syria,Libya and Iran and funded them while their terrorist spawn littered the Earth with death and destruction.

      We know they have never wavered in their support for Iran and Hezbollah,remember this little diddy?

      Now I have no love for anyone in Syria,the Christians,Yazidi and Beduins are all dead or displaced thanks to Isis.The Syrian muslims I don’t give a damn about,there are a few Kurds,but they can hold their own with our help.Frankly all the Syrian rapugees in Europe should be sent back,so they too can join the fight and I hope Vlad keeps pouring blood and treasure into that shithole.

      The question was raised what would Assad or Vlad have to gain from a gas attack now?Simple,it’s the most efficent way to clear a city.It’s fast and offers minimal risk of casualties.Casualties are something neither can afford.A lot of young Russians have been coming home in Pine boxes for the past few years.Russia’s involvement isn’t really popular back home despite them re-electing Putin by a sizable majority.This may seem at odds,but we have to remember being cannon fodder is their national past time.

      So,ya,Assad probably did use gas,the Russians lied about destroying all of it a couple years ago with that “leading behind” deal Kerry and Obama cooked up.Funny,the dems are accusing Trump of colluding with Russia,meanwhile it was Obama and co.that was in collusion and this morning the left are frothing at the mouth accusing Trump of war crimes because we blew up a few plants.

      I have no beef with the Russian people,but the Russian leadership are just the same as they always have been.They are like beligerent drunks with nothing better to do than stirr up shit and lie about it.

      Churchill was right in 1947.

      • Fred says:

        How so very convenient. Pretty much the same as what happened to the promise of loosing gun laws but then, Vegas and Parkland.

      • Things that make you go Hmmmmmmm…

        • KG says:

          I have the document in .pdf form if anybody wants it mailed to them.
          ‘MIT report
          Possible implications of faulty US technical intelligence in the Damascus nerve agent attack of August 21, 2013’

          • Pascal says:

            The most important implication stated there, ‘if we don’t root out the cause of the faulty intelligence we are subject to its repetition.’

  16. Pascal says:

    More. I didn’t see the featured Tucker Carlson piece until just now.

    • Ronbo says:

      Excellent find, Pascal – and the video brings out many points the Crusaders have made here already…My gut feeling (and my gut is always right) is two thumbs down on the war in Syria…I see it as lose-lose for America.

      …and maybe a big lose for world peace as the Russians are involved. I doubt if they are great lovers of the very ordinary looking Syrian dictator, Assad, but the Russians do like the fact he rents them a warm water port on the Med that allows the Russians to keep tabs on NATO.

      The thing you should never forget about the Russians – they suffer from an advanced case of xenophobia This is the irrational fear of foreigners that borders on paranoia- especially foreigners from the West – especially the NATO alliance of America and Europe (which would include the dread Germans who twice invaded Russia in the 20th century)

      Yes, the Europeans of today are tame little kittens compared to those hardcore Swedes, French and Germans (and the invading Western Armies include soldiers from every nation in Europe) of yesterday – but looking beyond the Europeans stand the Americans.

      Also, don’t forget the expansion of NATO into regions once held by the Soviet Union and the Russian Empire like the Baltic states where small numbers of American tanks stand within a day’s march of St. Petersburg – Russia’s second largest city. How would Americans feel if Russian tanks were stationed just over the Canadian border within a 24 hour motor march to New York City? Yes, the NATO forces of army, navy and air force units are small and sent there for defensive reasons, but from a Russian viewpoint they can easily be beefed up in a hurry. Ditto for the NATO forces in Finland and Norway….from a Russian viewpoint their northern flank looks dangerous.

      Then there is the Ukraine that may shortly become a NATO member – and there are areas in the Ukraine that are close to Moscow – capital and largest Russian city…from a Russian viewpoint the dangerous (to them) West is posed for the final push to overthrow the Motherland. Yes, there is no mad dictator like Hitler in the West who wants to make war on Russia, but a Russian patriot might say, “Yeah, not today…but tomorrow?”

      Add to all these conventional Russian fears the nuclear armed Western nations like America, Britain and France, who could in WW III rain down enough mega tons of nuclear destruction to end the 1,000 plus year Russian civilization.

      Anyhow, that’s my take as a Devil Advocate for Czar Putin – a typical Russian he is xenophobic as hell and fears the West, and pushed into what he thinks is a corner may well launch a nuclear attack on the West. After all, Putin is a military man and knows he who lands the first punch stands a better chance of winning the war.

      My advice: don’t push him into a corner by invading Syria with the goal of the overthrow of Assad…Let the Russians stay in Syria…Let Assad stay in charge.

  17. Grog says:

    Art Bell has gone to visit with the residents of the Andromeda Galaxy.

    • Ronbo says:

      Yes, I remember those radio broadcasts of his in the AM – they were spooky as hell, especially if you were on camping trip deep in the woods and watching the bushes – who you just knew were space aliens -slowly – but surely – get closer to the tent and YOU!

      R.I.P Art Bell – loved your program!

    • Pascal says:

      Spookier than Art Bell’s story line was his resemblance to Robert Reich. That connection ruined it for me.

  18. KG says:

    Tucker Carlson Goes on Epic Rant Against War in Syria

    • Ronbo says:

      I like Tucker Carlson (who reminds me of Chatsworth Osborne, Jr. – The prep school pal of Dobie Gillis in the hit 1960s comedy) and watch him most days on Fox News.

      Yes, he’s spot on – an excellent rant – one of his better lectures….but alas! Like the Crusaders, a voice crying in the wilderness – the elites will have their war to bring down the last of the Arab strongmen – especially since Trump is president and they can and will blame the resulting blood bath on him alone.

      A different day – the same script from the wars in Iraq and Libya being followed….British, American and French ground troops already in training for the CA Combat Assault on yet another third world shithole.

      Why did Trump go along with this nonsense, as he knows damn good and well from what happened to George Bush the political price of failure? My best theory is that he wants to be the strongman outside the country – as well as inside the country.

      …and a strongman like Trump with a Caesar Complex needs foreign victories to cement his hold on the country….The Left thinks they are using Trump to further their agenda, but Trump is thinking he’ll use their support in the short term to make himself more powerful.

      BTW, Trump’s favorite game is chess that he is said to be very good – and we know any good chess player plans in moves in advance.

  19. mawm says:


    “………according to the independent Swiss state Spiez lab, the substance used on Sergei Skripal was an agent called BZ, which was never produced in Russia, but was in service in the US, UK, and other NATO states.”

    The CIA has declared war on Russia.

    • KG says:

      Calling PM May…hello..hello?… :mrgreen:

      • Andy5759etc says:

        She’s got her head down. On whom I can only guess.

        • KG says:

          or what…..

          • Darin says:

            The mention of BZ in the article caught my attention since it’s not a nerve agent,and it’s not designed to kill.After a quick look Zerohedge used a RT article as it’s source and that article quoted the Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov’s claim from yesterday.Turns out the Swiss lab involved said no such thing-

            • KG says:

              Aha! Nice work.

              • Ronbo says:


                The Russians are sounding a tad bit guilty…I mean does anyone believe the camel jockey Syrians with a collective room temperature I.Q.could invent WMDs – and figure out a delivery system.

                I mean these are people who can’t figure how to build sewers and deliver drinkable water to the homes of their citizens.

                No, outside powers were behind the Syrian WMDs and the murder of innocents – the Russians, Iranians, or Chinese are prime suspects – and whether they gave the WMDs away to the Syrian rebels or the government is beside the point.

                I ask you – who is more guilty – the man who hires a hit man to murder an innocent person, or the killer?

                The blood is on both hands – and law would sentence both parts of a murder conspiracy to the same death sentence.

                • Darin says:

                  Making nerve agents isn’t that hard,heck there are common household and shop checmicals in most homes that can accidentally generate nerve agent if used improperly.
                  Delievery is much more complex which is why these third world actors use so much agent and yeild so few casualties.When Saddam used it on the Kurds he used so much that it was still persistent in the soil months after the attack.

                  In the case of Syria,my own belief as to what happened is the Syrian army did this attack of their own accord.The Russians may have not had any knowledge that they were fixing to do it and for that matter may have not known that the Syrian army still had stores or even capability of manufacture.Or not,at this point only a very few people know what actually happened.
                  Given that the Russians pulled out their men and material from harms way and stood down for the Coalition missle attack I think all the bluff and bluster from the Russians over the past two weeks was a way of saving face without admitting they are in bed with Dogs.

                • mawm says:

                  Organophosphates, used in insecticides, are excellent nerve agents; it’s just the dose needed to cause respiratory muscle paralysis is quite high. Even repeated smaller doses over a few weeks will work as they have a long half-life.

  20. Darin says:

    Global Warming everywhere,but not here-

    Winter is hanging around late here folks,good luck to all in the Southern Hemisphere,odds are winter will be a bastard there too.

    This morning’s temps should have been 68-70F but we got 46F instead,bit low for this late in April.

    • Darin says:

      Of the eastcoast leftwing media fruitcakes,the New Yorker is especially nutty.

      Oh and given the choice Chic-fil-a is where I eat.The resturants are always clean,have good food and stellar service.I can’t say that about any other food chain.

  21. Ronbo says:

    The track records of governments starting wars for the greater good of their oligarchies is not good:

    This strategy of deception was illustrated by the Nazi propagandist Herman Goering, who famously said:

    “Of course the people don’t want war. Why should some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally, the common people don’t want war neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.”

  22. KG says:

    From Breitbart:
    ‘China Forcing Muslims to Eat Pork at ‘Mind Transformation Centers’

    • Grog says:

      This is when people find out all wheel drive is useless if the snow is halfway up the door.

  23. KG says:

    Bureaucrat scum rule the world. I just got this email from a friend and his experience is by no means unusual. How big a drag on the economy is this kind of thing ?
    ‘Without going into detail I recently paid an
    Infringement Notice online by using the system given on the notice. I
    paid on Friday noting that I was to receive an email confirming payment.
    I have not yet received said email. I rang the local cop shop at 8:30
    this morning (they answered after about 20 rings) and was told they
    can’t tell me if it has been paid because the Police Infringement Bureau
    is separate from the regular police (despite the infringement being
    issued by the police). They suggested I email the ‘ticket@’ address
    given with the notice. Having done so, I got the following automatic

    “Thank you for your email.

    Please note that our current queues are at 10 working days and we aim to
    respond to your enquiry as quickly as possible.

    Kind regards.

    Police Infringement Bureau | Road Policing Support | New Zealand Police


    I’m still shaking my head.’

    • Gregoryno6 says:

      Would the response be quicker than that if you threw a ham sandwich at an imam?
      Hell, I don’t know why I even ask.

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      Here’s another one for you KG. On my way to work this morning, I saw a large motor home parked on a corner. It was wide enough to extend well outside the parking lines. Coming the other way was a semi-truck and trailer. I had to pull over and stop behind some parked cars to give the truck room to get through.

      When I got to the office, I phoned the local police. After hearing my story, I was transferred to the national traffic call centre. I repeated my tale and was told they would notify the local police to have someone go check.

      Talk about going in circles when dealing with the bureaucracy!

  24. Ronbo says:

    Meanwhile, President Trump’s approval grows stronger at 51% this morning – much higher than Obama’s at this point in his term.

    Why? My humble opinion is that the American people want a strong, decisive leader – and whether or not you agree with Trump shooting the missiles at Syria, you have to admit he did act quickly to kick butt and take names.

    Another factor IMHO is how well he stands up to the Leftist electronic propaganda beamed 24/7 – and I think this impresses the American People, as they understand no American president since Lincoln has been attacked in the Media for so long and in such a disrespectful and threatening manner – but every day and in any venue open to him like Twitter, Trump counter punches right back.

    “That which does not destroy us, makes us stronger.”

    I would compare the man to Churchill in 1940 just after the fall of France when even his own Conservative party – and the rest British elite – wanted peace talks to start with Hitler. Churchill brain stormed the issue for several days, and finally at the suggestion of his wife, he did an informal poll of the British People by taking London subway rides, city bus trips and just walking about in public talking to the man and woman in street.

    What did he find out from Joe Q. Public? The vast majority wanted to fight Hitler to the bitter end “no surrender-no retreat-victory or death”…..which, of course, was just what an old warhorse wanted to hear. Thus encouraged he stood up to the most dangerous enemy – the British elite – and defeated the Nazis.

  25. KG says:

    Police protect judges at home from ‘intimidating’ Family Court protesters
    Kirsty Swadling, the chair of the Family Law Section of the New Zealand Law Society, said she was also aware and concerned about the protests targeting judges.
    …Ministry of Justice general manager for health, safety and security Melissa Gill said….
    ….Chief District Court Judge Jan-Marie Doogue, also the acting Principal Family Court Judge,…..

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      I see the protestors have not broken any laws. Try getting police protection from Leftie protestors if you stand against abortion.

    • mawm says:

      No comment by the author on the unfairness of the family courts toward men tho’.

      • KG says:

        Of course not. That would be “taking sides” wouldn’t it? That’s for coverage of socialists and/or wimmin. Anyway, whatever else Kiwi journos are, courage and objectivity aren’t on the list.

  26. Yokel says:

    As a change from heavyweight politics for almost 10 minutes, some gentle light relief: North Korean steam locomotive cab ride

  27. Michael in Nelson says:

    This is reported as if it wasn’t already known to anyone who cared to check.

    • Darin says:

      I did the math on this for my house a couple years ago.To build in the capacity I needed to run the house including AC during the summer,this was buying my own components and doing the installation myself,it would have cost me $25,000 turnkey.
      With my yearly electricity costs averaging $1500/year that would mean a 16-1/2 year break even,assuming nothing crapped out in that time.While it’s possible to get lead acid batteries to function out to 15 years,it doesn’t happen without maintinence.
      The kicker here and one the article didn’t mention is the effect subsidies have on the market.*IF* the government hadn’t been throwing subsidies at the market we would have seen the cost of panels,which are the major expense,go down.Instead they are at nearly the same cost floor they were ten years ago.
      If we could have had the free market set the price of panels,I would bet my costs would have been $15,000 or less at which point I would have pulled the trigger on it.

    • KG says:

      Agenda 21?
      Suitably vague wishy-washy feelgood boilerplate which amounts to an open cheque and virtually unlimited power for councils..
      What could possibly go wrong.

  28. Darin says:

    PJW on the latest cancer from the perpetually offended-

  29. Darin says:

    Last of a dying breed,a visit to a screw machine shop-

    Kind of the DNA of industry,they make all the fiddly little parts by the millions for all the things that make our lives easier.

    • KG says:

      I love this stuff!
      Breathes there a man with soul so dead…..he hasn’t wondered “how the f**k did they make this?”

  30. Ronbo says:

    The little Leftist judge thinks its just peachy keen for the sacred “client-attorney privilege” to be violated because the client involved is Trump…and – well – we know the foaming at the mouth, carpet chewing hatred the Left has for Trump and his Deplorable supporters like me…but – Hey! Commie bastards – Deplorables like me have nothing but contempt for subhuman traitors such as the judge in question.

    However, our hatred is the cold, silent, and calculating type that is much more dangerous in the long run to your health than the irrational child-like temper fits that you silly creatures pull daily.

    • Ronbo says:

      It looks like S&M run amok! Well, that’s what happens when kids get involved in adult pleasures like dungeons, whips, boiling water and dragon ladies! As is well known the adult professional S&M mistress doesn’t leave marks on the slave body that can lead to a real state run dungeon with meaner dragon ladies.

  31. Ronbo says:

    Meanwhile, in a New York City park during the early morning hours -an environmentalist wacko job – proves beyond the shadow of a doubt – that he – indeed! is a wacko job by burning himself to death in protest of the fact that no one believes the Leftist Global Warming Hoax anymore – except – apparently – environmentalist wacko jobs like him on the loony Left.

    Do we see a common theme here?

    R.I.P. He Will Not Be Missed!

    P.S. NYC Leftist Daily News and New York Times got a tip off to send reporters and cameras to record the suicide for the 6 pm news but couldn’t spare the crew, as they are all in for Trump impeachment…..that ain’t gonna happen.

  32. KG says:

    An hour of utterly absorbing, jaw-dropping fascination. And beauty.
    BBC How to Build a Cathedral

    • Darin says:

      So it was the Normans that brought civilization to England? :mrgreen:

      Amazing,especially considering that our ancestors highest expression of art and science was in devotion to Faith.

  33. KG says:

    The left’s insatiable urge to ban:
    and, unrelated:
    “I have another question. How is it possible that America, the UK and France formed an alliance and delivered a well-orchestrated, coordinated military strike only seven days after the reported gassing in Douma? I’ve got to believe it was pre-planned and waiting for an ostensible rationale.”

    He’s right. Planning for this strike would have been very complex and time-consuming.

    • Pascal says:

      It also suggests, given reports of diplomacy no matter what is said to the news up front, that Putin had a role to play as well.

      • Darin says:

        The gas production and storage facilities were not the only target.Also note that more bombing occured yesterday.

  34. KG says:

    This dimshit recycler of green crap is actually given space in the NZ Herald business section! :shock:
    ‘Rachel Stewart: The sun has already set on oil ‘

    What’s even more depressing is that so many useful idiots will take it seriously.

  35. KG says:

    Remus: ‘This is an actual police photo from a real police department in England. Not satire. Real. ‘

  36. Darin says:

    Simplicity has a beauty all it’s own-The M3A1 Grease Gun

    After some cock ups with some re-cut mags it runs great.One gun I would love to have someday

  37. mawm says: Now let’s see a Grand Jury empaneled.

    “House Oversight and Government Reform Committee member Rep. Ron DeSantis, R-Florida, along with nine other colleagues sent the letter Wednesday to Sessions and FBI Director Christopher Wray criminally referring former FBI Director James Comey, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former Attorney General Loretta Lynch, and former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe for their involvement in the investigations into President Trump and alleged violations of federal law. FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok and his paramour FBI lawyer Lisa Page, whose anti-Trump text messages obtained by the DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz, were also included in the referral.”

  38. Darin says:

    I knew this was going to happen-

    Despite my disagreements with 41,43 and Jeb I have zero ill will towards Barbara.I always thought she was a class act that knew her best place was by her husbands side backing him in every way she could.
    She had in one second of her life more class than this fat mooselem pig will ever have in her entire life piss be upon her :evil:

  39. Ronbo says:

    The Big Cheers for Australia!

    The Aussies are putting out the red carpet for white South African farmers under attack by the Communist ANC and other black scumbag terroists hoping to redo the Holocaust with whites as the victims in the traditional low tech African manner of stabbings, shootings, beheadings and burning.

    Meanwhile, America does nothing to help millions of white Africans facing mass murder…Hey, Congress: At least do an economic boycott of SA.

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      Our Leftist government is playing the three monkeys over this.

    • mawm says:

      Like most farming communities the youth have migrated to the cities and the farming population is aged. I wonder how many of these will uproot and start afresh. Looking at the reports of the sadistic violence perpetrated on farmers the victims are often in their 70’s and 80’s. It is a sad, hopeless situation.

    • Gregoryno6 says:

      “The Pastoralists and Graziers ­Association in Western Australia wants persecuted white South ­African farmers allowed into Australia to fill skilled labour shortages in the agricultural sector.”

  40. Michael in Nelson says:

    Breaking news…The IG report on McCabe has released its report and passed it to prosecutors for criminal charges…Popcorn time!

  41. KG says:

    It’s past time to start lynching some fucking bureaucrats. :evil:

    also in NZ:

    ‘Cancellation of controversial talk ‘brutal censorship’
    A controversial talk was cancelled for “health and safety” concerns, leading the speaker to believe he has been censored.
    Bruce Moon was invited by the Nelson Institute to speak and he chose to present on what he calls the “fake history” of New Zealand, focusing on the Treaty of Waitangi, its interpretation and its implementation…’

  42. KG says:

    ‘Soldiers banned from displaying ‘symbols of death’ by new Defence chief Angus Campbell
    …”The symbology to which I refer erodes this ethos of service.’’

    Spartan symbols are banned also, because of their culture of “extreme militarism”. Idiot instructions such as these are what helps to erode the ethos of service, you clown. :evil:
    Let’s hope the ADF never has to fight some “extreme militarists” in future, eh?
    All part of the pussification of the West.